Manitou - Send Test Signal

Follow these steps to send a test signal in Manual for training purposes.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log in to Manitou Operator Workstation.

  2. Open the Manual Signal window by clicking on Tools → Manual Signal.
  3. Click the magnifying glass next to Customer ID.

  4. Select Customer Name in the drop down menu for Search Key 1 and type "test" in the Value field.

  5. Click Search at the bottom of the window and you should see the "Test Account" appear. Highlight it and click Load.

  6. You will see the test transmitter with ID "1" show up under Transmitters. Leave Signal Time as Use Current Time.

  7. Go down to Manual Signals in the same window and click in the Event field. Here is where you set the type of alarm you want to test. The most common event you will want to test is an "Activation" which you set by typing "*A".

  8. Type an asterisk "*" in the Area field and a "1" in the Zone field. After those fields are filled in click Send Signal at the bottom of the screen. This will create an alarm pop up for whoever is monitoring alarms. 
  9. After acknowledging the alarm mark it as a test signal and close the Manual Signal window by right clicking on it on the left side and clicking Close.

Do not send test signals for any account other than the test account!