- Created by Alina Jo , last modified on Mar 04, 2025
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Table of Contents
⬜ Intro
The Map Apps module includes a wide variety of themed maps, including Accessibility, Construction Impacts, Campus WiFi, etc. Click on the Map Apps icon to get started.

🟩 Navigation
🔵 Campuses
⚫ US
Map apps are available for all University of Oregon Campuses. Click on the box icon and then click on Campuses.

The campus that the apps are currently set to will be highlighted. If you want to change this setting, click on the campus you want to swap to. Here, we switch to UO Portland.

Moving forward, every app you view after making your selection will be for that campus.

Click on the box icon again, then on the Campuses tab, to confirm the new campus you selected.

⚫ Global

🔵 Help & Feedback

🔵 Info & External Links
When you open the Map Apps module, the default app that opens is called Campus Map. On the right are a menu of icons, including +/-, which you can use to zoom in/out. You can also manually zoom in and out just like you would on a smart phone.
The right panel has the app name at the top, followed by information and relevant links. Toggle this panel to show/hide by clicking on the arrow tab on the side of it.

This app has 3 external links in the information panel.

The top link leads to an external website. Scroll up/down the page or click on the yellow hamburger icon (3 stacked lines) at the top-right to get a good idea of what you can find on this site.

The site menu opens.
Click on the white hamburger icon at the top-left to leave the site. As long as that icon is there, you can tell you’re still connected to the Anvil app, and not in an external web browser.

You will be taken to the Anvil home page. Click on the Map Apps icon to return to the Campus Map app.

In this case, we were in the default Campus Map app.
Click on the box icon to view a scrollable drop-down menu of all available map apps.

Notice the white hamburger icon is always at the top-left. You can click on it at any time to return to the Anvil home screen.

🔵 Enter a Building
Here is the default level of detail of the Campus Map.

Manually zoom into a building you want to explore. Tap anywhere on a building to bring up its name, address and photo. For more details, click on the entrance icon to enter the building.
Note that the entrance icon is of a person entering from the left of the doorway.

Entering a building grays out the surrounding map to focus on its interior.

Manually zoom in or use +/- to reveal more details, including room numbers. Below, wheelchair accessible areas, lecture rooms and an Art Gallery are also labeled.

🔵 Navigating Floors
You can tell we are currently on 1st floor, because it says “1ST” in the right menu. Click on it to reveal a full list of floors. Click on the up/down arrows to scroll through the list.

From the list, click on e.g., “2ND” to view the 2nd floor.

Above and below the floor label are stair icons. This is another way to navigate floors. Click on the stair icon below to go one level down, and on the one above to go up. Below, we click on the upwards stair icon and are now on the 3RD floor.

🔵 Geolocation
If you click on the target icon in the right menu, it will show where you are on the map. The icon turns red when toggled on. Your location is marked by a green dot, and will move as you walk around with your device.

If you’re not in the building you were viewing, zoom out to find it again.

To remove yourself from the map, click on the target icon again. The icon changes from red to black.

🔵 Home & Exit
If you click on the home icon while you’re still inside a building, the map zooms to show the building relative to the rest of campus, which is still grayed out.

To return to the building, just zoom back into it. To leave the building, click Exit at any time. This will take you back to the main campus view.

🟩 Search & Sharing
🔵 Search
For most map apps, including Campus Map, whether you’re inside of a building or in the main campus map, there usually is a search bar located at the top-left of your screen.

Below, I type in the word, “Law.” The search results are both listed underneath the search bar, and also marked on the map with blue markers. Click on either the listing or one of the blue markers. A window will pop up on the map with the pin and x/y options, which we will cover shortly.

The same search box is usually available while inside of a building. In the screenshot below, I type “Art” in the search box.
We are currently on the first floor. On the left, each search result lists the floor number. The ones not on the floor we are currently viewing are grayed out. You can navigate to the correct floor to view the grayed out listings.
There are also listings at the top of the search results with a box icon next to them. These are apps. You can click on the Go To App link below each one to open it.

Exit the building by clicking on Exit in the right menu or on the exit icon in the window that pops up when you click on a search result.
Note that the exit icon is of a person exiting from the right of the doorway.

To reset the search, you can delete it with your cursor or click on the green x.

The search box and results are now reset/cleared out, both in the search results tab and on the map. Click on the search results tab arrow to close the panel.

🔵 Sharing Maps
With the exception of the Campus WiFi map, you have the ability to pin landmarks and add notes to them, for sharing.
Click on any point on the map. In the window that pops up click on the pin icon at the bottom-left corner.

The popup has an editable Title, Popup Text and Map Pin color options. To change the Map Pin, hit the drop-down arrow next to that field.

Make your Map Pin selection.

In the Popup Text field, enter any optional text you would like to include in your sharable map. The Popup Title in the field above that is also editable. Hit Save when done.

Click on any additional points on the map you want to pin. Here we click on one more building and then the pin icon like before.

Fill out the Map Point popup like before. This time, we pick a different colored pin. Hit Save.

Back in the map, when finished, click I’m Done at the top of the screen.

The message changes to let you know the Map Link was created successfully and copied to the clipboard. You can open up a browser and paste the URL in there, or you can share the URL by chat or email.
Below that message is a sharable link for the map with the added pins and notes. If you want a QR code, click on Want a QR code?

A QR code appears. You can also use this to share your map with others.

Here, I test the QR code by pointing my phone camera app at it. Click on the URL that appears below it. You can share this QR image with anyone, and they can open your shared map this way, as well.

When I click the link, it opens in my device’s browser. At the bottom of the map is a Locations tab with the 2 locations that I pinned, with the text I entered into the Popup Text field below each Popup Title.

Click on a listing to view it on the map.

Each listing you click on will center onto the map with the popup containing the Popup Title and Popup Text.

