Rejecting Receipt (AiM)

These instructions are for Warehouse personnel to return a purchase or fix a mistake in the receiving process in AiM. 

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to Purchasing. Select the Purchase Order, find PO in AIM. Hit search.

  2. Select View Finder. If there are multiple receipts, find the one you need to reject and write the receipt number down. 

  3. Open chosen receipt with the transaction number and select EDIT. 
    1. Note: Note: If the receipt hasn’t been reverse disbursed AIM won’t allow you to reject the receipt

  4. Select the line that needs rejected. Open it and reject ALL or only partial if the line is not all being returned. The prior received should say 0 or the remainder of the line that wasn’t returned

    1. Note: Choose Line NOT PO line 

  5. Once you have selected the line/lines you need to reject, select them. Hit Add. Put a brief reason why the product is being returned.

  6. Hit save and then close the receipt.

Rules for closing the receipt.

  1. Do not close the receipt until the items have been returned or shipped back the vendor.
  2. Do not close the receipt when there are more items to be received. (Not all items have arrived). 
  3. Only close the receipt when NO other transactions need to be received or disbursed.