Reverse Disburse (AiM)
Reverse Disburse (AiM)
These instructions are for Store Warehouse personnel to create a Reverse Disburse in Aim.
FASS Agent Step-by-step guide
There are two options to Reverse Disburse. Each will be explained separately.
One to reverse disburse all items or partial reverse disburse items. Each option will be shown.
- Select Purchasing, Purchase Order, and then Search. Enter PO
- Enter PO in PO Code if it isn’t a Duck Depot number. If it’s a Duck Depot order, it will go in the Purchase Order spot.
- After entering the appropriate purchase query number, select “Execute.”
- The “Purchase Order” screen will be seen next.
- You should now see the entire Purchase Order.
- Look in the left-hand menu for “View Finder.” Select “Purchase Disbursement” to find the line that the item was checked in on.
- Look in the left- hand menu for “View Finder.” Select “Purchase Disbursement” to find the line that the item was checked in on.
- Look for the “Disbursement number” that matches the line item being returned.
- Write the Disbursement number for reference
- Write the Disbursement number for reference
- Open the Disbursement number to check what was disbursed on this transaction.
- The disbursement items are included in this return. Write this number down. You will need this number when you do the next step. (Reverse the Disbursement).
- Exit the Purchase order.
- Go back to the AiM main menu
- Select Purchasing
- Select Purchasing
- Select Reverse Disbursement
- Select “Reverse Disbursement” and then select “NEW.”
- Enter the disbursement number you wrote down from the PO in the Disbursement field.
- Select Execute.
There are now 2 options to reverse disburse. You can reverse disburse all the items at once or do an entire line/a partial reverse disburse.
Option 1
- Reverse disburse all the items at once. Select the words “Reverse All” (On the right-hand side of the page.) Select “Save” (On the left side of the page).
All items will be reverse disbursed on this PO: This is an example showing the quantity has all been “Reversed.” - To check Reverse Disburse: Go back to “View Finder,” and look under “Reverse Disbursed.”
- Select the Disbursement number you disbursed on. Once opened, it will confirm item(s) and quantity(s) Revered Disbursed.
Option 2
- To Reverse Disbursing one line or a partial on a line. Do the first steps as before: Purchasing, Reverse Disburse, Select “New”, Enter Disbursement number then select “Execute.”
- The next screen should be the “Purchase Disbursement – Eligible Transactions” screen.
- Select the Disbursement number to open up the PO Screen. The next screen will allow you to put in the quantity to return
- Reverse Disburse one entire line or partial: Select the line you wish to reverse disburse. A screen will open up that will require you to enter the quantity of that item that is being returned. (Total quantity or partial amount). You may return a part of a line, the entire line or multiple lines.
- Select the line you wish to Reverse Disburse. This will open p a screen showing the line you chose. Enter the quantity that is being reverse disbursed.
- Select the line you wish to Reverse Disburse. This will open p a screen showing the line you chose. Enter the quantity that is being reverse disbursed.
- Enter the quantity to be returned. Once you enter the quantity, the screen will change to show the "Reverse Disbursement Line Item."
- Select the “Done” button in the upper left corner to finalize this action.
- Select SAVE to post the Reverse Disbursement and then return to the PO to varify that the reversal took place.
- Note: Check that quantity matches Revers Disburse.
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