All the same map features are available when opened in a browser, including the search tab and ability to open other apps from here.

🔵 X/Y Coordinates
Copy Latitude and Longitude values to your clipboard for any point on a map, including unmarked spots on the map. This works for nearly all of the map apps, with the exception of the Campus WiFi app.
Here, we click on the Matt Knight Arena. A window pops up with an x/y icon at the bottom-right.

To copy its Latitude and Longitude values to the clipboard, click on the x/y icon. A message will popup with the values in gray, and below it in green, a notification that the Lat/Long have been copied to your clipboard.

Clicking anywhere on the map gives you the same x/y icon and ability to copy the Lat/Long values to your clipboard.

🟩 Standard & Satellite Views
The map can be viewed either in standard or satellite mode.
Click on the small square at the bottom-left corner of your screen to view you map in satellite mode. You can toggle this mode on/off by clicking on the square.

Here is the map in satellite mode. All of the same street and building labels are still there.

At any zoom level, you can click anywhere on a landmark/building to learn more about it.
🟩 Logged In Access
🔵 Intro
Logging into the app gives the user access to more detailed information.
Click on Log In at the top-right. Fill in the prompt for your UO ID and password.

When logged in, your name will replace “Log In.”

Now when we click on a building, there are 3 additional icons at the bottom of the information box that weren’t there before. We will go over each one in the sections that follow.

🔵 Favorites

🔵 Building Details
⚫ Intro
The Building Details includes specifics on the selected building, including its physical properties, space usage data, facilities liaisons and spaces editors.
Click on the building details icon.

A popup called Building Details opens up. Below the building name and number are 3 tabs, starting with the Details tab.
⚫ Details
The Details tab includes the following stats:
Banner ID
Year Acquired
Total Net Sq. Ft.
Coverage Sq. Ft.
Is Leased (Y/N)

⚫ Facilities Liaisons
The Facilities Liaisons tab lists departments, names, numbers and titles of staff that act as key contact points for the property.

⚫ Spaces Editors
The Spaces Editors tab lists departments, names, numbers and titles of staff that maintain data for the building in UO Spaces. We will cover UO Spaces in greater detail, below.

⚫ Floorplans & Room List
At the bottom of the Building Details window are 2 PDF icons. These link to floorplans for the entire building. The first PDF icon is in black and white and the second is in color.

Clicking on the first PDF icon brings up the black and white version of the building floorplans. Scroll through the document to view all the floors.

At the bottom of each floor plan/page is a legend marking regular and accessible entrances, elevators and restrooms, including gender inclusive and ADA details.

The second PDF icon opens a colored version of the first PDF.

The third icon at the bottom of the Building Details window opens a list of rooms, and details for each. Click on this icon.

Click on each tab to view the list of rooms per floor.

Here is a closeup of the spreadsheet, showing what details are listed per room:
Room ID
Room Number
Type Code
Square Footage

⚫ UO Spaces
⚪ Intro
The roof icon at the bottom of the Building Details window opens UO Spaces.
UO Spaces is a live, web-based space management database that allows us to provide consistent data to Federal and other agencies and to conduct and participate in benchmarking studies with our peer institutions. The space database serves many functions. Most significantly, it helps the university meet Federal requirements related to accurate tracking of all space under the university’s control. It is an essential component in formulating the university’s Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Cost rate.
Space management, academic planning, and capital projections are additional activities supported by UO Spaces.

When you first open UO Spaces, there are a few paragraphs about it, including how to get access, if you need it. If you have access click Click here to login at the top-right.

⚪ Action Menu
When we first open UO Spaces from the building information popup on the map, it opens to the tab for that property (e.g., Matthew Knight Arena).
On the left is the Action Menu, which is a way to search other properties.
By default, the View field is set to Spaces by Building, and in the bottom box is a list of building addresses and numbers you can click on to open their information in a new tab.
If you don’t want to scroll through the list of buildings, you can also enter a keyword into the Filter Building List field.

Click on the drop-down menu by the View field. The options are to view:
Spaces by Building
Spaces by Unit
Spaces by College

Below is an example list of what the View Spaces by Unit option would return.

Below is an example list of what the View Spaces by College option would return.

Here, we view Spaces by College and click on Arts and Sciences from the list. A separate tab opens up on the right for that property.

⚪ Tools Menu
🟣 MOUs
The Tools Menu is below the Action Menu on the left. Click on the first option, MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding). This is a list of all existing MOUs.
To collapse the menu tab for more room on the right, click the arrow at the top-left of the main content panel.

A new tab opens up, called MOUs. If you want to reopen the left menu, click on the top-left arrow again.

While the left menu is hidden, you can access the same Tools Menu at any time by clicking on Tools at the top-right. The same options are available here, including MOUs, which we clicked on earlier.

Click on Add New MOU if you have a new one to add.

Fill in the MOU Name, Start and End Dates and add Notes.
Then Click on the PDF icon next to Upload New PDF Document. You have three upload options, including Photo Library, Take Photo or Video, and Choose File.

On the right, there is a note letting you know that there are no rooms linked to the MOU yet. Click on Add Rooms.

The next window might be off-screen a little. You can drag it where you want, by clicking/dragging anywhere on the top title bar.

Make a selection for the Building by clicking the drop-down menu by that field. Make a selection from the list or enter a keyword in the search field at the top of the list.

Here, we select 1311 Franklin (115). Next, select a Floor from the field’s drop-down. It will list all available floors, including All Floors, based off the building you selected.

A list of Rooms will appear based on the floor you selected. Click on each room you wish to add.

Each room you click on will be grayed out, meaning it was added to the list. Here, we only click on one room. Click Close when finished.

You should now see the list of selected rooms on the right.
Click the red trash icon to remove any rooms. Click on Add Rooms at the bottom-right to add more buildings and rooms to the list.
Hit Save MOU at the bottom-right, when finished, or hit Cancel to make no changes.

