Duck Depot

Duck Depot

This procedure is utilized when an order is placed with a vendor through the DuckDepot portal. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log into Duck Depot
  2. Login with DuckID

  3. This will load the Shopping Dashboard
    1. Select the desired vendor to begin creating a shopping cart
  4. This will redirect you to the vendor website in Duck Depot
  5. Select items to purchase and add to the cart. This will create a shopping cart in Duck Depot.
  6. Verify the items in the shopping cart
    1. This can be done by selecting the view cart in the top right-hand corner
  7. Select checkout/punchout.
  8. If a shipping option is offered select free shipping
  9. Assign the shopping cart to your department's designated Buyer
    1. Select Assign Cart
    2. Select the designated Buyer
  10. Enter a note to the assigned Buyer with the following information:
    1. Index (or work order and phase number if applicable)
    2. Requester
    3. Department
    4. Where to deliver the item (if applicable)

  11. Select Assign
    1. A confirmation message will load and the Buyer will receive a notification that the order has been placed in Duck Depot. 

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

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This procedure is utilized when an order is placed with a vendor through the DuckDepot portal.

  1. Buyers will receive an email notification from Duck Depot that a shopping cart has been assigned to them.
  2. Select the link in the email and you will be directed to the shopping cart.
  3. Select Proceed to Checkout.
  4. This will load the Requisition page where shipping/payment information must be entered.
  5. Select Shipping Address from the left menu. 

  6. Enter Shipping Address details:
    1. Select from the Shipping address drop-down menu.

    2. Enter the Requestor in ATTN:
    3. Enter the Department in the Loc. In Bldg:

  7. Select Payments & Codes from the left menu.

  8. Select ‘Required field’ under Payment Information.

  9. Assign Buyer’s specific DuckDepot credit card, then enter 3 digit Card Security Code and select Save.

  10. Select ‘Required field’ under ‘Duck Depot Index Validation’

  11. Validate with the last 4 digits of the card, the index will auto-populate

    1. Ensure the following JV Accounting Code information is included:

    2. Index: RSTO – should auto-populate.
    3. Account code: 28996 – should auto-populate.
    4. Under ‘Tracking Information’ enter the AiM Work Order and Phase Number from the customer's shopping cart in the Tracking Information field.
      Note: do not include spaces between the dash.
  12. Select Submit Requisition.
  13. Select Quick View next to the Requisition Number.

  14. This will generate the Requisition Summary page where the SQ number can be found; select View (located next to the SQ number).

  15. This will load the Purchase Order General Information page.

  16. Review the order for accuracy.
  17. Save as PDF, attach in related documents in AiM PO.
  18. A PO will be automatically created in status ‘Order Placed’ (triggering an auto email to requestor) in AiM for this transaction through the DuckDepot/AiM interface.

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