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The Business Operations Smartsheet System (BOSS system ) is a collaboration tool used by FASS Business Operations that allows for the following purposes:

  • Communicate expense request
  • Electronically record expense approval by budget approver per unit delegation
  • Record and share information about transaction (index, amount, vendor, detail, purchase, and payment)
  • Document 3-way match (item ordered, item received, payment)
  • Document Segregation of Duties
  • PCard and Duck Depot Reconciliation
  • Contract Administration
  • Document Retention (according to UO Records Retention Policy)

How to Access Smartsheet

  • Access the BOSS Smartsheets HERE
  • Expand
    titleFollow these steps if you are prompted to sign in
    Select the Sign in with Microsoft option
    Image Removed
    Enter your UO email
    Image Removed
    Enter your Duck ID password
    Image Removed
    Authenticate the login with Duo
    Image Removed
    Select Yes to stay signed in to reduce the number of times you are prompted to sign in to access the BOSS form
    Image Removed

    Request Types

    ExpandtitleSee request types and how to process them here


    • Easy and effective collaboration between units and FASS
    • One Form that routes to Business Operations areas
    • Electronically document separation of duties and approvals with time stamped audit trail
    • Efficiently collect documents required for retention

    The BOSS form can be found in the Department Workspace on the FASS website. Bookmark the form for easy access. This form will get you to all areas of Business Operations!

    The BOSS system is used for the following purposes:

    • Communicate expense request
    • Electronically record expense approval by budget approver per unit delegation
    • Record and share information about transaction (index, amount, vendor, detail, purchase, and payment)
    • Document 3-way match (item ordered, item received, payment)
    • Document Segregation of Duties
    • PCard and Duck Depot Reconciliation
    • Contract Administration
    • Document Retention (according to UO Records Retention Policy)

    Process Overview


    How to Access Smartsheet

    1. Access the BOSS Smartsheets HERE

    2. Expand
      titleFollow these steps if you are prompted to sign in
      1. Select the Sign in with Microsoft option

        Image Added

      2. Enter your UO email

        Image Added

      3. Enter your Duck ID password

        Image Added

      4. Authenticate the login with Duo

        Image Added

      5. Select Yes to stay signed in to reduce the number of times you are prompted to sign in to access the BOSS form

        Image Added

    Request Types

    titleSee request types and how to process them here

    Travel Request

    Click on link to the Travel Request form. Use this if need to register for conference/training that will require travel.

    New Contract or Amendment to Existing Contract

    Click on link to Contract Intake form. A ticket will be created and assigned to the Purchasing Manager for review.

    Duck Depot - Cart Sent to Buyer to Complete

    Will be initiated by Buyer when requester submits a DD cart directly to assigned buyer

    Duck Depot - Cart/Purchase Completed

    Recordkeeping/Reconciliation – attach PO and packing slip, indicate received status, received date

    Invoice - Already Purchased, Submitting Invoice for Payment

    Invoices for payment – may have an existing BOSS entry or not, indicate received status, received date

    PCard - Already Purchased, Submitting Receipt

    Recordkeeping/Reconciliation – attach PO and packing slip, indicate received status, received date

    JV (Pay or Charge UO Dept)

    Requests to process JV or record of JV for recordkeeping purposes

    Employee Reimbursement

    Request for reimbursement, indicate received status, and date. Attach documentation.

    Event Related (Catering, Rooms, Etc)



    Professional Development/Training (w/out travel)

    Professional Services (i.e. Consulting)

    Purchase Gas

    Purchase Goods

    Recruitment Advertising


    Type of purchasing assistance or expense approval needed.

    Credit Memo

    Process or recordkeeping

    UO Printing or Mailing (expense will be JVd by printing or mailing)

    USS Charge (expense will be JVd by USS)

    Recordkeeping – attach documentation

    Purchase Goods

    • Goods under $5,000 can be purchased by Unit PCard users, Duck Depot, L1CA, or FASS can assist. No PO required.
    • Goods over $5,000 but under $25,000: PO can be issued by FASS
    • Goods over $25,000: FASS will submit the matter to PCS  

    Conference Registration (with or without travel)

    • Unit PCard user or FASS can enter payment using Unit PCard
    • If travel is needed, the FASS travel coordinator will contact separately

    Membership, Professional Development

    • Unit PCard user or FASS can enter payment using Unit PCard

    Event-Related (Catering, Rooms)

    • UO Catering policy should be followed. FASS can assist if requested. 

