Re-Classifications: SEIU

Re-Classifications: SEIU

Use this article to process re-classification requests for SEIU represented employees.

See Reclassification for SEIU Workflow

Step-by-step guide

  1. Supervisor completes Reclassification Intake Form and submits to FASS HR.
  2. Required Documents:
    1. Position Description w/ Track Changes
    2. Reclassification Justification Form
    3. Organizational Chart Reflecting Changes (provided by FASS)
    4. Current resume from position incumbent

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

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  1. FASS HR reviews request and collaborates with supervisor to complete PD. FASS-HR confirms request is for reclassification and not a conversion to an Office of Administration (OA) with SEIU exclusion. If position requires conversion to OA, use the Officers of Administration: Expansion of Duties (EOD) process to complete request.

  2. Once complete, FASS HR: 
    1. Completes Class&Comp Comparison Chart and saves in UHR shared folder.
    2. Edits PD in MyTrack using the Reclassification Approval Process.
      1. HR Administrator is the FASS-HR AD
      2. Unit Director/Head is the departmental AVP
      3. UHR Class & Comp
      4. UHR Operations
    3. If approved, FASS HR notifies FASS Payroll of confirmation and routes approval letter and PRF to FASS Payroll.
    4. Completes New Employee Checklist (NEC) sections associated with Re-Classification.
  3. FASS Payroll:

    1. Saves documentation in FASS employee personnel file.
    2. Reviews Reclassification approval letter and PRF to ensure the following match:
      1. Title
      2. Effective Date
      3. Rate
      4. Salary Range & Step
    3. Calculates Retro Pay: *If applicable.

      1. Pull previous time sheets applicable to effective date.
      2. Calculate all applicable hours.
    4. Open Window:

      No Retro Payment

      FORECASTProcess as normal. If there is OTM, enter as OTP and calculate at the old rate. If there is PSB do not enter it in open window, an MCR will be needed at the old rate.
      MID MONTHSplit hours on to the two timesheets that will be in PHAHOUR

       Yes Retro Payment:

                      Enter into PHAHOUR or create MCR (manual check request)


PRF: Payroll Request Form

MCR: Manual Check Request

PHAHOUR: Banner form for time entry during open window

PSB: Pay code for On-Call hours

SEIU CBA: Article 53, LINK

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