Shipping Errors

Shipping Errors

This article outlines how to rectify different shipping errors 

Step-by-step guide

Wrong Index Used

If there was any kind of error the day before where the wrong index was used to run mail, refer to Daily USPS Exports and Meter Reports page. This gets corrected after the daily export is run, but before the files are placed in the shared file. This must be done before saving and placing in the FASS folder. 

Incorrect Ship Method

Processed Priority Express (higher postage) instead of Priority (lower postage)

This type of scenario would be any type of mail that should have been processed at a lower rate. (Ex: a Letter that was processed as a Flat or a Flat that was processed as Priority).

If this happens, let that piece of mail go as is noting the cost of postage. Then email Bobbi and ask how the difference can be credited to the index used and charged against our index. (SMAILRSUSM)

Processed Priority (lower postage) instead of Priority Express (higher postage)

There are two types of scenarios with this because one error may require generating a different barcode shipping label while a different type of error would not. Both scenarios would be any type of mail that should have been processed at a higher rate.

If a customer wanted Priority shipping and it was done as a Parcel due the weight being under 13 ounces, you would note the cost of postage that was applied as parcel, but save that postage strip in the stack of postage errors for later use. You would then need to reprocess with the requested mailing class. Email Bobbi about the error and let her know what index needs to be credited with the dollar amount and instead charged to SMAILRSUSM.

If the customer wanted Express, but it was processed as Priority, note the cost of postage, saving the postage strip in the stack of postage errors for later use. Destroy the Priority label and reprocess as Express. Email Bobbi about the error and let her know what index needs to be credited with the dollar amount and instead charged to SMAILRSUSM.

UPS Error – Void Shipment

There are many reasons a UPS label would need to be voided. Sometimes the weight puts itself back at 0 lbs at the time of processing. There could be an address error or maybe the dimensions were left off which could be costly at a later time. In any case there is an option to void the shipment, print a confirmation and reprocess. When this happens, go to:

  1. F11 – Other System Functions
  2. Inquiry / Void
  3. There is a menu on the left of different criteria to search for the shipment you’d like to void (ex: Carrier, Tracking, Date, etc). Choose the criteria you want and deselect the criteria you don’t need. I usually just enter a tracking number to keep it simple. There will not be duplicate tracking numbers.
  4. Enter the data and click on the shipment line item.
  5. F7 Void
  6. Enter the reason you are voiding the label
  7. Print a copy of the void confirmation, attach it to label you voided and place with that day’s processed mail slips.

FedEx Error – Void Shipment

Sometimes a customer will want to cancel a shipment or you realize an error was made and need to reprocess.

  1. Go to Shipping List from the menu bar and select either Domestic or International.
  2. You will need to type in the tracking number and Search.
  3. When you see the shipment you’re looking for, click on it and when it’s highlighted, click on “Delete” at the bottom.
  4. It will ask you to confirm you want to delete. Select yes.
  5. The shipment is now voided.

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