Notifications, Campus Closures, Shutdowns & Detours

Notifications, Campus Closures, Shutdowns & Detours

Campus Closure, Shutdown, and Detour Notification Process. Establishing a Campus Closure, Shutdown, and Detour process helps streamline communications and timing of these types of events.

The form is located at http://cpfm.uoregon.edu/facilities-services  - Direct Smart Sheet Link 

Step-by-Step Guidelines

  1. Fill out the shutdown form as complete as possible to avoid Work Control Center Staff having to reach back out.

    • Work Control Center is electronically notified once the smart sheet form is submitted.

  2. Fill out the online request with details/specs allowing for ten business days when possible.

    • If received before 11:59 am, notice will be sent out by 4:30 the same day.

    • If received after 12:00 pm, notice will be sent out the following business day. 

    • If urgent/emergency Work Control will do their best to email out as soon as possible.

  3. Initiator negotiates, plans, and schedules with impacted building occupants.  

    • Facilities Services Managers, Supervisors and Work Control Center staff can assist with outreach and preplanning activities, including announcements to building occupants in particular circumstances, for example, all Utilities and Energy coordination, including proposed notices or a non Campus Planning and Facilities Management Unit.

  4. Every notice is sent to:

    • FS Memo DG (includes key contacts that receive every notification; SRS, UOPD, CPFM Key Contacts, Housing, Schedule Desk, etc.  To see full list contact Work Control)

    • Facilities Liaisons (Faciliteis Liaisons are Division and Units assigned space in impacted area.

    • Initiator can request notification is also sent to PI's and/or Building wide.

  5. Notification will be sent by Work Control Center staff utilizing the UO Spaces emailer application; this application allows Work Control to email building occupants based on spatial data contained in the Campus GIS and UO Spaces application.  

  6. The Work Control Center will coordinate custodial posting of appropriate signage.

    • Communications identified as "sensitive" will not be posted to the blog or impacts map but will still go to those that receive every notice.

For questions regarding this procedure contact workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu  

Examples Sent from Work Control Center

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