UOPD Fitness Program Stipend
UOPD Fitness Program Stipend
In order for this Department to carry out its responsibility to provide the best possible service community of the University of Oregon, it is important all sworn employees maintain a level of fitness that will enable them to carry out any task they may be called upon to perform while minimizing the risk of injury and illness.
This procedure will outline the process for officers to receive a taxable stipend equal to the cost of membership at the University of Oregon Recreation Center ($440).
Effective November 1, 2019, the University of Oregon Police Department will make available a fitness benefit program to the sworn members of the department. This program will be reviewed every two years by Safety and Risk Services.
Step-by-step guide
- Chief Wade will send emails to eligible officers with:
- Info regarding the program and liability form
- Link to a form that they will fill out (name, ID) and attached signed liability form and proof of health club membership
- The FASS accountant will review the submitted support documentation and approve submission meets the requirements
- The FASS accountant will forward the email to payroll who will process it on the next paycheck (following payroll deadlines)
- Once payroll confirms payment, FASS can notify the officer of approval and the paycheck date they will receive payment
- FASS accountant will consolidate submissions/signed forms and email them to UOPD for file retention in the officers’ employee file.
- This program is designed to provide a fitness option for officers to utilize while off-duty.
- This program is purely voluntary, and not considered part of the course and scope of the employment with the University of Oregon Police Department.
- The stipend ($440.00) will be taxed at the employee's current tax rate, and you a check will be issued for the remaining amount.
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