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Comment: Import Macro Repair


  1. The customer enters a request through the BOSS form

  2. The Budget Approver receives an email to approve the request. The Budget Approver opens the form and updates the Budget Approval status to Approved.

  3. Unit Coordinator or The FASS Service Center (depending on unit) designates the FASS Assignment

    1. Note: automations are tied to the FASS Assignments

  4. If Assigned to “FASS Purchasing Assistance” then an email is sent to The Service Desk assigns the reporter (requester from form), assigns the FASS Buyer, and enters the ticket number in the “Purchase Reference #” field in Dynamic View. 
    1. The Service Desk will update the Reporter to the Requester and assign the ticket to the designated Buyer

  5. The Service Desk enters the Jira ticket number in the Purchase Reference number in the dynamic view details 

  6. The Buyer receives an email from Jira and processes the request

    1. Link to the dynamic view and details from the BOSS request are available in the ticket description

  7. Click on the dynamic view link and check for budget approval before completing the purchase. If the status does not change to "Approved" within 24 hours, delete the "Requested" status, save, then select 'Requested" again and save. This will trigger another email to the budget approver to review and approve the request. 

  8. If more information is needed or if there are questions, communicate with the customer in the Jira ticket
  9. Use Duck Depot, if possible to make the purchase
    1. Catalog Duck Depot – use 3324 BOSS DD card (store it in your profile)
    2. If not in Catalog Duck Depot
      1. Non Catalog DD, if vendor already exists or if time allows to get vendor added (use your PCard)
      2. If DD not an option:
        1. Goods more than $5000 or if the vendor requires it, create a paper PO. Use the Jira ticket # as the PO #. The account # and comm code fields can be left blank.
        2. If no PO required, FASSBO-XXXX is the purchase reference #.
      3. Purchases for services require a PO or contract – consult Heather or PCS, if questions.
  10. Update the Jira ticket with the purchase information (PO, receipt, ETA, etc.). Inform them their order is placed, the ETA for delivery, and instructions to reply to the ticket with the delivery date and a scan of the receipt or packing slip once their order is delivered.
    1. If delivery is directly to customer and not FASS Warehouse, use the “Deliver to Customer” canned language in Jira. This instructs customers to reply to the ticket with a scanned copy of the packing slip/receipt when they receive the order.
    2. If delivery will be to FASS Warehouse, use the “Deliver to FASS Warehouse” canned language in Jira.
  11. Update Dynamic View
    1. Attach PO, receipt, and any other associated purchase documentation to the “Attachments” tab. You can drag and drop the file or click "attach file" to browse and select a file. 

  12. Update the Data tab with
    1. Purchase Method
    2. Deliver to Location (if not already filled in)
    3. Contract or PO #, if applicable
    4. PCard/Duck Depot Last Four, if applicable
    5. Notes
    6. Order Status to “Order Placed – Notify Requester” – do this last before saving. Once saved with this status, the line will be removed from the purchasing assistance DV (it can be restored if needed).
  13. Once everything is updated, update the Order Status last then click save.

  14. Reassign the Jira ticket to Accounting. They will be responsible for the ticket going forward.
    1. Reassign the ticket to Tony Miller for purchases that will be invoiced
    2. Reassign the ticket to Deanna Tarango for Pcard purchases
    3. Note: see Business Ops Matrix for questions about primary agent for each supported unit.
  15. Instructions to Vendors:
    1. Email invoices to or send to

      FASS A/P

      6233 University of Oregon

      Eugene, OR 97403

      Purchase Reference – can be PO or Purchase Reference #


  1. The customer (requester) fills cart in DD and assigns to the designated Buyer. 
    1. Requester indicates Index/Account Code and Deliver To in the Notes Section 

  2. Buyer will get an email from Duck Depot notifying them that the cart has been assigned.
    1. Requesters will include the index/account #, Deliver To location, and Budget Approver in the Notes section of the request

  3. Buyer reviews and prepares the order.
  4. Change the address if the requester wants the item drop shipped to their office.
    Image Removed
  5. Use the 3324 duck depot card (store it in your profile)
  6. Update index and account code
  7. Save order

  8. The buyer The Buyer fills out the department's BOSS form (access department BOSS form shortcuts here) request to obtain the budget approval and create an entry for reconciliation of DD statement.
    1. Select the Requester from the drop-down menu or enter the email address if not listed in the drop-down
    2. Choose "Duck Depot - Cart Sent to Buyer to Complete" as the Request type.
    3. Fill in the remaining fields and submit

  9. Once this form is submitted, a line will be visible in the Purchasing Assistance Dynamic View.
    Image RemovedThe Budget Approver receives an email to approve the request. The Budget Approver opens the form and updates the Budget Approval status to Approved.
    Image Added

  10. Budget Approver gets email to approve. One approved, the Purchaser will get an email to notify them the request was approved.

    Once approved, complete the cart in DD and update the DV line:
  11. The FASS Service Center designates the FASS Assignment to "FASS Purchasing Assistance"
    Image Added

  12. Once the request is assigned to “FASS Purchasing Assistance” an email is sent to The Service Desk assigns the reporter (requester from form), assigns the FASS Buyer, and enters the ticket number in the “Purchase Reference #” field in Dynamic View. 
    1. The Service Desk will update the Reporter to the Requester and assign the ticket to the designated Buyer
      Image Added

  13. The Service Desk enters the Jira ticket number in the Purchase Reference number in the dynamic view details 
    Image Added

  14. The Buyer receives an email from Jira and processes the request
    Image Added
    1. Link to the dynamic view and details from the BOSS request are available in the ticket description

  15. If more information is needed or if there are questions, communicate with the customer in the Jira ticket
  16. The Buyer reviews and prepares the order in DuckDepot
  17. Change the address if the requester wants the item drop shipped to their office.
    Image Added

  18. Use the 3324 duck depot card (store it in your profile)
  19. Update index and account code
  20. Save order
  21. Complete the cart in DD
  22. Update the Jira ticket with the purchase information (PO, receipt, ETA, etc.). Inform them their order is placed, the ETA for delivery, and instructions to reply to the ticket with the delivery date and a scan of the receipt or packing slip once their order is delivered.
    1. If delivery is directly to customer and not FASS Warehouse, use the “Deliver to Customer” canned language in Jira. This instructs customers to reply to the ticket with a scanned copy of the packing slip/receipt when they receive the order.
    2. If delivery will be to FASS Warehouse, use the “Deliver to FASS Warehouse” canned language in Jira.
  23. Update the Dynamic View

    1. Add PO to the Attachment tab first (can drag and drop).
    2. Once the order status is changed to “Order Placed – Notify Requester,” the line will move off of the “Purchasing Assistance DV” and will be visible on the “Orders Placed” DV.
  24. Reassign the Jira ticket to Accounting. They will be responsible for the ticket going forward.
    1. Reassign the ticket to Tony Miller for purchases that will be invoiced
    2. Reassign the ticket to Deanna Tarango for Pcard purchases
    3. Note: see Business Ops Matrix for questions about primary agent for each supported unit.

Delivery: Warehouse or Requester Receiving Order Step-by-step guide
