Payroll: Advance

Payroll: Advance

Instructions for processing a Payroll Advance.

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

  1. Confirm employee is eligible using table below.

  2. Confirm the employee's regular hours and days worked for current pay period with the supervisor.
  3. Complete PAR (Payroll Advance Request):
    1. Amount requested shall not exceed 60% of employee’s earnings to date. Keep in mind that forecast employees will be different than mid month employees.
  4. Submit PAR To Central Payroll.
    1. If the advance request is received and approved by noon, the check will be available for pick up in the Payroll Office between 4pm and 5pm the following day.

    2. If Appworx email is received, the check will be ready that day. 

    3. Check  PHILIST for status of check, if desired.


A maximum of two emergency payroll advances per year are available for regular UO staff in situations of financial hardship

TemporaryOne payroll advance per appointment.
StudentNot eligible for payroll advances. However, students may apply for a short term loan which is available at the Student Billing Office.
GraduateNot eligible for payroll advances. However, the Graduate School offers short term loans specifically for Graduate Employees who anticipate being paid late. Graduate Employees may also apply for a short term loan through the Student Billing Office.

An emergency situation is an unusual, unforeseen event or condition that requires immediate financial attention by an employee.  Emergencies include but are not limited to the following circumstances:

    Death in family

    Major car repair

    Theft of funds

    Automobile accident (loss of vehicle use)

    Accident or sickness

    Destruction or major damage to home

    New employee - lack of funds (maximum- 1 advance)

    Moving due to transfer or promotion

Resources and Links

PAR: Payroll Advance Request

PHILIST: Banner form for check/pay history


REFERENCES: SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement: Article 22, Section 1 (D)

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