UOPD Cell Phone Apps

UOPD Cell Phone Apps

What it is...What it's used for: 
10-21Make phone calls from a local # without revealing your actual cell #
Adobe Acrobat ReaderView .pdf files
Automatic Call RecorderRecord phone calls
Axon CaptureTake case photos and upload to evidence.com
Axon ViewView videos from your body cam before uploading to evidence.com
Authy 2-Factor Authentication2 factor authentication to log into certain systems
BasecampUsed by SRS and JWJ for team communication
DeepNet MobileID2 factor authentication to log into certain systems
ERG 2016Emergency Response Guidebook
Google CalendarGoogle Calendar
Google DriveGoogle Drive
Google MapsGoogle Maps
Google SheetsGoogle Sheets
KMS LexipolLexipol policy 
Microsoft ExcelView and modify Excel spreadsheet 
Microsoft TeamsTeams online chat and online conference calling
Microsoft WordView and modify Word documents
Milestone MobileView Milestone campus security videos
Ride SystemsReal-time vehicle tracking
SmartSheetWork management application
Teamworks ClassicAthletics scheduling
WISERWireless Information System for Emergency Responders HAZMAT app