Mechanical Supported Buildings

Mechanical Supported Buildings

List of Buildings BAS Does Not/Or Partially Services for Hot/Cold Call (need to be assigned to Mechanical)

1600 Millrace

BAS controls

1715 Franklin

No BAS control - send to Mechanical.  Stand-alone refrigeration equipment

 Exceptions that go to BAS are:  167, 169, 170, 171, 172N, 172J, 172K, 172N, Hall 172  (8 rooms) Basically heat pumps with a web base connectivity

1900 Millrace -


Agate Hall

This building is served by Daikin DX Refrigeration equipment.  Assign to Mechanical 

Alder Building

 No BAS - send to Mechanical.  This building has a stand-alone boiler and local radiators


Baker Downtown Center.docx


308 is local refrigeration equipment - go to Mechanical

Esslinger Hall 

Room 122 - no BAS Controls - Send to Mechanical 

  • All of South Esslinger is Mechanical 

Friendly Hall 

served by local radiators - not BAS


Music building rooms 143 and 143A

Gerlinger Annex


Gerlinger Hall

Served by local refrigeration equipment - goes to Mechanical 

Hendricks Hall

Hendricks DX AC.docx

All the building served by DX refrigeration 

Klamath Hall

Building is BAS but Room 271 has refrigeration units that go to Mechanical



Snip above shows the area that has BAS control - rest is local stream radiators 

McMorran House (Pres Res) 

Boiler - belongs to Mechanical 

Paleoecology Research Building 122

Send to Mechanical 


Officers are served by local radiators with local manual control valves. Assign to the mechanical shop  


no BAS Controls - send to Mechanical 



Rooms 266 and 366 are served by DX Refrigeration Equipment with local control

Susan Campbell

no BAS - send to Mechanical 

University Hall 

not BAS - send to Mechanical 

UOPD East Station Annex A

no BAS controls - send to Mechanical 

UO Annex 

No BAS - send to Mechanical 

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