This process outlines the FASS procedure for paying moving expenses for new employees.
See New Employee Onboarding and Orientation Workflow
Step-by-step guide
- During the formal offer negotiation, the department head, search committee chair, and FASS-HR recruiter should discuss whether or not moving expenses will be covered per UO policies.
FASS Agent Step-by-step guide
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- Determine which Moving Expenses option is most appropriate for the prospective employee by using the decision tree on the Business Affairs Office website.
- The Offer Letter should contain language described on the Business Affairs Office website and serve as the agreement with the employee.
- The HR Recruiter will work with the new employee to gather any relevant receipts that fall within the scope of the agreement and work with FASS Payroll to do a check request to remit payment.
- If Option 1 is selected, which allows for direct payments to 3rd parties such as moving companies, the HR recruiter will work with the new employee and the FASS Business Affairs team to arrange any payments to the 3rd party.