Creating Manual Commercial Invoice for USPS

Creating Manual Commercial Invoice for USPS

Information on Creating a Manual Commercial Invoice / International Shipping Label

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

It’s rare but every once in a while Neopost will not print the international shipping label / commercial invoice, but it will print out the postage. Neopost doesn’t allow for a reprint of the missing document. In fact, it shows no history of it. In this case you need to go to the USPS website and create a manual one. You will use the postage with the manual document you generate from the website.

Go to: https://cfo.usps.com/cfo-web/labelInformation.html?_gl=1*1o4onaz*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE1NzIzNzMzNzkuRUFJYUlRb2JDaE1JbE1XdW80dkM1UUlWNUpKYkNoMGx5Z3JhRUFBWUFTQUFFZ0xiX19EX0J3RQ..*_gcl_dc*R0NMLjE1NzIzNzMzNzkuRUFJYUlRb2JDaE1JbE1XdW80dkM1UUlWNUpKYkNoMGx5Z3JhRUFBWUFTQUFFZ0xiX19EX0J3RQ

The first part is entering the sender and recipient information. Enter the index in the Reference field.

Under package details, you will enter the total weight and total dollar value. Note, this is important because on the next screen you will do number of pieces * individual weight to equal the total weight you enter on this screen. If it does not equal or total to this, it will fail and you’ll have to start over.

Once all data is entered, click “Next: Select a Service” at the bottom right.

Select the service that matches the dollar amount on the postage strip that printed out. Click, “Next: Enter Customs Information” at the bottom right.

Select Return to Sender from the Non-delivery Option menu.

Select what contents you are sending from the drop down menu. The rest of the fields in that section can remain blank.

In Detailed Description, enter the contents. For example: if there are T-shirts, put “Cotton T-shirts” or the appropriate material. Enter the individual unit value, the total quantity and the individual unit weight. This will auto calculate and if it doesn’t match the total weight entered on the first screen it will not let you go to the next screen. In the export section, where it says “AES Exemption” it gets tricky. When you try to click on the drop down menu it doesn’t do anything. Try clicking it and then pressing the down arrow. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Once you see “NOEEI…..” in the drop down menu click “Next: Review and Print” at the bottom right.

If everything looks right on the last screen go ahead and click “Print Customs Forms” at the bottom right. If not, go to the bottom left and click the back button until you get to the screen where you need to make changes.