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Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Reusable Excerpts - Master'.

Queries allow for users to search in AiM with a defined set of criteria. The query results will display a specific set of data based on the criteria selected. The search criteria fields contain operators that can be used to search records in different ways, such as “Starts with”, “Ends with”, or “Contains”.

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Reusable Excerpts - Master'.

 Query Overview
  • A search/query exists for every single record in AiM. There is no limit. If the data is in the system, you can query it.

  • Queries can be built for a single search or saved for future use. Saved queries

    • Can be made into a Dashboard Widget and shared with a group.

    • Can be used for Highcharts and added to Dashboard Widgets.

  • You can access the Query/Search screen in a couple of ways:

    • Clicking on a magnifying glass icon at any level within the AiM platform.

    • Inside any Record that you have open, click on the blue Search button. This will take you to the Query/Search screen for that specific Record and the Module it’s in.

 Anatomy of a Query Screen
 Basic Overview
  1. To navigate to a query screen, from the WorkDesk, click on any module in the left hamburger icon Menu.

  2. In the next screen, you will find additional left menu options, some of which have a magnify glass icon next to them.

  3. Click on a magnify glass icon next to your menu choice for which you would like to create a query for.

  4. These three buttons can be found at the top-left of a query screen:

    1. Execute - Runs the query

    2. Basic Search/Advanced Search - This is a toggle. The button will show which option you will go to by clicking it. NOT which option you are on.

    3. Reset - Resets the entire query screen to their default settings.

  5. On a query screen, under Action (left menu), you will find the link to open and create a New Query.

  6. Below the Action menu, under the View menu, you can also find any past queries you have saved.

 Display Order - Numerical Order

Display Order is a functionality of the Query screen that allows you to set the order of the columns of information that will show up in the search results screen.

By default, each query will display a set of predetermined fields. Predetermined fields can be overridden by placing numbers in the boxes under the Display Order column. Once a number is entered, only numbers with values entered will be displayed. With this feature, it’s best to start with numbers like 10, 20, 30, etc. to allow other elements to be added in between without having to renumber other fields.

AiM often remembers information from your last search. Whenever creating a new search, click on Reset

After setting up your Display Order and pressing Execute, the columns in your search results screen will display in the order relative to the numerical values you entered.

Under the Action menu on the left, the search can be exported to Excel by clicking on Export.

 Display Order - Asc/Dsc

In addition to the ability to set the Display Order using numbers in the designated fields, another part of the Display Order feature includes the ability to select between Ascending (Asc) or Descending (Dsc).

 Value & Operator

🟩 Value

Searching for a Work Order with the Value, 12345, this is the value used by the operator to determine if a record will be included in the query results or not.


🟩 Operator

Some standard Operators that can be applied to many rows of your search criteria include =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, Stars with, Ends with, Contains, Does not contain, In and Not in

Dates have some unique Operators, including Between, Older than, Last, Within, Next, Newer than, >= Today, Null and Not Null.

🟩 Other Operators: Null & Not Null

With some data elements, you can look to see if the element is empty (Null) or has something/anything in it (Not Null).

🟩 Operators in Headers

Table Headers can also (other than the Primary/top Table) have a drop down, to affect your final search results.

 Subordinate Tables (aka Supplemental Tables)

🟩 Query Screens with Multiple Tables

A query screen might have multiple tables involved. The Primary Table is listed first. After that, each additional table will have its own Heading Bar. If the header is indented, the table is subordinate to the table above it.

🟩 Display Order & Header Operations

Subordinate Tables will either have the Display Order column and its sort options, or the Header Operations (Operator dropdown list next to the header). It cannot have both.

The Subordinate Tables without the Display Order column options cannot be displayed in the final query results.

 Query Screens Overview
 Starting a Search

From your WorkDesk, click on the hamburger icon on the left to expand your top-most search options/how you want to start your search.

  • The Module - The top level category of records

  • The + Sign - Starts a New Record

  • The Magnify Glass - Takes you to the Query screen

  • The Record Name (under the Module) - Takes you to a new blank screen on that record level. (From there, you can also access the Query screen by clicking on the Search button in the record screen).

 Starting a New Query from a Record

🟩 Opening a Record

After opening a Record under a Module, you can see the record name at the top of your screen, and the Search button right below that. Clicking on Search will allow you to dive deeper from this screen, and start a query.


