Acronyms and Definitions
Webopedia - Online Tech Dictionary for IT Pros
| What it means... |
3PM | Planning, Public Policy, and Management, aka PPPM |
AAU | Association of American Universities. (Wiki page) |
AEC | |
AEI | |
AFT | Applied Flow Technology, software. AFT Fathom. |
ARMS | Account Records Management System |
ASG | Aronson Security Group, vendor used to UO that has now been purchased by ADT |
ASM | |
ASUO | Associated Students of the University of Oregon, colloquially often called "student government" |
AVP | Associate (or Assistant) Vice President |
BA | Business Analyst |
BAG | Budget Advisory Group |
Banner | University of Oregon financial system |
BAO | Budget Affairs Office |
BAS | Building Automation System |
BCC | Black Cultural Center |
BDOT | Business Data Operations Team |
BFF | Bona Fide Factor (related to OEPA) |
BMS | Building Management System, software used by the BAS group to control buildings, for example temperature |
BRP | Budget and Resource Planning |
Campus Ops | Campus Operations, former name for CPFM |
CapCon | Former name for Design and Construction |
CAD | Computer Aided Design, software used by Design and Construction, ex: AutoCAD |
CAD | Computer Aided Dispatch, software used up UOPD for dispatching |
CAS | College of Arts and Sciences |
CASI | Center for Accelerating Science Impact (the Knight Campus) |
CASIT | College of Arts and Sciences Information Technology support |
CasX | Hatfield-Dowlin Complex, football operations, prior to the official name it was called Casanova Expansion |
CC | Computing Center |
CCH | Computerized Criminal History |
CCT | Communications and Collaborative Technologies, formerly known as UC or Unified Communications, phones, chat, and conferencing apps |
CERC | Communication and Emergency Response Center, the UOPD's dispatch center |
CHC | Clark Honors College |
CHRO | Chief Human Resources Officer |
CHW | Chill Water |
CJI | Criminal Justice Information |
CJIS | Criminal Justice Information Services |
CLLAS | Center for Latino/Latina American Studies |
CMAE | Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence |
CMMS | Computerized Maintenance Management System |
CoD | College of Design |
CoE | College of Education |
COFS | Campus Operations Facilities Services, former name for CPFM |
COS | Chief of Staff |
CPC | Campus Planning Committee |
CPFM | Campus Planning and Facilities Management |
CPS | Central Power Station |
CSB | Clinical Services Building |
CSWS | Center for the Study of Women in Society |
CTJ | Cost Transfer Justification |
CTL | Central on Teaching and Learning |
D&C | Design and Construction |
DAF | Duck Athletic Fund |
DBC | Door Board Control, for AMAG tells how many doors can be hooked to a panel, panels come in 2DBC, 4DBC, and 8DBC |
DDS | Designated Driver Shuttle |
DEI | Division of Equity and Inclusion |
DG | Distribution Group |
DL | Distribution List |
DNU | DO NOT UNLOCK, description that should never be unlocked...ever...never ever, so don't do it |
DPS | Department of Public Safety, former name for UOPD |
DSM | DiskStation Manager |
DSU | Dell System Update Utility, used to automatically update drivers on a Dell server |
DV | Dynamic View |
E&G | Education and General (funds) |
EAMS | Enterprise Asset Management System, we use AiM |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program |
EC Cares | Early Childhood CARES, program affiliated with the College of Education |
ECS | Educational and Community Supports |
EDM | Enterprise Desktop Management, an IT group under USS |
EDW | Enterprise Data Warehouse |
EHS | Environmental Health and Safety, former name for Safety and Risk Services |
ELE | Electric |
ELI5 | ELI5 is short for “Explain Like I’m 5,” a request for a simple explanation to a complicated question or problem. |
ELR | Employee and Labor Relations |
EMIS | Energy Management Information System |
EMS | Event Management Service |
EMU | Erb Memorial Union |
EOC | Emergency Operations Center, access controlled by SRS |
EOD | Expansion of Duties |
EPAF | Electronic Payroll Action Form |
ERAS | External Relations Administrative Services |
ERS | Enterprise Risk Services, former name for Safety and Risk Services |
F&A | Facilities and Administration rate/return |
FAC | Ford Alumni Center |
FASS | Finance and Administration Shared Services |
FASS IT | IT department supporting several FASS units including FASS, Utilities and Energy, and UOPD |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act |
FLSA | Fair Labor Standards Act |
FMLA | Family Medical Leave Act |
FOAPAL | Fund Organization Account Program Activity Location, from the Banner financial system, funding source/string IDing the intended location for the budget or fund |
