Asbestos Survey (ACM)

Asbestos Survey (ACM)

Processing Asbestos Work Requests

Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM) is any material containing more than one percent asbestos. These materials are considered hazardous and associated with certain diseases and health concerns.  It is critical to have a plan in place for conducting tests on potentially asbestos-contaminating material (ACM) and for limiting its impact and exposure. This document details how to decide if a project requires ACM testing explains how to request testing when needed, and provides the EHS staff who are accessible asbestos contacts. 

Typically, the staff and supervisor decide when to involve EHS, based on the work to be completed. Any time the risk exists that a suspect building substance may be an asbestos-contaminating material (ACM), the goal is to ensure that it is non-asbestos before any work is done. In general, determine if the work will generate waste. Testing in all buildings, regardless of construction date. 



EHS is Not Necessary

EHS is Necessary

Wall prepping and painting

The wall is already in reasonable condition and the impact on existing finishes will be minimal.

The project includes actually removing and replacing material, like removing cove base or repairing existing finishes.


Maintaining HVAC unit

Tasks will not impact sealants, insulation, tar coatings, gasketing, isolation joints, or mastics. 

Major disassembly is involved, including separating panels, breaching sealant joints, or handling ductwork, insulation, or other suspect ACMs.


If in doubt, contact Building Environmental Science Services to help make the determination:

If you have involved EHS for testing, do not conduct work until you’ve heard back from EHS in writing that the coast is clear and work can proceed. You should receive a written survey report or bulk sample memo.

When you are cleared, the following guidelines apply to creating a work order:

  • Supervisor (initiator) decides whether or not it is appropriate to involve EHS.

  • A work order is created by the initiator, via CPFM’s Enterprise Asset Management System.

Work Control Center Process 





Step 1

Work Control receives a service request that disrupts a surface 

Step 2

Work Control creates a work order

Step 3

  • Phase 001 for Building Environmental Science Team problem code Asbestos Survey RBSYS or Customer Index / Labor - 23502 AND Contract - 24703

  • When WCC copies down to the 2nd phase for Facilities Service Center trades manually change all subledgers back to: 23555

  • The typical response for a simple request is 1-2 weeks; more complicated surveys may take longer. EHS will let you know if the requested timeline is not feasible

Step 4

Phase 002 for the trade doing the work (phase remains on hold)    RBSYS or Customer's index / All - 23555

Step 5

Work Control fill out the EHS online form:


  • make sure to make Work Control the requesting department, primary contact, primary phone and primary email.  Make sure to provide the work order number and phase

Step 6

EHS team will reply to Work Control with the survey via email

Step 7

 Work Control will attach the document to the phase, change EHS phase to complete

Step 8

Work Control will take the phase off hold

For more details on the Asbestos Management Program, please visit the following link:


If suspect ACMs have already been impacted, please call EHS at 6.3192 directly. Impacts to suspected ACMs are more urgent than we can respond to with the online request form. 

Good Information to keep in mind:

  • Best practice is to use a HEPA-equipped vacuum during clean-up following all work.

  • If a material has not been tested, or if you do not know, have it tested prior to impact.

  • All employees that may impact suspect ACMs during the course of their work are required to receive asbestos awareness training annually.

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