🟩 The Query Screen

Some primary features in the Query screen include:

  • Execute - This will run the query.

  • Basic/Advanced Search - Toggling between the two options will show which option you will go to, NOT which option you are on.

  • Reset - Resets the entire query screen to defaults

  • Action > New Query - Under the Action menu on the left, click on New Query to start a new query.

 The New Query Screen

When starting a new query, you’ll first be sent to a New Query screen, where you give the Query a title and select some basic preferences.

  • Title - This field is mandatory

  • Description - This field is optional

  • Query Listing & Query Count - When set to Yes, the query can be displayed on the Dashboard

  • Yellow & Red - Optional fields. When used, a query flag will turn yellow or red on the WorkDesk when it reaches the set number

  • Module - The module section displays the screen from which the personal query will be based.

  • Chart Type (aka the AiM IQ embedded reports section/block) - Identifies the different charting options to display a visual representation of the data you are about to build a query for.

When you are finished with all the above settings, click Done.

Click Save to save the Query.

Selecting Execute will take you to the results/Browse View of the query.

 Query Results (aka Browse View)
  1. In your query search results, click on a Record link to display the details of that record.

  2. Or, you can click the blue Search button (in the first screenshot) to return to the Query screen (second screenshot) for the name you chose on the record level under the module you chose (in this example, Personal Query).


 How the Query Screen Looks After Saving 1+ Queries

Before we saved a query, the only option under Action was New Query. Now, Edit Query has been added.

Under View, there were previously no options. But after saving 1 or more queries, those saved queries are listed under this section.


 Query Screen Structure & Display Order

🟩 Query Screen Structure

  • Some query screens might have multiple tables involved.

  • The primary table is listed first.

  • After that, additional tables will have its own headings.

  • If the header is indented, the table is subordinate to the table above it.

🟩 Display Order - Numerical

Display Order functionality (set by entering numbers into fields) allows you to specify which fields you want to see and the order you wan to see them in, in the Query Results screen.

🟩 Display Order - Ascending/Discending

Ascending (Asc) or Descending (Dsc) are additional Display Order options.

 Special Operators
  • Special Operators are used with new WorkDesk queries to make them easier to share across the units.

  • Operators (=, <, >, null, …) that work with dates allow the query to use the characteristics of dates to pull records in a more focused manner.

  • Table of Operators and their Descriptions

 Personal Queries

Personal Queries can be created under any Module in AiM.

You can also view All Personal Queries created under All Modules

  1. From the WorkDesk, click on the hamburger icon on the left and click on the System Administration Module

  2. Click on the Magnify Glass icon next to Personal Query

  3. In the next screen, click Execute to view all your Personal Queries. You will see a list of your personal queries (example screenshot, below).

  4. Click on one of the Query links to open that page.

  5. Here, you can Edit the chosen query and share the query to group(s).

\uD83D\uDCD8 Step-by-Step Tutorial

🟩 Query Overview

Why will a Query help me? When using a database full of information you will want to retrieve very specific records. These records can be obtained by utilizing a query. 

 Click here for 👉 What is a Query?

A search exists for every single record in AiM

Query example - You have a $5,000 budget and 12 employees have charged time to this work order and we are currently at $5,800.

Create a query that will tell you - All the jobs that are over budget or I wanna see all the jobs that are 25% of going over budget.

What is a Query?

Throughout the AiM system, you can create a New Query. Queries are built inside of a search screen. You can access a Query/Search screen in a couple of ways:

  1. Clicking on a magnifying glass icon at any level within the AiM platform.

  2. Inside any Record that you have open, click on the blue Search button. This will take you to the Query/Search screen for that specific Record and the Module it’s in.

Queries do not work like Google, Yahoo, and other search engines where you can use multiple words in a single field and get related results. Though the results will be different, every Query screen will have the same buttons and options for building and saving the search.  The part that changes is the data being searched for within the record.

  • A query is a custom search for details about records in AiM.

  • After executing a query it will display a "Browse" list of all the records that match the different search elements.  

  • Queries can be built for a single search or saved for future use.

  • Queries can be shared with other people or groups of people.

  • Saved Queries can be made into a Dashboard Widget and shared with a group.

  • Saved Queries can be used for Highcharts. These are visual displays of the results in the form of a chart or graph.  These charts can be added to Dashboard Widgets.

