Purchase Request to Pick Ticket (AiM)

This procedure addresses how to change a purchase request into a pick ticket for purchasing from the Warehouse for Buyers.

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

  1. From the Purchase Request Screen, click edit, then click on the line item. If the status is in Shop Approved or Request Received you can still modify the Purchase Request line items. If the PREQ is in Finalized or Closed, void it and recreate the PREQ.
    1. If the current Line type field is labeled Catalog, select the Non Stock Line Type label before selecting the Stock Line Type label. When changing the line type status from Catalog to Stock, first choose Non Stock status before selecting Stock Status. If you omit this step, you will not be able to update the commodity field.
    2. If the current Line Type is labeled Non Stock, change the Line Type Field from Non Stock to Stock.
    3. If the current Line Type is labeled Service, it cannot be converted into a Pick Ticket, these are for purchases from Stores.
  2. Update the required fields, then click done to update line. Required Fields are highlighted in red. To look up information regarding a field, click the spyglass associated with that field. Verify that the Phase and the location are correct before proceeding.
  3. Click Save on the Purchase Request screen to update PREQ.
  4. Click Edit, then change the status of the PREQ from Shop Approved to Request Received and click Save. Write down PREQ transaction number, this number is highlighted in yellow on the top of the PREQ Screen. Use this number to verify the transaction loading in step 6.
  5. Click Edit, then change the status of the PREQ from Shop Approved to Request Finalized and click Save.
  6. Go back to Work Desk click on the Inventory module, then click on the new Pick Ticket entry link.
  7. Type “S” into Warehouse field and search to auto-populate Stores.
  8. Click the load Purchase Request button. Check the box for the corresponding PREQ Transaction(s) to load.
  9. Click save to update the Pick Ticket.