To enter a timecard, first make the correct selection, under My Assigned Work Orders, from your main WorkDesk.
The next screen lists all the phases assigned to you, on the work order you selected in the previous screen. Select the Phase you would like to add time worked to.
The next screen opens the Phase. Under the Action menu on the left, select Timecard.
Fill in the Work Date by selecting the calendar icon.
Notice the Work Order and Phase auto-filled because you pre-selected them before reaching the Rapid Timecard Entry screen.
If you need to change the Time Type, click on the spyglass to bring up a list of options.
The time types are unique to each shop. This is an example of the time types available to the mechanical shop.
Once you have entered the required information and appropriate time type (typically this is REG), select the Add button.
The add button drops the entry down below the blue line so the entry can be saved. Think of the area above the blue bar as a time entry template.
Before you save the entry you can enter a timecard note for the supervisor and/or a phase note for information to be captured at the phase level.
Repeat this process to account for an eight hour day.
Once everything looks correct, click Save at the top-left of the screen.
Once saved the timecard will generate a transaction number.