  • 👉 There is no limit. If the data is in the system, you can query it!

A personal query is a custom search for desired information based specifically on the user creating it.
Optionally, it may be associated to a role for more global usage.

Examples of some common Queries

  • Show all Work Orders for a specific building.

  • Show all Work Orders assigned to a specific person.

  • Show all Purchase Orders to a specific vendor.

  • List all active properties.

  • Find my "Employee Profile".

  • Display all emergency or high priority Work Orders.

🟩 Anatomy of a Query Screen

Queries allow for users to search in AiM with a defined set of criteria. The query results will display a specific set of data based on the criteria selected. For example, the search criteria fields contain operators that can be used to search records in different ways, such as “Starts with”, “Ends with”, or “Contains”.

Basic Overview

 Click here for ➡️ Basic Overview
  1. To navigate to a query screen, from the WorkDesk, click on any module in the left hamburger icon Menu.

  2. In the next screen, you will find additional left menu options, some of which have a magnify glass icon next to them.

  3. Click on a magnify glass icon next to your menu choice for which you would like to create a query for.

  4. These three buttons can be found at the top-left of a query screen:

  • Execute - Runs the query

  • Basic Search/Advanced Search - This is a toggle. The button will show which option you will go to by clicking it. NOT which option you are on.

Basic vs Advanced Search
Basic Search - Gives the user a limited number of options for searching. This is often sufficient for more users.
Advanced Search - Gives the user access to more query options to do more complex queries.

By default, all users start with Basic Search. Your System Administrator can change your default for you.

  • Reset - Resets the entire query screen. This is useful when your search results appear to be wrong. You can click Reset and start over knowing all fields have been reset to their default settings.

  1. Below is a screenshot of the search page for Asset Package, under the Asset Management module. Under Action in the left menu, you will find the link to open and begin creating a New Query.

  2. Below Action, View will be empty until the Query has been saved.

Queries you have already created can also be edited and either replace the original query or saved as a completely new query.


Display Order - Numerical Order

 Click here for ➡️ Display Order - Numerical Order

Display Order is a functionality of the Query screen that allows you to set the order of the columns of information that will show up in the search results screen.

By default, each query will display a set of predetermined fields. These can be overridden by placing numbers in this box. Once a number is entered, only numbers with values entered will be displayed. With this feature, it’s best to start with numbers like 10, 20, 30, etc. to allow other elements to be added in between without having to renumber other fields. Consecutive numbers are not required. All of this is explained in more detail later in this section.


Here, we’ll start with a basic search query to walk through the details of using the Display Order feature.

  1. From your WorkDesk, select the Module under the Menu to perform a search. In this example, Work Management is selected.

  1. In the screen for the Module you selected (in this example, Work Management), under Menu, select Phase by selecting the magnify icon.

The Phase search has the most options.

  1. In the next screen, click on Search.

  1. You can toggle between Basic Search and Advanced Search.  Basic Search will not allow you to sequence the way the phase search results are displayed (explained in Step 5, Display Order). 

AiM often remembers information from your last search. Whenever creating a new search, click on Reset

  1. The Display Order column allows you to sequence the search results and display the columns of data in a specific order.

When sequencing numbers for the display order don't enter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.  It is better to allow space between your numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. in case you want to go back and modify the search by displaying another field. 

In this example, we want the columns of data in our search results to be presented in this order: Work Orders, Phase, Phase Description, Status, and Shop.

[Display Order 5] Displays the Work Order number first/in the 1st column of our search results because 5 is the smallest number we enter in a Display Order field for this search.  Typically all that is needed in a search at the work order level is the work order number. 


[Display Order 10] Display the Phase number next/in the 2nd column of our search results because 10 is the 2nd smallest number we enter in a Display Order field.

[Display Order 20] Display the phase Description.  The phase Description will show up in the 3rd column of our search results because 20 is the 3rd smallest number entered in a Display Order field for this search.

[Display Order 30] Displays the Status in the 4th column.  Select the operator to make the search more meaningful.  In this example Closed, Closing, Incomplete, Deferred, and Complete - Pending R are excluded by changing the Operator to not in.

[Display Order 40] Displays the Shop in the 5th column.  Select the shop desired for the search.  In this example, Electrical is the shop search.

