EDMS Billing
EDMS bills for three things: Library mail, flats and 1st class mail at a discounted rate.
FASS Agent Step-by-step guide
EDMS bills for three things: Library mail, flats and 1st class mail at a discounted rate.
Daily Summaries
Throughout each week we are sent a summary of each day’s EDMS processing for library mail and flats. These are sent as a spreadsheet. The files are titled with E + the date. So for example, the below would be titled E0326.
Open the file and total up the flats and library mail separately. Then open the EDMS Monthly Log file found in the USPS folder and record the data for the corresponding date (shown in red border below).
Save both files as is. Move the EDMS spreadsheet to the USPS folder for Bobbi to bill.
End of Month Billing
Every month we receive two invoices from EDMS. One is strictly for Library mail and the other is for all 1st class letters and flats. The first line of the Library mail’s total should match the total on the monthly log. If it doesn’t more review needs to be done to get the invoice corrected or verify the data was entered correctly in the monthly log. The second line is their service fee for processing.
The invoice for letters and flats is a mixture of what they processed, their pick up fees, accounting fees, and our discounted rate. As long as the number of flats processed matches the total for the month on the monthly log, it is ok to approve. If it does not match more review needs to be done to determine where the error happened (data entry error on the monthly log or EDMS billing error).
If the invoices are good to go, write “OK to pay” with your initials and the date. Make a copy of each. Copies go to Bobbi via campus mail and originals go in the manila file folder titled EDMS on the Mail Services Coordinator desk.
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