FS | Facilities Services, former name for CPFM |
FTE | Full Time Equivalency |
FY | Fiscal Year, July 1st - June 30th |
GC | General Counsel |
GE | Graduate Employee, used to be known as Graduate Teaching Fellowship |
GF | General Fund |
GHS | Global Scholar's Hall |
GIS | Geographical Information Systems (GIS), part of Safety and Risk Services. |
Green Screen | old signage software used by the Ford Alumni Center, it's fs-sign-fac01 and has IE open in full screen mode with the webpage on it |
GTF | Graduate Teaching Fellowship, former name for GE |
GTFF | Graduate Teaching Fellows Foundation (graduate employees' union) |
HB # | House Bill number |
HCB | aka UHC (University Health Center), Health Center Building |
HDC | Hatfield-Dowlin Complex |
HECC | Higher Education Coordinating Commission |
HEDCO | A clinic in the College of Education |
HHU | Handheld Units, for parking, talk to the parking system for tickets |
HRIS | Human Resources Information System |
HWTP | Hamilton Walton Transformation Project, also known as New Residence Hall |
ICC | Indirect Cost credits, revenue generated by the F&A rate charged to sponsored grants |
IDEAL | IDEAL Framework: Inclusion, Diversity, Evaluation, Achievement, Leadership |
IdM | Identity Manager |
IDR | Integrated Data and Reporting, uses Cognos for analytics |
iDRAC | Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller, tool in Dell PowerEdge. |
IG | InfoGraphics |
IHP | Institutional Hiring Plan |
IMT | Incident Management Team |
IR | Institutional Research |
IROCE | Institute for Resilient Organizations, Communities, and Environments |
IS | Information Sciences or Information Services |
ISIC | Information Services Incident Command |
J School | Journalism School, aka School of Journalism and Communication |
JCPD | Junction City Police Department |
JoRo | Romania Warehouse, called JoRo because it used to be the Joe Romania car dealership, the central CPFM folks would out of here |
JSMA | Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art |
JSS | Jane Sanders Stadium |
JV | Journal Voucher |
JWJ | Johnson Hall |
KC | Knight Campus |
KCASI | Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact |
KD | Knowledge Desk |
KWAX | University of Oregon classical radio station |
LAPS | Local Administrator Password Solution |
LCB | Lundquist College of Business |
LCMS | Liability Claims Management System, related to workers' comp claims |
LD changes | Labor Distribution changes |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LEDS | Law Enforcement Data System |
Lewis Lounge | The 4th floor of the Knight Law School |
LIL | Location Innovation Lab, the new name for the GIS folks in Safety and Risk Services on campus. |
LISB | Lewis Integrated Science Building |
Little Duo Push Thingy | 2FA Duo fobs available from the Technology Service Desk. |
LLC | Living-Learning Center |
LWOP | Leave Without Pay |
MCC | Multicultural Center, |
McMorran House | aka Pres Res, the university president's residence |
MDT | Microsoft Deployment Toolkit |
MECM | Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager |
MFR | Mobile Field Reporting |
MKA | Matthew Knight Area |
MNCH | Museum of Natural and Cultural History |
NAT | Network Address Translation |
NCIC | National Crime Information Center |
NGFW | Next Generation FireWall |
NRH | New Residence Hall, the former name for Kalapuya |
NTS | Network and Telecom Services, part of Central IS |
NTTF | Non-Tenure Track Faculty |
NVR | Network Video Recorder |
OAS | Operations Administrative Services |
OCIAS | Oregon Consortium of International Area Studies (Russian, African, Latin American, Intl. Asian, European, and Canadian Studies |
ODOT | Oregon Department of Transportation, parking is houses in an old ODOT building |
OEPA | Oregon Equal Pay Act |
OIA | Office of International Affects, now called the Division of Global Engagement since 2018) |
OICRC | Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance |
OIMB | Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, on the coast in Charleston, Oregon |
OIP | Office of Internal Programs |
OIX | aka Oregon-IX, Oregon Internet Exchange |
OOO | Out of Office |
OPE | Other Payroll Expenses, Includes the university’s share of an employee’s medical & dental insurance, retirement, Social Security, Medicare, Worker’s Compensation, Unemployment, the Lane County Transit tax and the State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF). For classified employees, it also includes a portion toward the Employee Relations Board (ERB). OPE consists of two basic components, fixed (insurance and Employee Relations Board) and variable. |
