

For more information visit https://safety.uoregon.edu/building-environmental-science-team

The following program will apply to any potential exposure to lead, including but not limited to the removal of paint by any University of Oregon employee unless testing has shown that the surface does not contain lead or the building was built after 1978.  Potential lead exposure from sources other than lead-based paint will also cover employees.  This written program will be available to any employee upon request.  It is expected that any contractor working for the University of Oregon will be in compliance with the OR-OSHA program and perform work in a manner to minimize exposure to university employees, students and visitors.  

Following these standards and procedures will help protect employees from lead exposure.  Additionally, this program is designed to assure that the University is in compliance with Oregon Occupational Safety and Health rules 1910.1025 for lead.   
Departmental - Departments will be responsible for carrying out the Lead Exposure Protection Program in accordance with this written program, including associated expenses of air and medical monitoring.  

Role and Responsibilities:


Employees will be responsible for complying with procedures established by their supervisors to minimize potential lead exposure and inform their supervisor if they have health concerns that may be pertinent to lead exposure so the supervisor can arrange for appropriate consultations for the issue.  

Environmental  Health and Safety (EHS)  

EHS will be responsible for administrating and managing the lead exposure program, assisting departments in evaluating potential lead exposures, reviewing medical history of employees with potential lead exposure, consulting with the contract Occupational Health Physician, coordinating necessary environmental testing, and conducting periodic workplace inspections to ensure the program is working effectively.      


Supervisors will be responsible for identifying potential employee exposures to lead, developing standard operating procedures for routine work to comply with the UO written program, scheduling air monitoring with Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), scheduling employees for necessary medical testing, and informing EHS of employee health concerns with potential exposures to lead. 

University Health Center

 The University Health Center is responsible for conducting or arranging medical examinations of employees when necessary and advising EHS of the health of employees evaluated for potential lead exposure.  

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