    Professional Services (i.e. Consulting)

    • Existing Contracts: Submit invoices to FASS for payment/tracking
    • No existing contract: Use request type, “New Contract/Amendment to Existing.” FASS can process Personal Service Contracts for services under $25K (over a 5 year period). Over $25K will be submitted to PCS.


    • FASS travel coordinator will contact to assist

    New Contract/Amendment to Existing Contract

    • FASS contract coordinator will contact to assist

    JV Request (Pay or Charge UO Dept)

    • FASS will process, Accounting can assist if there are questions

    Purchase Gas 

    • Located in FASS Smartsheet

    Voyager Card Receipt 

    • Located in UOPD Smartsheet
    • UOPD Voyager receipts will be submitted and reconciled with monthly Voyager statement 


    • Internal OICRC tracking

    UO Printing

    • Internal OICRC tracking


    • Located in President's Portfolio Smartsheet

    BOSS Request Workflow

    Workflow Roles

    titleSee workflow roles and their corresponding duties here

    Unit Budget Authority 

    • Delegate and Document Budget Approver authority, as appropriate for unit  

    Unit Coordinator

    • PCard Users and L1CA for purchases made by Unit
    • Coordinates with FASS on Smartsheet issues
    • Unit Coordinators:
      • FASS: Maryam Hubbard
      • UOPD: Melody Keene or Rachel Dale
      • Vivian Olum: Jenna Montes
      • Transportation Services: Paula Ellison
      • University HR: Michelle Cottrell
      • OICRC: Vivian Wright
      • President's Portfolio: Deanna Heying
      • Internal Audit: Leah Ladley

    Unit Budget Approvers

    • Documented delegation by unit Budget Authority.
    • Approves unit expense requests

    FASS Accountant

    • Reviews expense is allowable per business expense policy
    • Reviews fund type is allowable for expense
    • Enters JVs into Banner
    • PCard user (if requested for unit-identified purchases)
    • PCard card custodian
    • Coordinates with FASS buyers if sourcing is requested or needed for purchase
    • Coordinates with contract coordinator or purchasing manager regarding spend against contracts
    • Approves Duck Depot carts if submitted to FASS – ensures correct accounting information is entered
    • Assists A/P support with questions about transactions
    • Coordinates with Financial Manager on expenses questions for budgeting/forecasting
    • Lead Accountant for non-CPFM departments: Drew Anderson

    FASS Buyer

    • Accountant will coordinate with Buyer if FASS assistance is requested for purchasing and sourcing is required.

    FASS Contract Support

    • Reviews requests for new contracts or amendments
    • Determines action needed and routes to FASS Purchasing Manager 

    FASS A/P Support

    • Reviews associated documentation to confirm 3-way match
    • Enters transaction into Banner
    • PCard Reconciliation
    • Duck Depot Reconciliation
    • Lead A/P support for non-CPFM units: Tina Bedinger

    Delegated Budget Authority (Jon and Lisa)

    • Approves invoice payments in Banner
    • Approves JVs in Banner
    • Approves PCard and Duck Depot Reconciliations

    FASS Smartsheet Fields

    The BOSS Unit Coordinator can enter information directly into Smartsheet. If entered into form, fields from form will carry over to the smartsheet spreadsheet. 

    titleSee Smartsheet field names, automations, and user actions below.

    Field Name

    Field Type


    User Action

    Row ID


    Auto fills when any fields are filled in


    Rows Added

    Sends email to Unit Coordinator notifying them of request submitted. Send notice with same to Teams channel.

    Unit Coordinator log in to review and disposition request once approval received.


    Drop Down Contact List (unrestricted)

    When requester not Unit Coordinator, email alert sent to Unit Coordinator

    Choose from drop down or Enter Email Address

    Request Date


    Auto fills date


    Request Type

    Drop Down (Restricted)

    If “New Contract/Amendment,” email sent to fass@uoregon

    If “Travel,” email sent to fass@uoregon

    Choose from drop down

    Total Amount



    Enter amount if known, estimated if not known. Approver will approve based on this amount


    Drop Down (Unrestricted)


    Choose index from down down, or if not listed, type in


    Drop Down (Unrestricted)


    Type in or choose from drop down

    Detail of Expense



    Type in details of expense

    Will Travel be Required?

