Related Documents (AiM)

The Related Documents function allows the user to attach electronic files, such as documents, spreadsheets, or images, to their working record. Related documents can also point to a URL (web) shortcut.

Here are the steps to attach a document to a record.

  1. Locate the record to which you want to add a document.

  2. Select the Related Documents hyperlink found on the View Menu.

    • The Related Documents View enables users to attach electronic records, such as a documents, spreadsheets, or images from the record on which the user is working.

  3. Select image-20241014-204957.png.

  1. Select image-20241014-205209.png to open New Document.

  1. You will begin by clicking the image-20241014-205328.png icon.

  1. Locate the new document on your computer.

    • Alternatively, you could drag the document over the No files selected field to attach.

  2. Click:  image-20241014-205525.png

To Add Meta Data

  1. Complete the ...

    • Title - This will automatically populate with the document uploaded.

      • You have the option to change the Title at this time.



  1. To select Type, click the icon to open the Document Type screen. Document Type - This is a functional group of documents with a class like General, Image, Invoice, ….



  1. Once the Document Type has been selected, you will return to the New Document screen.

  2. Add Tags - Example: BILL INVOICE

    • This will assist the user when searching for the document.




  1. On the New Document Screen, click image-20241014-210127.png

  2. You will now be presented with an option to Add Permissions.  (If your system requires permissions to be placed on a document, contact your System Administrator for the appropriate permissions for the Document Type.) To add Permissions, click image-20241014-210147.png



  1. This will populate a list of Roles. Select each Role(s)  you will be adding to Permissions.

    • When a permission is applied to a document and then SAVEDOnly individuals with one of those roles will have access to that document. 



  1. Click image-20241014-210425.png

Attach Button

The Attach button allows you to search for content that has been loaded into AiM.



  1. The Attach button will begin with a search screen.  This will define your search to the documents inside of AiM.

  2. You can fill in the appropriate field to locate the specific document or Execute to see a listing of all available documents.



  1. Once you have selected the document, click Done. The chosen document will populate on your Document Listing.



Remove a Document

  1. Select the document you wish to remove.

  2. Click image-20241014-211124.png

  3. Confirm you want to delete this content. Click image-20241014-211151.png



The Related Document will no longer be present.


Understanding Link

Create a link between AiM and an External URL. 


  1. Begin by selecting theimage-20241014-211454.pngbutton. This will open the Web Link Screen.

  2. Complete the following fields...

    • Title

    • Extra Description

    • URL


  1. Click image-20241014-211622.png to return to the Related Documents screen.

  2. Click image-20241014-211757.png

  3. Click image-20241014-211812.png

The BACK Button will return your view to the record.