Search Screen (AiM)

The search screen contains fields for searching data and creating search results. Personal queries are This article will describe search icons, the quick search field and search qualifiers.


Select the module under the menu to perform a search. In this example, Work Management is selected.




Under the Work Management menu select “phase” by selecting the zoom icon.


The phase search has the most options.



Select “search”



Toggle back and forth between Basic Search and Advanced Search.  Basic search will not allow you to sequence the phase search. 

Whenever creating a new search select reset.  AiM often remembers information from your last search.



The Display Order allows you to sequence the search results and display them in a specific order.

In this example, the search is for work orders, phase, phase description, status, and shop.

[Display Order 5] Displays the work order number first.  Typically all that is needed in a search at the work order level is the work order number.  To find the details of the work order scroll down to display phase data.



[Display Order 10] Display the phase number.

[Display Order 20] Display the phase description.  

[Display Order 30] Display the status.  Select the operator to make the search more meaningful.  In this example closed, closing, incomplete, deferred, complete - pending r are excluded by changing the operator to "not in"

[Display Order 40] Display the shop.  Select the shop desired for the search.  In this example electrical is the shop search

When sequencing numbers for the display order don't enter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.  It is better to allow space between your numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. in case you want to go back and modify the search by displaying another field. 



When done select Execute 




Notice the display order is the sequencing that was added to the Display Order fields.




Under the Action menu, the search can be exported to excel. 










Equals To

Only open work orders will return in this search




Greater Than

The dates that will return in this search are later than later Feb, 27, 2024




Less Than

The dates that will return in this search are before Feb, 27, 2024



Less Than OR Equal To



More Than OR Equal To



Not Equal To


Starts With

The field must start with the data typed

This example would return phases that start with Bean Hall



End With

The field must start with the data typed

This example would return work orders created by user who ends in “Pitts”




Do not type in the search field, it must be blank

This example would return all the work orders where the problem code wasn’t entered

Null means “missing or blank”



Not Null

This example would return all the work orders where the problem code was entered





Allows the user to select multiple values. For this example multiple shops are selected.



Not In

Allows the user to exclude multiple values. For this example the selected shops will be excluded from the search results




The search results will return work orders within the chosen date range




The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only)

Options: year, month, week, day, hour


Newer Than

The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only)

Options: year, month, week, day, hour

Record returned must be more recent than 4 days ago



Older Than

The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only)

Options: year, month, week, day, hour

Record returned must be older than 3 weeks ago




The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only)

Options: year, month, week, day, hour

Record returned within last the month




The field must be within the listed timeframe (date fields only)

Options: year, month, week, day, hour

Returns records with desired completion date in the next 5 days




One of the more powerful operators that compares two different database columns

Returns phases where the actual cost has exceeded the estimated cost. Find this in the phases costs:

Options: =Column, >Column, >=Column, <Column, <=Column, >=%Column, <=%Column





Returns all records created by whoever is logged in at the time