    Drop Down (Restricted)

    “Yes” - Email sent to Megan

    Select “Yes” if travel request. Otherwise, can leave blank

    Budget Approval

    Drop Down (Restricted)

    Budget Approver is sent update form when “Requested” selected

    Will auto fill to “requested” when budget approver is selected.

    If do want approval request sent to approver, change to “approved” before entering approver

    Budget Approver

    Drop Down (Unrestricted)

    When Budget Approver entered, cell changes to “Requested” unless other status selected in smartsheet

    Choose from drop down. If not listed in drop down, enter email

    Payment Against Contract or PO

    Check Box

    Row is copied to contracts smartsheet when checked

    Select if payment is being made against existing contract


    Drop Down (Unrestricted)

    Emails purchaser to notify them of assignment

    Unit Coordinator assign Purchaser

    Purchase Method

    Drop Down (Restricted)

    If “PCard,” row is copied to PCard smartsheet when Order Placed field completed and attachment added

    If Duck Depot, Row copied to DD when Order Placed field completed and attachment added

    If “FASS Assistance” email to

    If Unit purchasing, select method. If requesting FASS assistance, choose “FASS Assistance”

    Purchase Date



    Enter date purchase made. Leave blank if FASS is assisting with purchase.

    Est. Delivery Date



    Enter estimated delivery date.

    Deliver To

    Drop Down

    If “Warehouse” – sends update form to Receiving

    N/A for intangible item

    Warehouse if item will be delivered to warehouse

    1715 if item will be delivered to 1715

    Order Placed

    Drop Down (Restricted)

    If “order placed – notify requester” selected, email notice to requester

    Select once order has been placed. “Order Placed – Notify Requestor” will send an email notification to requestor. “Order Placed” does not.

    FASS Assignment

    Drop Down (Restricted)

    ·         FASS Invoice – email sent to fsacctspayable@uoregon and BOSS Teams Channel

    ·         FASS JV – email sent to and BOSS Teams Channel

    ·         FASS Contract – email to

    ·         FASS Purchasing Assistance – email sent to fass@uoregon and BOSS Teams Channel

    ·         JV requests, select “FASS JV”

    ·         Invoices received for existing expense row – attach invoice to row and select “FASS Invoice Payment”

    ·         For assistance with purchasing, select “FASS Purchasing Assistance”




    Enter as needed

    Rec’d Date



    Once item received, enter received date. Entering a date means receiver has confirmed match with item received and ordered

    Received Status

    Drop Down


    If “Received Warehouse” or “Received 1715” update form sent to requester

    Requester update form to indicate “Customer Received”

    JV Banner Doc #



    FASS agent will enter when input into Banner

    JV Credit Index



    Index receiving funds

    JV Credit Amount



    Credit amount

    JV Debit Index



    Index paying for expense

    JV Debit Amount



    Debit amount

    FASS Agent

    Drop Down (Unrestricted)


    FASS agent will select their name upon receipt

    FASS Vendor Number

    Formula against Vendor


    Vendor number will be pulled from vendor look up table. FASS agent will enter in table if not existing. FASS agent may need to correct vendor name and should always check for accuracy when entering into Banner.

    FASS Banner Invoice Number



    FASS agent will enter banner invoice #

    FASS Account Code



    FASS agent will enter account code

    FASS Invoice Entered Date



    FASS agent will enter date invoice is input into Banner

    Banner Paid Date



    FASS agent will confirm payment in Banner and enter date paid

    FASS Status

    Drop Down


    Received/In Review – FASS agent has received

    Entered, Pending payment – transaction has been entered into Banner

    Complete – transaction has been paid/posted in Banner

    FASS BOSS Request Form Field Descriptions

    The BOSS request forms will usually be filled out by clients from supported units. If they have questions about filling in the forms you can reference this guide to answer any questions.

    titleSee BOSS request form field descriptions below.

    RequesterSelect Name from Drop Down. All Unit staff are listed. If name not in drop down, can enter email; FASS or Unit BOSS admin can add a contact to drop down.

    Request Type – Purchase Goods

    • Purchase of Physical Goods
    IndexDrop Down, Type InSelect Index. If not there, can type in
    VendorDrop Down, Type InDrop Down, Type In
    Detail of ExpenseType In

    Type in details of expense. Include link to item, if applicable.