We are now back in the main MOU list view.

Use the Search bar to jump to what you’re looking for.

You can export an MOU by clicking on Export.

A window with instructions will pop up.

Another option is to click on the Document icon next to a listed MOU.

This will open the full document which you can scroll through, with signatures on the last page.

🟣 Exports & Reports
The second option in the Tools menu is Exports & Reports. Clicking on this will open it up in a new tab on the right. Click anywhere on the row for the export option you need.

A window with instructions will pop up.

🟣 Introduction
The third option in the Tools Menu is the Introduction tab. This page details some of the terminology used throughout the app.

🟣 Unit Editor Help

🟣 Feedback
The fifth option of the Tools Menu is the Feedback form.

⚪ Summary Tab
Next, we’ll go over the 3 tabs in the main view on the right that show up for each property we view.
The Summary tab for the building we are viewing details for, lists square footage usage stats. Scroll up/down to view the entire list.

Here’s a list of all the summary data provided for Matthew Knight Arena:
General - Spaces count, square footage information by type, building number, short name, is leased, address, type, year built/acquired, location, remarks
Assigned Units - Unit name, # of spaces, area
Loaned Units - Unit name, # of spaces, area
Classroom - Classroom count, classroom square footage, classroom support count, classroom support square footage
Seminar - Seminar count, seminar square footage
Lab - Class lab count and square footage, class lab support count and square footage, non-class lab count and square footage, non-class lab support count and square footage
Office - Department head/Admin/Faculty - TT/Faculty - NRRF/ Faculty - Adjunct/Faculty - Emeritus/Staff - CL/GTF/Student/TBD/Office support office count and square footage
Other - Conference/Study fac - Reading room/Special use/General use/Lounge break room/Support facilities/Health facilities/Residential facilities room count and square footage
Assigned Staff Types - Faculty - NTFF/GTF/Staff/Faculty - Adjunct/Admin/Faculty - TT/Faculty - Emeritus/Student count, square footage and average square footage
Click on the arrow at the top left of the panel to collapse the left menu so you have more space to view content.

Click on a unit assigned under this property (Matthew Knight Arena) to open the same set of data in a separate tab.

A separate tab opens up with the same Summary/Data/Map sub-tabs. Click on Matthew Knight Arena to return to the previous view.

You can view a side-by-side comparison by selecting another property from the drop-down list, Compare to other Building. There is also a search bar at the top of the drop-down list.

The 2nd property opens in a separate column, with the 3rd column calculating the Difference between the 2 properties.
Click on Stop Comparing at the top of the 1st column to return to the original view with 1 property.
If you want to Export this comparison table, click on Export next to the Compare to other Building drop-down menu.

A popup window will confirm the export started generating and can be found in your browser’s Downloads section when completed.

⚪ Data Tab
The Data tab provides a full list of each floor and details on each. Scroll down to view every floor. Scroll to view the rest of the columns on the right.

Here are the last few columns of the spreadsheet (POE, Area, Occupants, PI(s), MOU, Modified).

You can filter the spreadsheet by floor using the Floor Selector drop-down, or you can use the Search bar to the left of that. Click on Export if you want to save the table.

Here is a list of columns in the Data tab spreadsheet and a brief description of each (a lot of which has been taken from the Introduction tab in UO Spaces app). For full details, refer to the Introduction tab in UO Spaces.
View - View space details: Prorates, Occupants and Principal Investigators (PI), MOUs, and Notes
Wing & Floor - Location
Room - Room number with a link to view more details: Prorates, Occupants, Principal Investigators (PI), MOUs, and Notes
Pro. Num. -
Assigned/Loaned - The assigned/loaned property and a link to view more details.
Type Code - Descriptive codes that specify how a space is used
Related Service - Indicates a room or area that supports another space and further defines a
Custom Type - Editors can type directly into this field in the Edit form. The field is for brief notes only.
Function Code - 2-digit numbers that classify allocated space across functional categories (e.g., instruction, research, public service, department administration) and identify a program or function within the university.
Stations - Stations are counted based on the space Type. E.g., For offices, individual work stations are counted (not the number of applicants. For conference rooms, classrooms, seminar rooms, etc., it is the number of seats or people that can occupy the space.
Appt. Type -
POE - Percentage of Effort. Used by granting agencies to show the amount of effort spent on a particular activity (Function Code) in a particular room during a specified reporting period (to be determined by university processes and requirements). Work dedicated to an activity within a room is represented by a percentage (POE), with the total activities within a room equaling 100%.
Area - The Area is based on Net Square Footage (NSF), which is the measurement of the floor space defined by the inner edge of a room’s walls.
Occupants - Occupants assigned to offices, laboratories, processing rooms, or like spaces are selected from the HRIS-linked database of all UO employees.
PI(s) - Principal Investigators. Individuals responsible for the research either conducted in the space (non-class lab, procedure room, etc.) or supported by the space (instrument/equipment room, environmental control room, etc.)
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
Modified - Date and time the record was last updated
Here, the Room and Assigned/Loaned values are linked to more details. Click on a Room number.

The Room details will open up in a separate tab. Click on the tab we were previously in, to continue browsing.

Back in the Data tab for the property we’ve been viewing, click on an Assigned/Loaned property link. This also opens in a separate tab. This tab/page is formatted just like the parent property we were viewing, Matthew Knight Arena.

Back in the Data tab for the property we’ve been viewing, click on the information icon under the View column.

It will open up a window, listing Prorates details, Occupants and PIs, MOUs, and Notes.

⚪ Map Tab
Click on the next tab, Map.

Click on a room on the map to view its details in the right panel. A window also pops up on the map, listing the Room Number, Square Footage, Occupants and Space Type.

Click on View Space.

