When you first open the Work List, you will see a screen called All Phases. In the screenshot below, notice the All Phases icon is highlighted at the top-left. While in this Work List view, you can click on that icon to navigate back to this screen.
At the top-center, next to All Phases, is a number in parentheses, telling how many phases there are in the list.
All tasks are tracked and referenced using a number that is a combination of the Work Order number and Phase number, formatted like in the screenshot, below.
The Creation and Assign Dates are listed on the left of each Phase listing, documenting when this task was created, and when it was assigned to someone.
The Phase Contact is someone who would be able to answer questions about this task, sometimes on behalf of the customer.
At the left edge of each phase listing is a colored vertical bar. These are priority indicators that tell how urgent a phase is. You don’t need to remember the colors, as the Priority level is also written out on the right edge of each listed phase.
The location is usually entered under Location, at the bottom-left (or in this example, included in the description instead). And the Phase Description is found in the middle of the Phase listing.
The Status describes what step the project is at. E.g., Assigned or Work in Progress.
If there’s an Asset associated with the task/phase, the assigned asset number would also be listed.