Search Queries (AiM)
The search screen contains fields for searching data and creating custom search results.
Page Summary
The Page Summary section serves as a quick reference point of the steps, after going through the detailed Step-by-Step Tutorial with screenshots.
Step-by-Step Tutorial
Creating a Basic Search Query
Search Qualifiers
Qualifier | Actions | Examples |
= | Equals To Only open work orders will return in this search |
> | Greater Than The dates that will return in this search are later than later Feb, 27, 2024 |
< | Less Than The dates that will return in this search are before Feb, 27, 2024 |
<= | Less Than OR Equal To |
>= | More Than OR Equal To |
<> | Not Equal To |
Starts With | The field must start with the data typed This example would return phases that start with Bean Hall |
End With | The field must start with the data typed This example would return work orders created by user who ends in “Pitts” |
Null | Do not type in the search field, it must be blank This example would return all the work orders where the problem code wasn’t entered Null means “missing or blank” |
Not Null | This example would return all the work orders where the problem code was entered
In | Allows the user to select multiple values. For this example multiple shops are selected. |
Not In | Allows the user to exclude multiple values. For this example the selected shops will be excluded from the search results |
Between | The search results will return work orders within the chosen date range |
Within | The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only) Options: year, month, week, day, hour |
Newer Than | The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only) Options: year, month, week, day, hour Record returned must be more recent than 4 days ago |
Older Than | The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only) Options: year, month, week, day, hour Record returned must be older than 3 weeks ago |
Last | The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only) Options: year, month, week, day, hour Record returned within last the month |
Next | The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only) Options: year, month, week, day, hour Returns records with desired completion date in the next 5 days |
Column | One of the more powerful operators that compares two different database columns Returns phases where the actual cost has exceeded the estimated cost. Find this in the phases costs: Options: =Column, >Column, >=Column, <Column, <=Column, >=%Column, <=%Column |
User | Returns all records created by whoever is logged in at the time |