  1. When done select Execute.

  1. Notice the display order of the columns is the sequencing that was added to the Display Order fields.

  1. Under the Action menu, the search can be exported to Excel by clicking on Export.


Display Order - Asc/Dsc

 Click here for ➡️ Display Order - Asc/Dsc

In addition to the ability to set the Display Order using numbers in the designated fields, another part of the Display Order feature includes the ability to select between Ascending (Asc) or Descending (Dsc).


Value & Operator

 Click here for ➡️ Value, Sort & Operator

🟩 Value

Searching for a Work Order with the Value, 12345, this is the value used by the operator to determine if a record will be included in the query results or not.


🟩 Operator

Here (screenshot) is a standard list of Operators that can be applied to most rows of your search criteria.


The logical operators (=, >, <, >=, <=, <>) work as expected. Starts with and Ends with work by looking for the value at the beginning or end of the data element. Contains just looks for the value anywhere in the data element. In and not in let you build a list of values and then the query will include records where the data element is either in or not in the list.

The operators by End Date (screenshot below) only work with dates and allow the query to use the characteristics of dates to pull records in a more focused manner. Operators unique to date criteria include: Between, Older than, Last, Within, Next and Newer than


🟩 Other Operators: Null & Not Null

With some data elements, you can look to see if the element is empty (Null) or has something/anything in it (Not Null).

🟩 Operators in Table Headers

Table Headers can also (other than the Primary/top Table) have a drop down. The example below shows the Notes Log header operators.


Select - This is the default value. With Select, any criteria selected from this section acts just like the criteria in the first section.

Not Exists - The only records returned will be those where there is no record from this subordinate table. For example, when searching for Work Orders and you select Not Exists for the Notes Log, you will get Work Orders that don’t have any notes.

Exists - This is the opposite of Not Exists. So, for the example above, the search will return any Work Orders that have a Notes Log record.

Match All - With Match All selected, only records where all the records on this subordinate table are selected will be returned. An example of this would be for a Work Order query where the Phase is set to Match All and a Shop is selected. The only Work Orders returned will be ones where ALL the Phases have a specific shop.

Subordinate Tables (aka Supplemental Tables)

 Click here for ➡️ Subordinate Tables

Query Screens with Multiple Tables

A query screen might have multiple tables involved. The Primary Table is listed first. After that, each additional table will have its own Heading Bar. If the header is indented, the table is subordinate to the table above it.

In the screenshot example below, the Notes Log table is a Subordinate Table to the Primary Table (which is always the top-most table of a query screen).


Display Order & Header Operations

Subordinate Tables will either have the Display Order column and its sort options, or the Header Operations (Operator dropdown list next to the header). It cannot have both.

The Subordinate Tables without the Display Order column options cannot be displayed in the final query results.

In the screenshot below, red boxes around columns can be displayed (tables with display order boxes) and green can’t (no display order boxes).


🟩 Query Screens Overview

Below are detailed descriptions for navigating the screens found when creating a Query.

Starting a Search

 Click here for ➡️ Starting a Search

From your WorkDesk, click on the hamburger icon on the left to expand your top-most search options/how you want to start your search.

  • The Module - The top level category of records

  • The + Sign - Starts a New Record

  • The Magnify Glass - Takes you to the Query screen

  • The Record Name (under the Module) - Takes you to a new blank screen on that record level. (From there, you can also access the Query screen by clicking on the Search button in the record screen).


Starting a New Query from a Record

 Click here for ➡️ Starting a New Query from a Record

🟩 Opening a Record

  • What the screen looks like after opening with the Record Name (under the Module level of data)

  • In the next screen, the Record Name can be found at the top: In this example, Personal Query is the record name.

  • Next you would click on Search to dive deeper into this screen.


🟩 The Query Screen (for the Record Name Selected: E.g., Personal Query)

Some primary features in the Query screen include:

  • Execute - This will run the query.

  • Basic/Advanced Search - Toggling between the two options will show which option you will go to, NOT which option you are on.

  • Reset - Resets the entire query screen to defaults

  • Action > New Query - Under the Action menu on the left, click on New Query to start a new query.

QueryOverview3 - cropped.jpg

The New Query Screen

 Click here for ➡️ The New Query Screen

When starting a new query, you’ll first be sent to a New Query screen, where you give the Query a title and select some basic preferences.

