Asset Management: Create a New Asset

This SOP outlines the steps for creating a new asset.

Below are the guidelines.

A master asset record must be created to attach to or be used on work orders, such as preventive maintenance work orders.

For training purposes, the screenshots are in AiM Test.


Master Asset Profile Record Definitions 

Field Name


Asset ID

Auto-generated Asset Identification Number that is unique to the identification of the asset. Smart Numbers are not used.

Asset Description

Unique Asset Description of the asset using a Standard Nomenclature Format.


Highest tier is described in the Region/Facility/Property/Location structure that is set up first.


Second tier is set up after the region. Typically defined as a group of buildings associated with the region.


Third tier set up after facility. Property is typically a building associated to the facility.


Fourth tier set up after property. Location is typically identified as rooms associated with the property.


Manufacturer of the asset.


Model number of the asset.

Serial Number

Serial number of the asset.

Asset Type

Functionality of assets depend upon asset type associated to the asset profile.

Asset Group

Asset Group classified according to the asset type. Useful in filtering a large number of assets to a manageable subset. User defined attributes are associated to the asset group.


Master asset profile status is associated to the asset type.


Supports an image to assist with identifying the asset.

Replacement Tag

Replacement tag is an identity label supporting the cross reference of a new asset.

Component Asset

Component assets are associated to the Master Asset Profile by selecting the load assets hyperlink. Component assets are chosen with a sequence of how the assets appear in the component assets detail listing.


How to Navigate


How to Navigate


Navigate to the WorkDesk screen and select Asset Management.




Select Master Asset Profile.




Create a new Master Asset Profile record.

There are two methods to create this record.

Method 1: Selecting the Paper Icon will launch a new Master Asset Profile record.




Method 2: Select Master Asset Profile and then select New.




Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Asset Number, Description, Region, Facility, Property, Location


Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Asset Number, Description, Region, Facility, Property, Location


By selecting a magnifying glass icon, applicable data is chosen to populate the fields.

Fields with red boxes are required to have data entered.

Note: The Aim asset number in yellow will auto-assign. This unique asset number will be an auto-generated system number in Aim when a new master asset record is created. This auto-generated number will be a six-digit number assigned in sequential order. *Do not change this number. Do not use “smart” numbers, which are asset numbers that are not auto-generated in Aim.


*The Aim Steering Committee determined that smart numbers would not be used during the initial Aim Implementation.




Enter a description to identify the asset using a standard nomenclature format as/if applicable.

Examples: an Air Handler is “Air Handler, AHU-1”; a Hot Water Pump is “Hot Water Pump, HWP-1”.



Click the “Region” magnifying glass icon.

Select a region by clicking on the name.



Select a facility by clicking on the correct facility.




Select a property by clicking on the property number.

The property is typically a building where the asset or equipment is physically located.




Select a Location by clicking on the location.

The location is typically a room or space located within the building.




Shortcut Tip: Enter only the Property Number, then click on the “Location” magnifying glass icon and select a Location. The Region and Facility fields will auto-populate.



Leave the Warehouse and Bin fields blank.

Also, leave the PM Route and Route Sequence fields blank.



The Lockout/Tagout field defaults to “No”. Leave this set to No.



Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Manufacturer, Model No, Serial No,


Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Manufacturer, Model No, Serial No,


Find the manufacturer by selecting the “manufacturer” magnifying icon and select search.




Enter the manufacturer’s name. Trane is chosen in this example.

Note: Proceed to “Select Execute” two block screens below if a manufacturer is available from the list.


TIP: If the manufacturer is not on the list, it will need to be set up in AiM.

Setting up a new manufacturer:

Navigate to the Asset Management menu channel.

Select the Paper Icon by Manufacturer.



Enter the manufacturer name as shown in the example.

Click Save.

Manufacturer is now available in the list.




Enter the manufacturer’s name. Trane is used in this example.

Select Execute.




Click on Trane.




Enter the Model Number and Serial Number.



Leave the Part field blank.



Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Asset Type, Asset Group, Replacement Tag, Asset Status


Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Asset Type, Asset Group, Replacement Tag, Asset Status


Asset Type:

Select an Asset Type. Click on the magnifying glass of “Asset Type” and select Serialized.

Note: The asset type “serialized” and the associated group asset that best identifies with the asset or equipment description are typically chosen.




