Recruiting: Temporary/Interim/Limited Duration/Volunteer Employees

Recruiting: Temporary/Interim/Limited Duration/Volunteer Employees

This article outlines the recruitment processes used to fill Classified Temporary positions, Temporary Agency positions, and OA/Interim positions.

Interim OA Assignments are used to fill critical, short term business needs. A recruitment for a permanent position must be planned for the near future.

The process flows through MyTrack and requires exception level approval if interim appointment results in a 20% or more salary increase for employee.

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

 Classified Temporary



Hiring Supervisor

Sends request to FASS-HR requesting temporary employee.


Replies with Intake Form, Supervisor completes form and returns to FASS-HR.


Completes online form via University HR’s website, prints, routes to supervisor and presiding director for signatures.

FASS-HRSends completed Request to Hire form to University-HR's documents email for evaluation.

University HR

Operations team updates information in appropriate systems then alerts hiring supervisor and FASS-HR position is approved and start date is confirmed.

FASS-HRRequests a background check on the prospective temporary employee.


Notifies the Hiring Supervisor once the background check is cleared. Completes a New Employee Checklist for temporary employee.

FASS-PayrollCompletes the hiring paperwork with new temp employee and submits the PRF to Central Payroll. This should be done prior to the employee's start date to ensure their DuckID may be claimed as soon as possible so their access needs are set before their first day. 
Central PayrollA job record will be created in Banner, then a 95# will be automatically assigned. The employee can claim a Duck ID once the 95# is established through Claim a Duck ID.
Hiring SupervisorIT needs should be submitted to the appropriate IT group for the supported unit once the DuckID has been claimed.

Agency Temporary



Hiring Supervisor

Sends request to FASS-HR requesting temporary employee from an agency.


Replies with Intake Form, Supervisor completes form and returns to FASS-HR.


Contacts HRService Center requesting Authorization #.

Updates the department Master Workbook.

Acts as a contact liaison between the agency and the supervisor while candidates are reviewed.

FASS-HR/ Supervisor

Once an employee is directly appointed and/or chosen through brief recruitment process, FASS-HR will:

Work with agency to complete on-boarding logistics

Update the department Employment Master Workbook.

Send notice to: Agency, Department Supervisor, HR Service Center, FASSIT, FASS Payroll, Debbi Bell (AP), Work Control (if applicable) with the following information:

  • Authorization Number #
  • Work Order #
  • Phase #
  • Temporary Employee Full Name
  • Agency Classification
  • SEIU Classification
  • Supervisor Name
  • Hire Date
  • Bill Rate
  • Overtime Bill Rate
FASS-PurchasingInvoices from temporary employment agencies should be emailed to both University HR and FASS Accounts Payable per the Temporary Agency Service Contract Invoices procedure for processing.

Classified, Limited Duration



Hiring Supervisor

Submits a request to FASS Service Desk identifying a need for a Limited Duration classified employee.


Collaborates with Hiring Supervisor and creates a new position description identifying the position as Limited Duration.

FASS-HRSubmits position description to MyTrack as a new, Limited Duration position and uses the position description approval process.

University HR

Reviews the PD, assigns B# for the position.


Proceeds with the request using the Classified Recruitment or Direct Appointment Process as appropriate, indicating the position's end date in the posting of the position.

University HR 

Once the recruitment process is complete, UHR enters the PRF for the finalist with the end date.


Completes New Employee Checklist and onboarding process.

OA, Interim



Hiring Supervisor or FASS-HR

Obtain preliminary approval via e-mail from VP/Dean to pursue request for up to 1 year.

Hiring Supervisor

Prepare position description and  Justification Form:  business need, potential comparators (if known), and list the recurring funding sources. Send to FASS-HR.


Submits an NEW position description via MyTrack, attaches preliminary approval e-mail and Justification Memo in the NOTES tab of MyTrack.

University HR

Reviews in MyTrack: FLSA status (exempt or nonexempt), classification status, compensation band, salary commensurate with new position, and ensure the position’s responsibilities align with the requirements listed in the position description.


Will create a requisition via MyTrack using the Recruitment or Direct Appointment process.


Completes Offer Card via MyTrack

University HR

Will initiate exceptions approval process, if necessary.


Upon final confirmation, FASS-HR will submit details of interim position to FASS-Payroll including: Employee name, position #, pay rate, & application materials. Updates internal documents.

Hiring Supervisor

Communicates with employee(s), reviews position description with them.

Resources and Links

University HR OA, Interim: LINK

University HR Classified Temporary: LINK

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