

Purpose: Tracking utility consumption per building per month. Includes tables and charts for comparing meters and tracking data. Each meter has up to 3 values per QuantityID: handread data, a rollup value which is the summation of 15 minute interval values, and a totalizer value which is a meter's totalizer channel using end of month minus beginning of month. These exist for auditability and to eliminate under-reporting if interval values report as NULL. A QC tab exists for energy specialist/technician to check current month values against historical data and averages, and a AUX billing tab provides values for meters currently billed by Tawnee to Auxiliary units for easy data transfer to her billing spreadsheet. This will need to evolve as billing processes change.

Link: https://fs-tableau.uoregon.edu/#/workbooks/25/views

End User: Energy Team

Date Created: 4/15/2020

Created By: Alex Koleber

Approved By: Justin Porter

Notes: Will continue to improve this report

Platform: Tableau

Data Source: Data Warehouse; Utility_History

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