OPSRP | Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan |
ORGN code | Department code from Banner |
ORP | Oregon Retirement Plan |
ORS | Oregon Revised Statutes |
OSNA | Operating Systems Network Analyst |
OSP | Oregon State Police |
OtP | Office of the Provost |
OUS | Oregon University System |
OWA | Outlook Web Access |
PAC | Personal Access Code |
PAST | Provost Administrative Services Team |
PCI DSS | Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards |
PCS | Purchasing and Contracting Services |
PD | Position Description |
PE & Rec | Physical Education & Recreation, PER in Debbie's head |
PEBB | Public Employees' Benefit Board |
PEI | Portland Engineering, contractor for WonderWare |
PERS | Public Employees' Retirement System |
PHNB | Peace Health North Building |
PLC | Prince Lucien Campbell Hall, where the Central IS helpdesk is located, room 068 |
PME | Power Monitoring Export, Schneider software |
PO | Purchase Order |
POD(s) | Police Observation Device (s) |
PP | Physical Plant, former name for CPS |
PPPM | Planning, Public Policy, and Management, aka 3PM |
Pres Res | aka McMorran House, the university president's residence |
PRF | Payroll Request Form |
PRQ | Purchase Request |
PSC | Price Science Commons |
PSJ | Public Safety and Justice |
PUP | PageUp People, aka My Track |
PUSF | Public University Support Fund (funds allocated from HECC) |
PWIVERI | Employee history screen in Banner |
RBAC | Role-Based Account Creation |
REX | Request to Exit, an accessory to the AMAG system that allows you to leave a room without badging out, usually a white bar mounted to the ceiling just above the door |
RMS | Records Management System |
RO | Reverse Osmosis |
ro | Read Only |
RPS | Remote Programming Software, Bosch software for programming alarm panels |
RST | Restricted |
RT | Request Tracker, ticketing software |
rwm | Read Write Modify |
SA | Student Affairs |
SAG | Space Advisory Group |
SAIT | Student Life IT |
SB # | Senate Bill # |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, software used to monitor and control utility equipment |
SCUA | Special Collections and University Archives with UO Libraries |
SEIU | SERVICE Employees International Union (classified employees union) |
SEMP | Strategic Energy Management Plan, from U&E |
SHB | aka UHC (University Health Center), Student Health Building |
SHC | aka UHC (University Health Center), Student Health Center |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
Smart wall | a wall of multiple displays in Milestone |
SOC | Security Operations Center |
SOJC | School of Journalism and Communication, aka J School |
SOMD | School of Music and Dance |
SOS | Skybox at Autzen stadium in S886 on the 5th floor |
SPA | Service Partnership Agreement, what FASS calls Service Level Agreements |
SPC | Sports Performance Center |
SRC | Student Recreation Center |
SRS | Safety and Risk Services |
SSEM | Student Success and Enrollment Management |
SSIL | Social Science Instructional Labs - |
STM | Steam |
TAG | The Automation Group |
TDx | Team Dynamix, ticketing software used by Central IS, |
TFAB | Tuition and Fee Advisory Board, check out |
TGMS | Toxic Gas Monitoring System |
TSD | Technology Service Desk |
TTF | Tenure Track Faculty |
TLO | TransUnion |
TUC | Thompson University Center |
U&E | Utilities and Energy |
UA | United Academics (faculty union) |
UC | Unified Communications, now called Communications and Collaborative Technologies (CCT), phones, chat, conferencing apps for university |
UDF | User-Defined Field |
UHC | aka SHC (Student Health Center), University Health Center |
UOCloud | University of Oregon's VMware infrastructure for virtual servers, also known as ESXi. |
UOFM | University of Oregon Fire Marshal's Office, part of Safety and Risk Services |
UOPA | University of Oregon Police Association (UOPD union) |
UOPD | University of Oregon Police Department |
USS | User Support Services, a division of the university central IT department |
VMS | Video Management Software, like Milestone |
VOCDC | Vivian Olum Child Development Center |
VPEI | Vice President for Equity and Inclusion |
VPFA | Vice President for Finance and Administration |
VPRI | Vice President of Research and Innovation |
VPSL | Vice President for Student Life |
VRF | Variable Refrigerant Flow, system used by BAS |
WCC | Work Control Center (CPFM) |
WCCMS | Workers' Compensation Claims Management System, aka MicroNiche |
Woolley | Knight Campus Annex building, was originally named "Woolley" after the previous owner of the building |
WSUS | Windows Server Update Services |
WW | WonderWare, a SCADA system |