Managing UO Zip+4 Addresses

Managing UO Zip+4 Addresses

This article outlines the process for assigning, changing, or removing a zip+4

Step-by-step guide

  1. Request the following by sending an email to uomailing@uoregon.edu or fass@uoregon.edu 

    1. A new Zip + 4
    2. Changes to a department name
    3. Changes to a physical address to an existing Zip + 4
    4. Adding a new department to an existing Zip + 4
    5. Changing an existing department to an existing Zip + 4
    6. Removal of a department no longer in use

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

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A request will come in for the following: 

  • A new Zip + 4
  • Changes to a department name
  • Changes to a physical address to an existing Zip + 4
  • Adding a new department to an existing Zip + 4
  • Changing an existing department to an existing Zip + 4
  • Removal of a department no longer in use

Usually a Zip + 4 will follow a department wherever their physical address gets moved to. There are cases where there are several departments assigned to one Zip + 4 and if one of them branches out, a new Zip + 4 will need to be assigned.

Adding a New Zip + 4

  1. Pull up the latest Zip + 4 spreadsheet by clicking on https://fass.uoregon.edu/uo-addresses
  2. If this is a new department request, make sure it doesn’t exist already. If it does, you need to question the requestor. If it doesn’t go to the end of the list, assigning the next number in sequence and add the department name, the new Zip + 4 University of Oregon and the physical address as shown below:



    1287 University of Oregon

    1415 Kincaid St, 466 PLC






    1288 University of Oregon

    1101 Kincaid St, 273 Mckenzie Hall






    1289 University of Oregon

    1675 Agate St






    1290 University of Oregon

    1451 Onyx St., Straub Hall




  3. Once you have established what the new Zip + 4 will be, send an email to Kathy.J.Cooper3@usps.gov  and Tho.V.Ninh@usps.gov and make the request asking for confirmation once complete. Attached is a sample email for various requests in the bullet points above
  4. Once you have confirmation from USPS, you’re free to let the department know what the new Zip + 4 is.

  5. Email the updated spreadsheet to fass@uoregon.edu so it can be updated on the Mail Services page

Changes to a Department Name

  1. Pull up the latest Zip + 4 spreadsheet by clicking on https://fass.uoregon.edu/uo-addresses

  2. Find the department name on the spreadsheet and confirm the old name and Zip + 4 given by the requestor. If it matches, change the department name and save.
  3. Email the updated spreadsheet to fass@uoregon.edu so it can be updated on the Mail Services page

Changes to Physical Address to Existing Zip + 4

  1. Pull up the latest Zip + 4 spreadsheet by clicking on https://fass.uoregon.edu/uo-addresses
  2. Find the department name and Zip + 4 given by the requestor. If it matches, you will change the physical address to the new one and save. 
  3. Email the updated spreadsheet to fass@uoregon.edu so it can be updated on the Mail Services page

Adding a New Department to Existing Zip + 4

  1. Some Zip + 4’s have several departments under their umbrella. In this case, you may get a request to add that department name to their current Zip + 4.
  2. Pull up the latest Zip + 4 spreadsheet by clicking on https://fass.uoregon.edu/uo-addresses
  3. Find the Zip + 4, insert a row and add the new department name, duplicate the Zip + 4 University of Oregon and the physical address given.
  4. Email the updated spreadsheet to fass@uoregon.edu so it can be updated on the Mail Services page

Changing an Existing Department to an Existing Zip + 4

  1. Sometimes a department will branch out from their existing Zip + 4 umbrella and move to another location that already has an assigned Zip + 4. In this case you would pull up the latest Zip + 4 spreadsheet by clicking on https://fass.uoregon.edu/uo-addresses
  2. Find the current Zip + 4, cut the row and insert it under the new Zip + 4. Be sure to change the Zip + 4 to the new one with the new Zip + 4 University of Oregon. Update the physical address and save.
  3. Email the updated spreadsheet to fass@uoregon.edu so it can be updated on the Mail Services page

Removal of a Department No Longer in Use

  1. Pull up the latest Zip + 4 spreadsheet by clicking on https://fass.uoregon.edu/uo-addresses
  2. I’m not sure what the process is here, but I would find the Zip + 4 and department name given. If it is its own Zip + 4, I’d format the cells to the strikethrough font so we can see that number had been previously assigned. If it belongs to a group, I would just eliminate the row with the obsoleted department.

  3. Email the updated spreadsheet to fass@uoregon.edu so it can be updated on the Mail Services page

You may have multiple of these requests all in one department. Refer to each instruction detailed for that change above.