    Total AmountType In 

    Actual or estimated amount

    Budget ApproverDrop down, Type In

    Select Budget approver, can type in email if not listed. Budget Approver will receive email with form to approve

    NotesType In

    Notes, as needed

    File UploadAttachments

    Upload documentation, as needed

    Request Type – Conference Registration (with or without travel)

    • If requester must be logged into individual account to register, a PCard user will contact requester to arrange for payment to be entered.
    • If travel needs are indicated, a FASS rep will reach out separately to assist with travel.
    IndexDrop Down, Type InSelect Index. If not there, can type in
    VendorDrop Down, Type In

    Drop down for vendors Unit has contracts with

    Type in if unknown

    Select “unknown” if do not know
    Detail Of ExpenseType InType in details of expense. Include link for payment, if applicable
    Total AmountType In Actual or estimated amount
    Budget ApproverDrop down, Type InSelect Budget approver, can type in email if not listed. Budget Approver will receive email with form to approve
    Will Travel Be Required?Drop downSelect “Yes” if travel will occur with this conference. FASS will reach out separately to assist with travel.
    NotesType InNotes, as needed 
    File UploadAttachmentsUpload documentation, as needed

    Request Type – Membership, Professional Development

    • If requester must be logged into individual account to register, a PCard user will contact requester to arrange for payment to be entered.
    IndexDrop Down, Type InSelect Index. If not there, can type in
    VendorDrop Down, Type In

    Drop down for vendors Unit has contracts with

    Type in if unknown

    Select “unknown” if do not know
    Detail of ExpenseType InType in details of expense. Include link to item, if applicable.
    Total AmountType In Actual or estimated amount
    Budget ApproverDrop down, Type InSelect Budget approver, can type in email if not listed. Budget Approver will receive email with form to approve
    NotesType InNotes, as needed
    File UploadAttachmentsUpload documentation, as needed
    Request Type – Event-Related (Catering, Rooms)
    IndexDrop Down, Type InSelect Index. If not there, can type in
    VendorDrop Down, Type In

    Drop down for vendors Unit has contracts with

    Type in if unknown

    Select “unknown” if do not know
    Detail of ExpenseType In

    Type in details of expense. 

    Total AmountType In Actual or estimated amount
    Budget ApproverDrop down, Type InSelect Budget approver, can type in email if not listed. Budget Approver will receive email with form to approve
    NotesType InNotes, as needed
    File UploadAttachmentsUpload documentation, as needed

    Request Type – Professional Services (i.e. consulting)

    • Use when submitting invoices for services where contract exists
    • If no contract exists, FASS will assist with a Personal Services Contract
    Payment against Contract or PO?CheckboxCheck if contract exists, if unsure, leave blank
    IndexDrop Down, Type InSelect Index. If not there, can type in
    VendorDrop Down, Type In

    Drop down for vendors OICR has contracts with

    Type in if unknown

    Select “unknown” if do not know
    Detail of ExpenseType InType in details of expense. 
    Total AmountType In Actual or estimated amount
    Budget ApproverDrop down, Type InSelect Budget approver, can type in email if not listed. Budget Approver will receive email with form to approve
    NotesType InNotes, as needed
    File UploadAttachmentsUpload documentation, as needed

    Request Type – Travel

    • After submission, a FASS travel coordinator will reach out to assist
    NotesType inInclude brief description of travel needed 
    File UploadAttachmentsUpload documentation as needed

    Request Type – New Contract/Amendment to Existing Contract

    • After submission, a FASS contract coordinator will reach out for more information
    NotesType inInclude brief description of travel needed 
    File UploadAttachmentsUpload documentation as needed

    Request Type – JV Request (Pay or Charge UO Dept)

    • Submit for JV processing when paying or receiving funds from another UO department
    Detail of ExpenseType inInclude details of what the JV is for 
    Budget ApproverDrop Down, Type InSelect Budget approver, can type in email if not listed. Budget Approver will receive email with form to approve
    Credit IndexType InIndex receiving the funds
    JV Credit AmountType InEnter amount to JV
    Debit IndexType InIndex to pay from
    JV Debit AmountType InEnter amount to JV
    NotesType InNotes, as needed

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