A window pops up, with the same information: Prorates, Occupants & PIs, MOUs and Notes. Press Cancel to close the window.

Toggle on the Show Pins switch to show all the pre-pinned spots on the map. Clicking on any pin will show the same information as clicking on any room with or without the pins.

Switch on Expand Map to minimize the right panel.

Click on the right panel tab to open it back up.

To minimize the tab again, click on the map.

The right panel is minimized again after clicking anywhere on the map.

The right stacked icon menu shows what floor we are currently viewing. Click on the up and down stairs icons to go to another floor.

Clicking on the up stairs icon from the basement in the previous screenshot, we are now on the 1st floor.

To open the building plans, click on Building PDF.

Scroll through the building floorplans, which include details for every floor and a map legend.

🔵 Building Level Work Details
⚫ Intro
The Building Level Work Details includes work-related information on a property (e.g., call log, AiM work orders, AiM request, and assets for the selected property)
Click on the asterisk icon to open the Building Level Work Details screen.

The window that pops up has these 3 tabs, which we’ll cover in the following sections:
Call Log Entries
AiM Work Orders
AiM Assets

⚫ Call Log Entries
The first tab in the Building Level Work Details window is a scrollable list of Call Log Entries. Each entry provides a brief overview, with these fields:
Call Log Number
AiM Work Order
Entered On
Call Title

Each entry is tracked using a Call Log Number. Clicking on this number will open the record in Anvil’s Call Log Module, navigating away from the Map Apps Module, which is where we currently are.

We are now in the Call Log Module, viewing the call record for the Call Log/ID Number we clicked on in the previous step. The Call Location field also lists the property we were viewing details for in the previous step.

Here is a complete list of data fields in this record:
Call Log/ID Number
Call Location
Call Date/Time
Call Taker
Caller & Caller Phone Number
Caller Department/Affiliation
Call Title (e.g., Med Assist)
Call Notes/Information
Category (e.g., Police Dispatch Call)
Duty Call (Y/N)
Index Number
Request Number
Work Order Number
Action Notes
Click on the double arrows at the top-right of the information panel to collapse/expand it. You will see that viewing a call log puts a blue pin on the Call Location on the map.

Click on the white hamburger icon at the top-left to navigate back to the Map Apps Module > Campus Maps.

Click on the Map Apps icon.

The Campus Map app opens by default.

Click on the building to view.

Click the asterisk icon to return to the Call Log Entries.

We are now back in the Campus Maps App, viewing more Call Log Entries. In addition to the Call Log Number, Some entries also have an AiM Request Number and AiM Work Order Number.

Clicking on the AiM Request Number will take you directly to that record in AiM.

Clicking on the AiM Work Order Number will also take you directly to AiM.

⚫ AiM Work Orders
The second tab in the Building Level Work Details window is the AiM Work Orders tab. Not all calls are linked with a work order, and vice versa, but when work orders are created for a property, they can be found in this tab.
There is a link to each Work Order if you want to view it in AiM. There is also a link to the Call Log ID, if there was a call linked to the work order.

⚫ AiM Assets
The AiM Assets tab lists assets linked to this property, including the following fields:
Asset Tag
Asset Status
Serial Number
Asset Group
Manufacturer Code
Manufacturer Part Number
Room Number/Room ID

🔵 View Side Angle Pictometry Images
⚫ Browse Photos
Click on the last icon to open the View Side Angle Pictometry Images screen.

A window will open showing photos of the property. If there are multiple images, click on the < and > arrows to scroll through them.

To narrow down the timeframe, click on the drop-down arrow by Select Date and make a selection. The dark gray dot marks the active selection.

Some options are in Eagle View, which gives you a flat orthogonal view from the top.

⚫ Compass
Click on the east white arrow (outer ring of compass) to view the image from East.

When N> is pointing east, it’s the view from the east. Click on the West arrow, relative to N.

When N> is pointing West, it’s the view from the west. Etc.

Alternatively, clicking on the left or right curved arrows under the compass rotates the view.

⚫ Tools
⚪ Intro
The tools panel enables you to take approximate measurements from the maps/photos. Click on the tools icon to open the options panel.

⚪ Area Tool
The Area tool provides square footage information for any area you outline. Click on Area from the drop-down menu.

The Area Tool instructions will pop up and say the following:
Click each corner of the area that would like to measure. Double click to add the last corner.
Here, we tap on the first 2 corners of the area we want to measure. The first point you tap on will be a small blue pin that may be difficult to see, depending on where you click.
We’re going to outline a rectangular shape, but your shape can have as many points and angles as you want.
Click on the instructions box to close it.

Tap on the next corner.

Tap on the next point then double tap on the original point to close off the area. A small box will appear with the square footage of the area you defined.
There is an unpinned icon at the right corner of the info box. Click the icon to save the measurement. To start over instead, starting a new shape without clicking on the icon will delete the unpinned one.

When the unpinned icon is clicked, it changes to the pinned icon. If you want to permanently unpin/delete the measurement, click on the pinned icon.

Now the pin is cleared out.

⚪ Distance Tool
The Distance tool provides length measurement for any line you trace. Click on Distance from the drop-down menu.

The Distance Tool instructions will pop up and say the following:
Measurement values are calculated by direct line of sight.
Click each point of the line that you would like to measure.
Double click to add the final point and display the measurement result.
To close the instruction box, click on it.

Click on the first point along the length to measure.

Click on the next point.

Double-click on the final point to get the measurement.

Click on the pin icon to keep your measurement on the map.

⚪ Height Tool
The Height tool provides the height measurement for any distance you trace. Click on Height from the drop-down menu.

The Height Tool instructions will pop up and say the following:
Click the lower point to start the measurement.
Click the upper point to complete the measurement.
Click on the Height Tool instruction box to close it.

Click on the lower point to start the height measurement.

