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Impersonate & Modes of Usage

⬜ Intro

Anvil can be viewed through another’s user profile using the Impersonate feature (access available by request). It can also be used in either Production, Test or Development modes.

Production mode is the default for everyday use. Any changes made in Production mode saves in real life, whether a user makes those changes as themselves or while impersonating another user. Conversely, changes made in Test mode are not saved in real life, making it useful for testing out features and showing new hires how to use Anvil.

Below, we will demonstrate how to use the impersonate feature, and also how to switch between modes.

🟩 Impersonate

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Users with access can use Anvil’s Impersonate to impersonate other users. This may come in handy depending on a user’s role and how their shop operates. Below, we’ll use a profile with access to Impersonate to walk you through this feature.

When impersonating a user in Production mode, any changes made in Anvil will be saved in real life. If this was done unintentionally, please contact work control at so they can reverse the change.

 Click here for 👉 Impersonate

On the Anvil home screen, the box at the top-right will show you are in the default mode, Production. Most users will only need to be in that mode at all times.

To use Impersonate, click on your user name at the bottom right of the screen.


Enter the user ID of the profile you would like to impersonate into the search bar and press Search on your keyboard. Select the correct search result.


Enter your UofO credentials to continue.


Enter the Duo Mobile code that pops up, into your Duo Mobile phone app to continue. If you are not set up with this app yet, ask your supervisor for help.


Since we were in Production mode to begin with, we are still in that mode.

And now at the bottom, you will see the user profile bar has turned red, and the profile switched to the one we selected in the previous step.


Now, when you use Anvil, you will be able to see exactly what the impersonated profile would see.

To return to your own profile and stop impersonating, click Logout by the user name at the bottom.


You will be prompted again to enter your credentials, followed by the Duo Mobile code.


Now we are logged back in as ourselves and the profile bar is gray again.


🟩 Modes

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By default, Anvil opens up in Production mode, the standard mode all employees use Anvil in. However in Test mode, mostly used for training or testing, a user can explore Anvil without any changes made being saved in real life.

Both modes can be used as one’s own user profile or while using the impersonate feature.

Do not use Development mode unless you’re a developer and it is a part of your role to do so.

 Click here for 👉 Modes

Below, we are in standard Production mode, and not impersonating a profile. The Anvil box at the top-right is the default black, and reads Production under the logo. The user name bar at the bottom is the default gray, and has the correct user name in this instance.


To switch to Test mode, tap on the current mode name just below the Anvil logo at the top-right. Tap on Test in the popup window.


Now, the Anvil box at the top-right is yellow and reads Test. When the box is yellow, you will know at a glace you’re in Test mode.


To impersonate another user profile in Test mode, click on your user name at the bottom.


Type the user ID you wish to impersonate in the search bar, then click on the search result.


The mode stays the same, Test. The user profile name at the bottom is now updated, and the user bar turns red. This is how you know you’re in Test mode, impersonating a specific profile.

Now you are able to experience Anvil as the impersonated user profile, in Test mode.

While in Test mode, you can make changes (e.g., add notes to a phase, add time, etc.) as the user you’re impersonating, without any of the changes being saved in real life.

Test mode is useful for demonstrating various Anvil features to new hires and learning about features in general.


To return to your own profile, click Logout in the user profile bar.


Follow the log in prompts.


We are now back in standard Production mode, no longer impersonating another profile. The Anvil box at the top-right is the default black and the profile bar at the bottom is the default gray again.

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