Thermal Conditioning

Procedure and strategy for Campus Planning & Facilities Management (CPFM) thermal management and operations within University buildings.  Following accepted standards for managing the thermal environment will benefit the University by providing clear expectations for occupant thermal comfort while reducing energy consumption. Additionally, establishing a consistent methodology will ensure a work setting that safeguards building resources and assets.  



  • This policy applies to all General Funded University buildings.

  • Housing and Athletics facilities are governed by separate policies.

Temperature Ranges (Setpoints):

Temperature Ranges (Setpoints):

  • Standard building hours when the campus is open for business (unlocked and accessible) are typically 7:30 am-8:00 pm, Monday-Friday.

  • Unlocked and accessible periods (open for business) are considered “occupied”.

  • Locked and non-accessible periods (closed for business) are considered “unoccupied”. 

  • Buildings with central heating and cooling systems:

    • Occupied Building Hours (open) - Temperature setpoints range between 70°F (heating on) and 75°F (cooling on).

    • Unoccupied Hours (Closed) – Temperatures may be allowed to drop to 66°F or increase to 78°F.

Buildings Ventilated Naturally (heating only): 

Buildings Ventilated Naturally (heating only): 

  • Occupied Building Hours – Temperature setpoints are typically set to 70°F.

  • Unoccupied Hours (Closed) – Temperatures may be allowed to drop to 66°F.        



  • Research space temperatures will be addressed individually

  • Requests for variances shall be submitted to CPFM who will coordinate with EHS for investigation and approval.

Window Management

Window Management

  • Occupants are encouraged to responsibly manage manually operated windows by ensuring windows are closed when leaving the space or during adverse weather conditions.

Prohibited Accessory Equipment 

Prohibited Accessory Equipment 

  • Accessory electric heaters must meet current university safety and energy standards - DO NOT purchase or bring any space heaters from home.

  • If necessary, accessory space heaters must be approved and purchased by CPFM Facilities Services Electrical shop at Departmental expense.

  • Service calls resulting from use of non-approved devices will be charged to the responsible Department.

  • Contact CPFM Work Control Center @ 541-346-2319, or with all questions or concerns related to auxiliary heating appliances.

User-installed portable or window-mounted air conditioning units are prohibited.

Look for Space Heaters at 

Reporting Malfunctions or Uncomfortable Conditions:

  • Occupants are requested to report any malfunctioning systems to CPFM Work Control Center @ 541.346.2319,  or

  • Occupants who find this standard produces an uncomfortable environment are requested to contact CPFM Work Control  Center @ 541-346-2319 or

Contact Information:
