From your WorkDesk, click on the hamburger icon on the left to expand your top-most search options/how you want to start your search. The Module - The top level category of records The + Sign - Starts a New Record The Magnify Glass - Takes you to the search screen The Record Name (under the Module) - Takes you to a new blank screen
What the screen looks like after opening with the Record Name (under the Module level of data) In the next screen, the Record Name can be found at the top: In this example, Personal Query is the record name. Next you would click on Search to dive deeper into this screen.
See the previous section, What is a Query? > Anatomy of a Search/Query Screen, for more details. Execute - This will run the query. Basic/Advanced Search - Toggling between the two will show which option you will go to, NOT which option you are on. Reset - Resets the entire query screen.
Under Action on the left of the query screen, click on New Query. In the New Query screen, first complete the Title field. The Description field below it is optional. When Query Listing and Query Count are set to Yes, the Query can be displayed on the Dashboard. Setting the yellow and/or red flag fields will make the query flag turn yellow or red on the WorkDesk or when it reaches the set number. These fields are optional. The Chart Type will identify the different charting options to display a visual representation of the data you are about to build a query for. When you are finished and click on Done, the search will open in build mode.
After all criteria are entered, click Save to save the query. Selecting Execute will take you to the results/Browse View of the query.
In your query search results, click on a Record link to display the details of that record.
You can also click the blue Search button to return to the Query screen for the name you chose on the record level under the module you chose (in this example, Personal Query).
Before we saved a query, the only option under Action was New Query. Now, Edit Query has been added. Under View, there were previously no options. But after saving 1 or more queries, those saved queries are listed under this section.
Some query screens might have multiple tables involved. The primary table is listed first. After that, additional tables will have its own headings. If the header is indented, the table is subordinate to the table above it.
Display Order functionality allows you to specify which fields you want to see and the order you wan to see them in, in the Query Results screen. Ascending (Asc) or Descending (Dsc) are additional Display Order options. Special Operators will be used with new WorkDesk queries to make them easier to share across the units. These operators (=, <, >, null, …) work with dates and allow the query to use the characteristics of dates to pull records in a more focused manner.