Developmental Opportunity
A developmental opportunity appointment is a temporary job assignment provided to an employee. It provides the employee an opportunity to gain new skills and experience relevant to his/her career goals. This is the process used by Facilities Services.
Position is identified and defined
Director/AD approval
Salary for temporary WOC may need to be updated
Send proposed email announcement using approved email template below to FASS HR for approval to distribute. If this is a new developmental opportunity (classification not previously reviewed by ClCo), FASS HR will work with ClCo to confirm classification of the work.
Announcement must include a detailed description of the work to be performed – break out by percentages totaling 100%. Note that if duties match an existing position, FASS-HR can pull job duties from the MyTrack PD.
Not all developmental opportunities will result in additional pay for the selected employee
Current unit may not be able to support a temporary vacancy
Send email announcement using approved email template below to the CPFM Facilities All Staff DG or targeted subset of employees
Ensure selected candidate is vetted
If WOC is being requested, create a FASS ticket include:
Draft Memo - do not provide to the employee until a WOC is approved
A resume or documentation stating how the employee meets MQs for the WOC opportunity
FASS HR will review and send on to Central HR Class and Comp for approval
Employee may not qualify for WOC due to MQs, or overlap in duties with employee’s current classification
Once approved send Developmental Opportunity Memo to selected candidate and review in person
If the candidate doesn't meet minimum qualifications they can still move forward but it is considered a training opportunity and not a WOC
Schedule reviews and document goal
Exit interview