Timecard Entries
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  • Timecard Entries

    3 Ways to Enter Time in Anvil

    ⬜ Intro

    In this tutorial, we will cover 3 ways to enter your time in Anvil and the differences between them. Click on Work List from the app home page to get started.

    From your Anvil home screen, click on Work List.

    🟩 1 - Clock Icon from Work List

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    When you click on Work List from the home screen, you will see a clock icon at the top-right of the next screen. This is one way to open the Time Entry window. In the sections below, we’ll cover the features available when clicking on this icon.

    🔵 Entry Date

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    Open the Time Entry window by clicking on the clock icon. Today’s date will show up at the top-right. All of your time entries for that date are listed in this Time Entry List. In the example below, no time entries have yet been made for this date.

    Clicking on the clock icon at the top-right is one way to open a time entry screen.

    If you want to enter time or view time entries for a different date, click on the date to adjust. Click Done to apply your changes.

    🔵 Enter Time for Direct Reports

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    Supervisors (and in many cases Lead Technicians and Coordinators) can also enter time on behalf Direct Reports by clicking on their name at the top-left and making a selection from the list. The My Time List option is for entering time on the user’s own behalf.

    Next, to add time, click on either Add Entry or Add Leave Entry (screenshot below).

    If you’re a Supervisor, you can also Approve or Reject time entries for Direct Reports. Coordinators and Lead Technicians may also have this capability. These options are not available to the user if they are grayed out, like in the screenshot, below.

    All of these options are found at the bottom of this Time Entry screen.

    🔵 Enter Leave Time

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    To enter Leave Time, click on Add Leave Entry at the bottom-left.

    Clicking on Add Leave Entry will bring up the Leave Time Entry window.

    If you didn’t change the date in the previous screen, you can do it in this screen by clicking in the date field and scrolling to the correct Month / Day / Year.

    Next, click on the drop-down arrow for the Leave Code and select the type.

    In the example below, I select HOLIDAY as the Leave Code and enter 8 Hours. I also add an optional Time Description. Hit Save to add the entry to your timecard, or Cancel or Close to back out of this screen without saving.

    The Copy to Phase Note option doesn’t apply to Leave Time Entries since these entries are not tied to a Phase (because it’s not time worked). For time entries tied to a specific work order/phase, clicking this will add the Time Description to the Phase Notes Log.

    Each time you hit Save, your time will be saved and the Leave Time Entry screen will reset for you to make the next time entry. This process repeats until you are done and hit Close.

    Close out of the Leave Time Entry screen to return to the Time Entry List window. The time entry we just created is now listed at the top, showing 8 Hours for Tuesday 1/21/25.

    Click Add Entry for time worked or Add Leave Entry for more leave time. When you’re finished, click Close.

    Listed time entries have been saved to your timecard. The Timecard Status of Not Posted simply means whoever is in charge of approving your timecard for this date has not approved it yet, but it is in their queue.


    🔵 Enter Time Worked

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    To add time worked instead of Leave Time, click on Add Entry at the bottom-left.

    The Time Entry screen for time worked will pop up. To enter time worked, enter the Work Order (aka Proposal) and Phase numbers before clicking Search to find the phase you want to enter time for.

    For time worked, it’s easier to enter it directly on a phase, which we’ll cover next.


    🟩 2 - Clock Icon from Phase Details

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    🔵 Enter Time Worked, Continued

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    To enter time worked, it’s easiest to enter it directly on a work order/phase. From the Work List, click on a phase you worked on.

    Clicking on a phase opens the Phase Details window. Click on the clock icon at the very bottom.

    When you click on the clock icon, a window opens up with a list of time entries you’ve entered so far for this specific phase.

    How the time entry screen from the Phase Details screen differs from the general time entry screen

    1. This Time Entry list is now for a specific work order (aka Proposal) and phase, instead of for a specific date.

    2. This time entry screen is for the user entering their own time, and not time on behalf of Direct Reports.

    3. You don’t enter Leave Time here, because time entered from the Phase Details should only be for work done on that specific Phase.

    At the bottom of the Time Entry screen is the Add New Entry section. The Time Type defaults to Regular. Click on the drop-down arrow for the field to view the other options.

    Examples of other Time Type options include on-call, inclement weather (IWCH) and overtime (OT). Click on your selection.

    The Labor Class field auto-populates according to your profile. But if you click on the drop-down arrow, you can view all of the other values under this field.

    Click on the Work Date field, directly on the date to adjust it. Be sure you’re entering time under the correct date.

    Select the Work Date you’re entering time for by scrolling to the correct month, day and year. The day of the week appears in light gray at the bottom-center of the pop up screen. Click Done to make your selection, or Cancel to close the pop up.

    🔵 Time Description vs. Phase Notes

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    🔵 Differentials

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    🔵 Time Entry Values

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    🔵 Notes Log & WO Notes

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    🟩 3 - Swipe Left on a Phase

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    ⬜ Conclusion

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    🔵 Summary of what was covered in this section:

    1. Where in Anvil’s Work List module we can enter Leave Time and Time Worked.

    2. What Differentials are, and how to add that to your timesheet.

    3. How the Supervisor/Lead Technician/Coordinator can enter time for Direct Reports and Approve/Reject time.

    4. Adding to the Phase Notes Log and WO Notes while making a time entry.

    5. 3 ways to enter time in Anvil, and the differences between them (see table summary, below).

    3 Ways to Enter Time in Anvil

    3 Ways to Enter Time in Anvil

    🟩 1 - Clock Icon (Top-Right of Screen)

    🟩 2 - Clock Icon (Phase Details Screen)

    🟩 3 - Left-Swipe on a Phase

    Enter time for specific date

    Enter Time for the Work Order/Phase

    Same as method 2

    Manually enter Proposal/Work Order and Phase number.

    Don’t need to enter Proposal/Work Order and Phase numbers, because the entry is created from the phase.

    Enter leave time

    Leave time isn’t entered on a Phase-specific time entry screen.

    Enter time on behalf of oneself or Direct Reports and Approve/Reject time

    Enter time on the user’s behalf only


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