Building Automation Systems (BAS) Too Hot/Cold Work Order Management. Following this procedure will provide consistent and efficient management of work orders regarding too hot/cold calls.


Facilities Services (FS) Work Control Center (WCC) receives initial issue/request and creates a work order (WK).

Requests come from these sources:   

WCC staff should use the following script to gather the necessary information from the requester:

Contact Information 

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email (note: recommend asking for an alternate staff member’s contact information if the original requester is difficult to reach)
  • What building and specific room number(s) are affected? (It isn't helpful for the work order to say the entire building.  At least provide the callers location)
  • What date(s) and time(s) was/were the condition(s) first noted or reported? (i.e., July 1, at 6:30 p.m.; or classroom XXX on Tuesday from 7-9 p.m.)

WCC will create a call log entry, for the work order, with some unique handling, based on appropriate problem code.

BAS Electrical Problem Codes

  • BAS Controls (High priority must be dispatched)
  • Hot/Cold (High priority must be dispatched)
  • P1 Renos (all P1's are dispatched)
  • P3 Renos

BAS Electrical account set-up RXBLDS 23555

BAS is the first responders for hot/cold calls, who will triage and determine if the root cause is controls or mechanical in nature.

If controls in nature, the BAS Department will perform the work

    • BAS may ask for a phase addition for the controls contractor 
      • The controls contractor index is RXBLDS 23555

If mechanical in nature, the BAS ECST will contact Work Control via phone, email, radio or WCC AiM notes with pertinent details associated with the parent work order.

  •   Work Control will create a phase addition for the mechanical shop to perform repairs, as needed.  If urgent Work Control will dispatch the mechanical shop.
    • Mechanical shop index is RBSYS 23555.


  • In Faculty/Staff Offices Reported as “Can’t Work” or “Sweating”
  • In Classrooms or Work Areas Reported as “So Hot That People Can’t Occupy the Space,” “Sweating,” or "Shutting Down Class"
  • Temperature, humidity control, or pressurization issues in a critical research lab, suite, or archival space
    • Several Examples:
      • Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art (JSMA)
      • Constant Temp (CT) Rooms
      • MRI
      • University Health
      • Lokey Labs
      • Zebrafish
      • C-MER

Document Hot/Cold Work Orders Step-By-Step Guide: 

Unique work orders are created for all issues.  No generic or annual work orders are allowed for these types of issues.

  1.  Create a new WK only after verifying a pre-existing open/assigned WK is not in place for the issue. This will provide better tracking and documentation, per the ECST’s notes on each specific WK. 
  2.  The ECST will clearly document the as-found condition and proposed resolution/repair of the root cause on the WK. 

  3.  If parts are required, the ECST will make notes in the WK for status, and submit a purchase request (PREQ) to order the parts.

  4. Once the parts arrive, the ECST will perform/coordinate the repair, update the notes on the WK, and change status to complete-pending review for the BAS Supervisor to review and complete work order.


If campus requestors inquire about an Air Conditioner or Heater send the below reply emails:

Air Conditioner

Greetings, XXX,
The process for requesting an air conditioner has four steps:
    1) A work order created for BAS to perform an assessment of the space ensuring a more global fix won’t work (RXBLDS)
    2) If BAS approves, Work control will add a phase for Electrical to make sure the circuits can handle a new unit (billable to department)
    3) If Electrical approves, customers' orders a university approved unit through Electrical (billable to department)
    4) Maintenance Support or Carpentry can build the necessary part to attach the hose to the window, deliver and install (billable to department)

If you are still interested, please let us know the room number(s) involved and what index you would like to use once approved.

Thank you,

Heaters (safety sheet)

Greetings, XXX,
The process for requesting a portable heater has three steps:
    1) A work order created for BAS to perform an assessment of the space ensuring a more global fix won’t work (RXBLDS)
    2) If BAS approves, Work control will add a phase for Electrical to make sure the circuits can handle a new unit (billable to department)
    3) If Electrical approves, customers' orders a  university approved unit through Electrical (billable to department)

If you are still interested, please let us know the room number(s) involved and what index you would like to use once approved.

Thank you,

Freezer Alarms

There is a notification program set up with the occupants. Work Control needs to ask for an index for any updates to this program.