Click on the upper point to complete the measurement. There’s no need to double-click. Since height measurements only have 2 points, the app knows when you’re done.

Click on the pin icon to keep your measurement on the map.

⚪ Location Tool
The Location tool provides coordinates for any point. Click on Location from the drop-down menu.

The Location tool instructions will pop up and say the following:
Click the point where you would like to get the location.
Click on the Location tool instruction box to close it.

Click anywhere to get the coordinates for that point.

Click on the pin icon to keep your measurement on the map.

⚪ Elevation Tool
The Elevation tool provides elevation measurements for any point. Click on Elevation from the drop-down menu.

The Elevation tool instructions will pop up and say the following:
Click the point where you would like to get the elevation.
Click on the Elevation tool instruction box to close it.

Click anywhere on the map/photo to get an elevation measurement.

Click on the pin icon to keep your measurement on the map.

⚪ Bearing Tool
The Bearing tool provides degree measurements for any line, measured as an angle clockwise from true north.
It also provides bearing difference measurements when you lay down 3 points. Click on Bearing from the drop-down menu.

The Bearing tool instructions will pop up and say the following:
Click a point to start measuring. Double-click to end and perform a bearing measurement.
Alternatively, click 3 points to perform a bearing difference measurement.
Click on the Bearing tool instruction box to close it.

Tap on the first point of the line. A small blue pin will appear.

Double-tap on the second point to let the app know you’re finished, and requesting a bearing measurement and not a bearing difference measurement.

Click on the pin icon to keep your measurement on the map.

Alternatively, click 3 points to get a bearing difference measurement.

The bearing difference measurement result will pop up.

⚪ X-Pin Icon
The x-pin icon at the top is for unpinning everything on the map at once. It’s grayed out when nothing is pinned. The measurement in the screenshot below is the only one on the map so far, and it has not been clicked on/pinned yet.

Here’s a close-up of the unpinned icon.

When the unpinned icon is clicked, it changes to the pinned icon. Now that there are saved pins to clear, the x-pin icon at the top is now active and not grayed out.

Click on the x-pin icon to clear all pins. A confirmation popup appears. Click Unpin All to continue, or Cancel.

The x-pin icon is grayed out again because all pins have been cleared.

Using the x-pin icon goes for all pinned measurements. Below, we pinned an area and a distance measurement. You can save multiple measurements using any of the tools.

⚫ Layers
The layers panel allows you to toggle on/off various sets of data overlays onto the map. Click on the layers icon to open the options panel.

The first layer overlay is called Streets and Place Names. Click to check the box next to that selection to view this layer on the map.
Remember to Wait - When using any feature like clicking on a map layer, if nothing seems to happen, it usually means it’s processing and needs a few more seconds to finish.

The second layer overlay is called Contours. Click to check the box next to that selection to view this layer on the map.

The third layer overlay is called US Parcels. Click to check the box next to that selection to view this layer on the map.

The final layer overlay is called TAXLOTS. Click to check the box next to that selection to view this layer on the map.

🟩 Other Map Apps
🔵 Other Apps
So far, we’ve been in the Campus Map app. From here, we can access many other map apps. The quickest way to navigate to other map apps is to click on the green box icon as shown below.

App links also show up in other places as you use the map app. For example, if you do a search, the search results will include relevant apps and link to the app.

When you click on an app link using either method, you’ll navigate away from the current app. Below, we have opened the Women’s Built History map app.
The features are very similar for all of the apps, with a few variations, depending on the goal of each.
To return to the main Campus Map, either click on the arrow icon. Or you can click the box icon and select Campus Map.

🔵 Example Apps
Each map app is unique, but the navigation is consistent between them. We’ll go over a few example apps to help you get the hang of navigating them.
For a list of other example maps and apps, visit Other Map Apps in the Conclusion section of this tutorial.
⚫ Campus Addresses
The first example we’ll walk you through is the Campus Addresses app. Click on the box icon to open the app menu, and select Campus Addresses.

On the right, you’ll see the title of the map, with a brief description below it.

Under the Campus Addresses tab on the left, click on listing to view it on the map and view the full address. You can also click on a building on the map for the same result. This tab is for quick access to addresses.

The list of buildings is in alphabetical order, but is a lot to scroll through.
You can also enter a search term in the search bar at the top-left to access the standard map options that operate independent of this app. Below, I enter “Art.” A separate tab called Search Results opens up, with a list of search results below it. Blue map markers on the map correspond with each listing. Click on either the listing or blue marker to open up the information pop up.

Unlike the focused Campus Addresses tab for quickly scrolling through and finding the address, clicking on a listing in the Search Results tab gives you the address as well as all the other standard map options like relevant external links, the option to enter the building, and the pin and x/y coordinates features.

In the Search Results tab, each search listing has an icon next to it, depending on what they are. In this case, there’s a building icon next to the listing we clicked on. Your navigation options will vary depending on the type of listing it is. For example, the entrance icon is only available for buildings.

Another example is the art palette icon. These are for art pieces, like sculptures. There’s no option to enter since it’s not a building, but you can usually read about it or view photos.

To reset your map, click on the x in the search field or delete your entry using the cursor and backspace.

Click on the Campus Addresses tab to return to the app-specific options.

Now we are back where we started.

⚫ Campus WiFi
⚪ Navigation & Main vs Building Interior Legends
You can view the Campus WiFi map by selecting it from the apps drop-down menu.

The panel on the right includes a brief description with a legend below it. The campus map is color-coded according to the legend:
Green - Building has full WiFi Coverage
Yellow - Building has Partial WiFi Coverage
Red - Building has No WiFi Coverage
This app doesn’t have a search feature like most of the others do. In the left panel, scroll the list of buildings with WiFi. Each listing has the building address and below that, information on whether the building has Full, Partial or No Coverage.
Some of the listings have an doorway icon. Click on it to enter a building.

