Email on UOPD Smartphones

Step-by-step guide

Use the following information when adding email on a UOPD smartphone. This is only for email addresses that end in

  1. Open your email app (iOS or Android) or go to Accounts under Settings (iOS or Android)
  2. Add a new Exchange account (might be labeled as "Work" account)
  3. Email address: (use your first and last name)
  4. Password: Your UOPD password
  5. Server:
  6. Domain: PD
    1. May need to enter this as "PD\firstname.lastname" without the quotes
  7. Use SSL if prompted
  8. Accept device administrator privileges
  9. Follow any other prompts that appear if your passcode/PIN aren't compliant and need to be reset

Contact or call 6-2455 if you need any assistance.