Progressive Discipline: Classified Employees

Progressive Discipline: Classified Employees

This article documents the typical processes regarding progressive discipline.

See Progressive Discipline for Classified Employees Workflow

Step-by-step guide

  1. Supervisor reaches out to FASS HR Director with concerns about employee.

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

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  1. FASS HR AD schedules meeting with supervisor to assess nature of concerns.
  2. If concern is a civil rights violation, FASS HR AD contacts the Office of Civil Rights Compliance immediately.
  3. If concern is not of a nature that requires discipline, FASS HR AD will advise supervisor to review job expectations with employee, and supervisor will follow up with FASS HR AD with a Letter of Clarification that was sent to employee.
  4. If concern is determined to require disciplinary actions, a Weingarten meeting will be scheduled.
  5. FASS HR AD will coordinate with supervisor to deliver notice of Weingarten to employee and notify the employee's representative union as a courtesy.
  6. During a Weingarten meeting, employee will be presented with allegations and given the opportunity to respond. FASS HR AD facilitates the meeting as an impartial member. Depending on the information gathered during the meeting, discipline may be issued.
  7. If discipline is necessary, FASS HR AD helps supervisor draft Letter of Reprimand to employee.
  8. Supervisor reviews and approves Letter of Reprimand, and personally delivers it to the employee.
  9. FASS HR stores a copy of the Letter of Reprimand in the employee's personnel file, where it will be kept per retention guidelines. Employee has option to sign this letter. 
  10. If second infraction occurs during this time where employee has current discipline on file, supervisor reaches out to FASS HR AD.
  11. FASS HR AD reaches out to UHR Employee and Labor Relations (ELR) AD or delegate with escalated concerns so they may schedule a second Weingarten. 
  12. UHR ELR AD or delegate facilitates second Weingarten meeting as in Step 6.
  13. If further discipline is necessary, UHR ELR AD will work with supervisor to administer a Notice of Pay Reduction.
  14. Supervisor delivers Notice of Pay Reduction to employee, and UHR completes paperwork to administer pay reduction.
  15. FASS HR adds Notice of Pay Reduction to employee personnel file, where it will be kept per retention guidelines. Employee has option to sign this notice.
  16. If third infraction occurs during this time where employee has current discipline on file, supervisor reaches out to FASS HR AD.
  17. FASS HR AD prepares a Pre-Dismissal Notice to employee, and reaches out to UHR CHRO who will schedule a final meeting to discuss concerns.
  18. If dismissal is deemed appropriate, UHR ELR manages employee dismissal from employment.

Resources and Links

UHR ELR: University HR Employee and Labor Relations

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