  1. In the New Query screen, first complete the Title field. The Description field below it is optional.

  2. When Query Listing and Query Count are set to Yes, the Query can be displayed on the Dashboard.

  3. Setting the yellow and/or red flag fields will make the query flag turn yellow or red on the WorkDesk or when it reaches the set number. These fields are optional.

  4. Module - The module section displays the screen from which the personal query will be based.

  5. Chart Type (aka the AiM IQ embedded reports section/block) - Identifies the different charting options to display a visual representation of the data you are about to build a query for.

  6. When you are finished and click on Done, the search will open in build mode.

  1. After all criteria are entered, click Save to save the query.

  2. Selecting Execute will take you to the results/Browse View of the query.


Query Results (aka Browse View)

 Click here for ➡️ Query Results
  1. In your query search results, click on a Record link to display the details of that record.

  2. Or, you can click the blue Search button to return to the Query screen for the name you chose on the record level under the module you chose (in this example, Personal Query).

QueryOverview6 - cropped.jpgQueryOverview7.jpg

How the Query Screen Looks After Saving 1+ Queries

 Click here for ➡️ How the Query Screen Looks After Saving 1+ Queries
  • Before we saved a query, the only option under Action was New Query. Now, Edit Query has been added.

  • Under View, there were previously no options. But after saving 1 or more queries, those saved queries are listed under this section.

Queries can be built and saved for future use. Queries you have already created can also be edited and either replace the original query or saved as a completely new one.


Query Screen Structure & Display Order

 Click here for ➡️ Query Screen Structure & Display Order

🟩 Query Screen Structure

  • Some query screens might have multiple tables involved.

  • The primary table is listed first.

  • After that, additional tables will have its own headings.

  • If the header is indented, the table is subordinate to the table above it.


🟩 Display Order

Display Order functionality allows you to specify which fields you want to see and the order you wan to see them in, in the Query Results screen.


🟩 Ascending/Descending Display Order

Ascending (Asc) or Descending (Dsc) are additional Display Order options.


Special Operators

 Click here for ➡️ Special Operators
  • Special Operators are used with new WorkDesk queries to make them easier to share across the units.

  • Operators (=, <, >, null, …) that work with dates allow the query to use the characteristics of dates to pull records in a more focused manner.

QueryOverview12 - cropped.jpg
 Click here for ➡️ Comprehensive List of Special Operators





Equals To

Only open work orders will return in this search



Greater Than

The dates that will return in this search are later than later Feb, 27, 2024



Less Than

The dates that will return in this search are before Feb, 27, 2024



Less Than OR Equal To


More Than OR Equal To


Not Equal To

Starts With

The field must start with the data typed

This example would return phases that start with Bean Hall


End With

The field must end with the data typed

This example would return work orders created by user who ends in “Pitts”



Do not type in the search field, it must be blank

This example would return all the work orders where the problem code wasn’t entered

Null means “missing or blank”


Not Null

This example would return all the work orders where the problem code was entered




Allows the user to select multiple values. For this example multiple shops are selected.


Not In

Allows the user to exclude multiple values. For this example the selected shops will be excluded from the search results



The search results will return work orders within the chosen date range



The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only)

Options: year, month, week, day, hour



Newer Than

The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only)

Options: year, month, week, day, hour

Record returned must be more recent than 4 days ago


Older Than

The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only)

Options: year, month, week, day, hour

Record returned must be older than 3 weeks ago



The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only)

Options: year, month, week, day, hour

Record returned within last the month



The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only)

Options: year, month, week, day, hour

Returns records with desired completion date in the next 5 days



One of the more powerful operators that compares two different database columns

Returns phases where the actual cost has exceeded the estimated cost. Find this in the phases costs:

Options: =Column, >Column, >=Column, <Column, <=Column, >=%Column, <=%Column



Returns all records created by whoever is logged in at the time


🟩 Personal Queries

 Click here for 👉 Personal Queries

Personal Queries can be created under any Module in AiM.

You can also view All Personal Queries created under All Modules

  1. From the WorkDesk, click on the hamburger icon on the left and click on the System Administration Module

  2. Click on the Magnify Glass icon next to Personal Query

  1. In the next screen, click Execute to view all your Personal Queries. You will see a list of your personal queries (example screenshot, below).

  1. Click on one of the Query links to open that page.

  2. Here, you can Edit the chosen query and share the query to group(s).

By default, Personal Queries are “personal” to the user that created them. Personal Queries are not visible to other logins.


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

  • No labels