Asset Group:

Select an Asset Group. In the example, Air Handling Units are chosen.

Notice that a status of Pending auto-populates when Asset Type and Asset Group are chosen.





Replacement Tag:

The Replacement Tag field can be left blank, or the field can be used for several purposes.

Here are two examples.

The Replacement Tag field can be used to cross-reference an asset identification number or other information from a previous equipment list, database, etc.

The Replacement Tag field can also be used as a “marker or indicator” to identify asset records that need asset tags or labels printed for installation on equipment in the field.

“NEEDS TAG” is entered in the Replacement Tag field for this use.



Note: When asset tags or labels are printed and installed on the equipment, the “NEEDS TAG” in the Replacement Field is removed and replaced with a number “1”. This is required because once data is entered and saved in the Replacement Field, and then removed, a data entry must be entered, or an error will occur when trying to update and save the asset record.

One solution is to enter the number “1” in the first data space after removing the ‘NEEDS TAG”. Remember to select save after entering “1”.



Select Save.





Asset Status:

Important Note: To make the asset record fully functional, you must change the asset status from “pending” to “active.”

The active status on the master asset record allows the asset to be selected in the work order phase(s) and to generate PM (Preventive Maintenance) Templates.



Select edit.



Select the “status” magnifying icon and change the status from pending to active.



Select save.



Here is a basic functional completed Master Asset Profile Record.




Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Account Setup; Expire Account; Change Account



Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Account Setup; Expire Account; Change Account



The following example provides how the account setup is added to the master asset record.

Note: when data is entered for a selected area, a light blue color will appear in the view channel.


When selecting the "asset" funding method on PM templates, the account setup must be included in the master asset profile record. This ensures the funding method functions correctly when generating or producing PM work orders.



Account setup:

Select edit and then select account setup.



Select add in the “charge” tab.



Select the “account” magnifying glass icon.




Enter the applicable account (index). RBSYS is used in this example.

Select execute.



Select RBSYS.



Select the appropriate subcode. In this example, 23555 is used.

In this example, the subledger “All” is selected.

Note: Contact the Work Control Center (WCC) for setting up unique or multiple subledger accounts.

Enter a percentage of 100.

Enter a start date.

The start date is typically when the new asset record is created.

The start date can also be the date a specific accounting index was first initiated in Aim or the date the accounting index was updated/revised for use on the asset record.

The expire date is left blank. The expire date is used for future account setup account changes.

Note: Expire account is discussed in the section below: Expire Account; Change Account




Select Done.



Select Done again.



Select Save.




Notice that the account setup in the view channel is now light blue.

Click on Account Setup to view the account details.  

Click back to return to the master asset profile screen.




Expire Account; Change Account

The existing index cannot be removed to change an existing account setup index. It must be expired to add or change to a new index.

To change an existing account (index): 

Select edit, then select Account Setup on the Master Asset Profile record,

Click on the box of the RBSYS.




Enter an expire date.






Select add.




Enter data for all fields for the new account setup index. The new account index is RXBLDS.



Select Done.

Select Done again.

Then Save.



The new account (index) can be viewed by selecting account setup on the master asset profile screen.

Select back to return to the master asset profile screen.



Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Notes Log


Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Notes Log


The following example provides how the Notes Log is added to the master asset record.

Notes Log:

Select edit on the master asset record.




Select Notes Log.



Select add.



Enter a note. A note type can be chosen by clicking on the Note Type.





Select save.



Select done.



Select Save.

Notes Log now is light blue in the view channel.



Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Related Documents


Enter Data in Master Asset Fields: Related Documents


The following example provides how the Related Documents Log is added to the master asset record.

Related Documents:

A related document can be an image, e-mail, pdf, O&M manual, inspection report, test report, etc.

Select edit on the master asset record.

Select Related Documents.



Select edit.




Select add.

The document you select on your computer will load the file name.

Choose file (s).




Select next.





Select the document type. Common document types are images, inspections, etc.

Select next.




Select next again.



The document will show in the document listing.

Select Done.

Then select Save.




Related Documents will appear light blue in the view channel.





Note:  To remove a document, select edit. Then select Related Documents.

Click under “Document Listing” the number of boxes of the document(s) to be removed.

Then select the red “Remove” rectangle.




Click Yes to confirm the document (s) to be deleted.



Then click Done.




Click Save.






This is the end of the SOP.