Below, we click on the doorway icon for 1629 Moss - NILI. The address and floor can be found at the top of the screen. The floor level is also labeled in the stack of icons on the right. The up stair icon is green, meaning there is a floor above this level. The down stair icon is gray, meaning there isn’t a floor below this level.
The map legend is always on the right so you can determine the density level of WiFi available in different areas of the interior of a building.
When in the main map view, the legend is used to determine the coverage area for each building (full/partial/none). When inside of a building, the legend is used to communicate the level of coverage in areas of the building (hi density/standard/none).

We click on the green up stair icon to view the 2nd floor. Now, the up stair icon is grayed out because this is the top floor, and the down stair icon is green, because the 1st floor is below. Click Exit to exit the building.

We are now back in the main campus WiFi map. Here, the building list is hidden. You can toggle on/off the building list dropdown by clicking on the list/map icon at the top.

⚪ Filter - Only Show Buildings with High Density WiFi
Below the legend are 2 filters. If we check the box next to Only show buildings with High Density WiFi, a lot of the map gets grayed out. While the color coded buildings refer to WiFi coverage, this filter shows buildings with at least one area of High Density WiFi inside their building.

Zoom into one of the highlighted buildings. This building is yellow because it has partial WiFi coverage, but at least one area in the building has High Density WiFi. Clicking on the building brings up the doorway icon. Click on that to enter the building (not all buildings will have this option).

The label at the top has the building name and current floor number. On the right is the usual stack of navigation icons including the up/down stairs, floor number and exit.
Click on the map icon at the top to toggle out of the list view, so you can view more of the map.

When the list view is toggled off, the map icon changes to a list icon, which you would click to reopen the drop-down list.

⚪ Filter - Show Outdoor WiFi Zones
The other filter is called Show Outdoor WiFi Zones. If there are any logged in the app, clicking on this filter would highlight them and gray out all of the irrelevant areas and buildings.

⚪ Exiting the App
To exit the app, click on Home at the top-right. Unlike most of the other map apps, this app doesn’t have the option to select which app to jump to next from the app drop-down menu.

Now we are back in the default app, called Campus Map.

To return to the Campus WiFi map app, click on the box icon to bring up the apps dropdown list, and select Campus WiFi.

⚫ Construction Impacts 
⚪ Map Legend
Select Construction Impacts from the apps drop-down menu.

There are 2 filter options under the heading, Map Legend. You can toggle these options on/off individually by clicking the check box next to each.
Construction Area - Marked with blue pins with a construction icon.
Shutdown Area - Marked with orange pins with an exclamation point icon.
Click on any pin to learn more about each area. Adjust the date range at the top of the screen to view activities for those dates (covered in more detail in the next section).

To close the side panel, click on the arrow on the side of it to toggle it to hide.

Click on the home icon at the top of the navigation menu on the right to center all of the pins that meet the selected criteria. In this case, it’s for both Construction and Shutdown Areas (both are checked in the map legend in the screenshot above), occurring between 2/6/25 and 2/13/25.

⚪ Date Range
Make sure the date range at the top is correct. Click on either date field to open the calendar.

Don’t worry about what the calendar looks like when you first open it.

The bottom of the calendar shows today’s date. Click on it to clear the date range. Now the To Date (2nd) field is cleared and today’s date is in the From Date (1st) field. Also, only today’s date is highlighted in the calendar.

You can scroll forward/backward through the months by clicking on the arrows at the top-right of the calendar.
At the top-left, it shows the months and year of the 2 months currently showing on the calendar. Click on it to view the full list of months in one screen.
Each time you click on the top-left range, it will zoom out/broaden the timeframe.

Now the label at the top-left of the calendar now shows a year range instead of a month/year range. The range here is 2025-2026, with the left group of months being for 2025 and the right group for 2026. Click on any month to view it. Here, we clicked on August 2025.

After selecting August 2025, the calendar for August 2025 - September 2025 opens up. The date at the bottom still reflects today’s date.

If you click on the month/year range at the top-left again, it will again take you to the nearest year range of months (2025-2026).

This time, instead of clicking on a month, click on the range at the top-left again.

Now, the year range has widened in both directions to 2020-2039. You can select any of the years within that range to view a list of months for that year.

Click the top-left range again to broaden it even further. Click on any year range below to start to drill back in on the timeframe, back down to a specific year, month and day. The quickest way back is to click on today’s date at the bottom of the calendar. Click on it.

The From Date field has today’s date (which is also highlighted on the calendar), and the second, To Date field is blank.

If you click on a date on the calendar after the From Date, it will automatically fill in the To Date field.

Let’s back up one step, with only today’s date selected and showing in the From Date field.

Now, if you click on a date occurring before the date in the From Date field, it replaces the date in that field.

Click on a date occurring after the From Date to fill in the To Date field.

⚪ Construction Impacts vs. Search Results Tabs
🟣 Construction Impacts
The left panel lists all the Construction Impacts that match your date and map filter criteria (from the right panel) that we covered in the previous 2 sections. Click on any listing to view it on the map and read more about it. You can also click on any pin to read more.
View/hide the left panel by clicking on the arrow on the side of it.

When you zoom into the map, you can see the Areas are shaded in and color-coded and to match the pins.

Each pin generally has a Contact link and sometimes a link to more information, like in the example below.

🟣 Search Results Tab
The search box is found at the top-left of most screens and almost all apps including this one. It functions the same across all apps, regardless of which one you’re searching from.
Below, I type “Knight” into the search box. A separate tab called Search Results opens up. These results are separate from any settings in the app you’re searching from. Clicking on any result for more information brings up the standard set of information, including the option to enter a building. The icons are different from the ones used on the Construction and Shutdown pins.

To clear the Search Results and restore the original map, click on the x next to the the search field or use your cursor to delete your entry.

