Accounts Payable DuckDepot Reconciliation

This article outlines the procedures for DuckDepot P-Card reconciliation.

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide


SQ Number (SQXXXXXXXX) - Purchase Order Number assigned by DuckDepot

D Number (D00XXXXX) - The letter D plus the last seven numbers from the SQ Number, this is what is entered in AiM

  1. DuckDepot credit card statements are made available online through US Bank on the 26th of every month. Accounts Payable Specialist prints out report for the reconciliation process.
  2. AiM: Print out the AiM PCard Reconciliation report list corresponding to the DuckDepot card being reconciled.
    1. Log on to Aim
    2. From the home page – select Accounts Payable (left-hand menu)
      • Select Report listing
      • Select PCard Reconciliation Report to load the information report
    3. Print out the report
  3. Match each line item on the credit card statement to its corresponding line item on the AiM PCard Reconciliation report, this is done by matching the SQXXXXXXXX or PO numbers

    • Note: PO numbers in AiM are SQ numbers for DuckDepot transactions
    • If amounts do not match, this discrepancy refer to the Fixing PO Discrepancies in POI section
  4. At this point, a Purchase Order Invoice transaction must be created to track payments made in AiM
  5. AiM: Return to the PCard Reconciliation report
  6. Log on to Aim
  7. From the home page – select Accounts Payable (left-hand menu)
    • Select Report listing
    • Select PCard Reconciliation Report
  8. Select the desired Purchase Order (PO) number in the report to load the specific PO Page

  9. Select Purchase Order Invoice
    1. This will load a Purchase Order Invoice transaction (UPDATE SCREENSHOT)
  10. Enter the vendor the POI description box

  11. Enter the D00XXXXX number in the Invoice Number field
    1. Add alpha characters at end if D00XXXXX has already been used on a prior POI
  12. Enter the date of the DuckDepot transaction (this can be found on the USBank credit card statement)

  13. Confirm the DuckDepot card is correct in each Line Item in the POI
    1. Select the Line Item 
    2. The DuckDepot card number can be found in the External Reference Code field
  14. Select Done to update the Line Item and return to the POI
  15. Repeat the above step for each Line Item in the POI
  16. Return to the POI
  17. Select User Defined Fields 
    1. Fill in the Banner Doc Num UDF with D00XXXXX 
    2. Select Done
  18. Select the query icon on the Status bar
    1. Select Approved
  19. Save the PO Invoice
  20. Select the query icon on the Status bar
    1. Select Paid
  21. Save the PO Invoice
  22. Repeat procedure until the entire statement has been reconciled and all DuckDepot PO’s have been matched.

Fixing PO Discrepancies in POI 

Price or quantity discrepancy

  1. Compare AiM PO, DuckDepot PO, and bank statement to determine the cause of the discrepancy
  2. Make unit price or invoiced quantity change in the POI Line Items
  3. Adjust line item to match actual quantity and price
    1. Select the desired Line Item
    2. Adjust the quantity or price to match what is listed in the Concur Expense Report
    3. Select Refresh Button
    4. Select Done to return to the POI

Card discrepancy

  1. Select the Line Item in the POI
  2. The card number can be found in the External Reference Code field
    1. Select the query icon next to the External Reference Code field
    2. This will list all active P-cards and DuckDepot cards
    3. Select the DuckDepot card associated with the credit card statement
  3. Select Done to update the Line Item and return to the POI
  4. Repeat the above step for each Line Item in the POI
    1. NOTE: Do not adjust original PO