The search results tab on the left is now blank and only Construction Impacts pins are showing on the map.

Click on the Construction Impacts tab to view the original list again.

⚫ Fire Safety
⚪ Intro
Select the Fire Safety map app from the apps drop-down menu.

The right panel shows the app name, followed by a description with relevant links, and an interactive Map Legend.

⚪ Building Evacuation Maps
The left panel has a tab specific to this app, called Fire Safety. Click on any listing for more information. Click Download Building Evacuation Maps.

The next screen will show the linked document of the building evacuation maps. Here is one example page.

At the bottom of each page is a legend for what the map icons mean.

To close the document, click on the white hamburger icon at the top-left.

Click on the Map Apps icon to return to the map you were viewing.

Click on the box icon and select Fire Safety to return to the app.

⚪ Filter the Fire Safety Tab List
You can filter this app’s list by typing something in the field at the top. Here, we type in Library and get one result. Since we’re still in the Fire Safety tab, the results keep the same app functionality, providing access to the Building Evacuation Maps.

In contrast, using the search field at the very top gives us the general map results, icon set and information.

⚪ Map Legend
While the Fire Safety tab provides a way to access Building Evacuation Maps, the Map Legend identifies important fire safety landmarks: Hydrants, Sprinklers, Fire Dept. Connections, Standpipes and Fire Lanes.

Show/hide map markers by clicking on the check box next to each option in the Map Legend.

The Map Legend map pins aren’t clickable, but as always, you can often click almost anywhere on the map to view more details, even if it’s not directly on a building.

⚫ Golf Cart Routes
Select Golf Cart Routes from the app drop-down menu.

The right panel shows the app name, followed by an overview of the app, relevant links to more information, and a the Map Legend, called Golf Cart Routes.
The left panel doesn’t have any app-specific lists or filters. The general map search option is there.

As usual, you can zoom in and click on any building for access to standard map features.

Click on the home icon at any time to reset the map view/zoom level.

Here is a shot, showing an instance of all 3 Golf Cart Route types, defined by the legend.

⚫ Lead Mitigation
Select Lead Mitigation from the app drop-down menu.

The legend shows testing statuses by building. Check the boxes to show/hide statuses on the map. Click on any building to learn more.

Open the left panel to view Lead Mitigation in a list format.

Click on a listing to bring up the box to view more information. Click on View Data.

Scroll to view the document. Click the white hamburger icon to close out of the document.

You will be taken back to the home page. Click on Map Apps.

Click Lead Mitigation to reopen the app we were just in.

Back in the Lead Mitigation app, select a building from the list again and click on Monitoring Plan.

Scroll to view the document | Click the white hamburger icon to return to Anvil’s home page

⚫ Tree Tour
Select Tree Tour from the app drop-down menu. Tour apps are marked with a diagonal banner on the icon.

The Campus Trees Legend sits below the app description in the right panel. You can look at the map and see which trees fall into each broad category, as labeled in the legend. Click on any tree to bring up more specific information.

Click the arrow on the left of the screen to expand the Tree Tour panel.

When you click on a tree from the Tree Tour tab list, an information box pops up on the map over the tree you selected.
Here, you can read more about the specific type of tree, and click the photo link to view photos.

A window pops up, showing photos of the tree. To view more, click the backward or forward arrows. When finished, click Close at the bottom-right or X at the top-right.

Back in the main map view, click on the home icon to re-center the map at any time.

Click on the target icon on the right to locate where you are on the map. A green dot will show up on the map, and it updates as you move. When you click the target icon again, it turns off and also changes back to green.

Click on the map icon to view a clickable list of other UO Tour maps.

The window that pops up shows a list of other UO Tour map apps. Click on any one to open it.

⬜ Conclusion
This section provides quick access through screenshots and captions, to help you process all of the above materials and how all the pieces of the Map Apps module come together.
🔵 Navigation Basics
Basic Navigation | |
Campuses | ![]() |
Selecting a Map App | ![]() |
App Info & Legend | ![]() |
Enter a Building | ![]() |
Navigate Floors | ![]() |
Geolocation | ![]() ![]() |
Home - Inside a Building | ![]() |
Home - Main Map View | ![]() |
Exit | ![]() |
🔵 Search & Sharing
⚫ Search
Search | |
Search Bar - Outside of a Building | ![]() |
Search Results - Outside of a Building | ![]() |
Search Bar - Inside of a Building | ![]() |
Clear Search Results | ![]() ![]() |
Search vs App-Specific Tab | ![]() |
⚫ Sharing
⚪ Pins & Map Sharing
Map Sharing | |
Create Pins & Generate a Map | ![]() ![]() |
Sharable Link & QR | ![]() |
⚪ X/Y Coordinates
Get X/Y Coordinates | |
Click Anywhere | ![]() |
Copy Lat/Lng Coordinates to Clipboard | ![]() |
🔵 Standard & Satellite Views
Lorem ipsum | |
Standard View | ![]() |
Satellite View | ![]() |
🔵 Logged In Access
⚫ Building Details
Details about the selected building, including its physical properties, space usage data, facilities liaisons and spaces editors.
Building Details (Must be Logged In) | |
Building Details Icon | ![]() |
Details Tab | ![]() |
Facilities Liaisons Tab | ![]() |
Spaces Editors Tab | ![]() |
Floorplans | ![]() |
List of Rooms | ![]() |
UO Spaces | ![]() ![]() |
⚫ Building Level Work Details
Work-related details on a property (e.g., call log, AiM work orders, AiM request, and assets for the selected property)
Building Level Work Details (Must be Logged In) | |
Asterisk Icon | ![]() |
Call Log Entries Tab | ![]() |
AiM Work Orders Tab | ![]() |
AiM Assets Tab | ![]() |
⚫ View Side Angle Pictometry Images
The Pictometry app helps you view and interact with (measure) the map around the property in a variety of ways.
View Side Angle Pictometry Images (Must be Logged In) | |
Land Cross-Section Icon | ![]() |
Photos | ![]() |
Compass | ![]() |
Tools | ![]() |
Map Layers | ![]() |
🔵 Other Map Apps
There are many map apps, and access may vary depending on your profile. Here is a list of some other map apps with a brief description of each. This list doesn’t include every app.
Example Map Apps | |
Campus Map | Interactive map from where you can find and enter buildings, and read more about sculptures and other landmarks by using the search bar or clicking anywhere on the map. |
Accessibility | View accessible routes, parking, and elevator locations across campus. Created in collaboration with Campus Planning, Design and Construction, and the Accessible Education Center. |
AED Locations | Locate Automated External Defibrillators (AED) throughout campus. |
All-Gender Restrooms | These restrooms are available for families with small children, people who have attendants, and our transgender and non-binary students, faculty, staff and community members. |
Animal House | Learn more about prominent locations from National Lampoon’s Animal House which was filmed in 1978 on the University of Oregon’s Eugene campus. |
Art Tour | Explore the University of Oregon’s rich array of freestanding sculptures and incorporated artworks of the university’s campus buildings. It takes approximately one hour to complete the one-mile tour. |
Bee Campus | UO’s Eugene campus is officially certified as a Bee Friendly Campus. Click on the icons to visit some of the campus spaces that have been landscaped to provide habitats for honey bees and native pollinators. |
Campus Addresses | Quick access to campus building addresses. |
Campus WiFi | Shows WiFi coverage by building across the university campus. |
Clery Boundaries | Map displaying Clery boundaries across University of Oregon campuses and properties. The Jeanne Clery Act requires colleges and universities to report campus crime data, support victims of violence, and publicly outline the policies and procedures they have put into place to improve campus safety. |
Construction Impacts | Information about construction, closures, shutdowns and detours related to maintenance, and project activities associated with Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM). |
Drone Flights | Information about approved drone flights. |
Family Friendly | Locate lactation spaces, diaper-changing stations, childcare resources, and additional family resources on campus, which help individuals and families to plan work and life needs. |
Fire Safety | Displays the safety assets and building evacuation maps across campus. |
Food | Learn about food and dining options on campus. |
Golf Cart Routes | Map of golf cart routes. The University of Oregon has a Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Safety Program that outlines all of the requirements for the safe use of these vehicles on campus. Before you drive, you must be certified. |
Historic Building Tour | Numbered map for use as a guide to take you through an hour-long, one-mile tour of the university’s notable collection of historic buildings and landscapes that span three eras of campus development. |
Indigenous UO | A map of points of interest related to Native American and Indigenous history on campus. Created and developed by the Native American and Indigenous Studies Academic Residential Community in 2018 and is updated annually by students in the program. |
Lead Mitigation | This map displays current lead testing and mitigation status by building. Data is updated weekly by Safety and Risk Services. |
LEED Buildings | Explore the university’s 16 LEED certified buildings to see what makes them sustainable spaces. |
Main Campus Tour | Tour of campus. The university’s main campus spans 295 acres and has more than 125 buildings. Total enrollment is 23,834 students. This makes the UO one of the smallest public research-intensive universities in the country. |
Mapas de la UO | Created by University of Oregon Spanish Heritage Language Program (SHLUO). |
Parking | Map of specific parking types (e.g., ADA parking, electric vehicle charging, pay stations, motorcycle parking, Zipcar, hourly pay to park) and the different zones. |
Safety at Night | Identifies safety corridors across campus and emergency call box locations. Help make campus safer by using this map to share night safety hazards. Tap or click on the map to drop a pin. Fill out the form and click submit to report a non-emergency night safety issue on campus. |
Sexual Interpersonal Violence Resources | Learn about where students can access on-campus and external resources, services, and help related to sexual interpersonal violence. Interpersonal violence is an umbrella term for dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and bullying. |
Spaces | UO Spaces contains elements that describe the current utilization of all university-owned and university-leased spaces. UO Spaces relies heavily on various institutional data sources, but the core data comes from Campus Planning, Design and Construction, Campus GIS data, HRIS, and FIS. |
Stormwater Facilities | Learn more about the university’s stormwater infrastructure, which filters runoff and transports it to the river. Explore our system and learn how we’re protecting water quality in the Willamette River. |
Sustainability Tour | Self-guided tour that takes about 2 hours to complete and covers about 2.5 miles. Highlights a few of the university’s numerous environmentally sustainable practices. |
Sustainability Programs | Highlights programs furthering sustainability efforts on and around the Eugene campus. |
Tour Maps Menu | Clickable list of all tour map apps we currently have. |
Transportation | Highlights public and personal transportation options for getting to, from, and around campus. Locate bike parking and resources, ride-share drop-off areas, and public transportation stops. |
Tree Tour | Explore the trees of the university’s Eugene campus. The tour covers about a mile and takes approximately one hour to complete. The campus covers 295 acres and contains well over 3,000 trees of more than 500 species. This self-guided tour will introduce you to some of the most significant trees on campus. |
Trees | Read information provided by UO arborists. The roots of the campus Tree map date back to the university’s Tree Atlas. |
Water Stations | View bottle fill stations and water fountain locations on campus. |
Winter Weather | If winter conditions such as snow or ice impact campus, the highlighted building entrances and routes will be prioritized for clearing. This map will be updated as hazards are mitigated. |
Women’s Built History | Learn about the university’s rich history of women that is reflected in the campus-built environment. This self-guided tour takes you throughout the campus, highlighting stops featuring important contributions by women that are reflected in the built environment. Many of these tour elements are not representative of a time period that was inclusive of all self-identifying women and women of color. |
- No labels