Accounts Payable Purchase Order Invoice (AiM)
Accounts Payable Purchase Order Invoice (AiM)
This procedure outlines the process for paying invoices initiated by AiM Purchase Orders.
FASS Agent Step-by-step guide
- The vendor sends the invoice to the Accounts Payable Specialist
- Invoices are either emailed or physically mailed (print emailed invoices)
- Invoices can either arrive before product delivery or after
- If the invoice arrives before delivery, securely store the invoice until the item has been received
- If the item has been received but the Purchase Order is not known the Accounts Payable Specialist will scan in the invoice and inquire with Buyers to get the PO Number.
- If service has been provided the Accounts Payable Specialist will contact Work Control.
- Print out the AiM PO FOPAL list every morning to cross reference with all invoices that come in during the work day
- Log on to Aim
- From the home page – select Accounts Payable (left-hand menu)
- Select Report listing (left-hand submenu) and select PO FOPAL Info to load the information report
- Print out the report
- Match the PO numbers of incoming invoices to line items on the PO FOPAL report
- Write the work order and phase number listed on the PO FOPAL report on the invoice itself
- Return to the AiM homepage
- Select Purchasing → Purchase Order
- Enter Purchase Order number in the PO code field and pull up the Purchase Order that corresponds to the PO listed on the invoice
Purchase Order Invoice - Select Purchase Order Invoice under the Action Menu
- This will load a Purchase Order Invoice transaction
- Review the Line Items for accuracy (update Line Item amounts if inaccurate)
- Purchase Order Invoice description box information needs to be reviewed by Tawnee (Vendor Invoice #, Idoc #, Vendor Name) - CONFIRM
- Enter the invoice number in the Invoice Number field
- Enter the date on the invoice in the Invoice Date field
- Scan the invoice and upload it to the PO Invoice under related documents
- File the invoice for future reference
Invoice Approval - Invoice approval criteria:
- Invoices under $500.00 can be approved by the Accounts Payable Specialist
- Invoices equal to or over $500.00 require supervisor approval
- Invoice approval/request is created by updating the status of the PO Invoice
- Select the query icon on the Status bar
- Select Approved if the amount is under $500.00
- Select Pending Approval if the amount is equal to or over $500.00
- Requesting supervisor approval if PO Invoice is in Pending Approval status
- Select User Defined Fields (located on left-hand menu)
- Designate an approver from the drop down menu
- Select Done
- The PO Invoice will be routed to the designated supervisor for approval - the status must be Approved before a transaction can be made in Banner
- Save the PO Invoice
- Once the PO Invoice has been approved (either by the Accounts Payable Specialist or supervisor) the invoice is ready to be paid in Banner
Paying the Invoice
- Log in to AiM and open the approved Purchase Order Invoice – keep this page open
- Log in to Banner on a separate tab
- Select the FAAINVE tab located on top ribbon menu
- Banner will generate a document number
- Copy the Banner Idoc number
- Go back to the AiM PO Invoice page
- Select Edit
- Select User Defined Fields (left-hand menu)
- Enter the Idoc number in the Banner Doc Num field
- Select Done
- Save the PO Invoice
- Return to the Banner page
- Enter the following information from the PO Invoice page into Banner
- Vendor number
- Date of invoice
- Select the icon next to the transaction date to generate today’s date
- Ensure the following information is correct in Banner:
- Address
- Payment Due Date (available on PO page)
- Enter vendor invoice number (available on POI page)
- On top ribbon menu – Select Options
- Select document text
- In the document text page enter the PO number, dollar amount, and work order number (SCREENSHOT)
- If the dollar amount is over $5,000 - include budget authority approver
- Enter the items the payment is being made for
- Enter the Accounts Payable Specialist name and phone number
- Select Save
- Click X to exit and go back to front page of Banner
- Select Next
- This will load the Commodities Info Page (SCREENSHOT)
- Enter the commodity code
- The commodities code list is available through the BAO office
- Enter the dollar amount in approved bar
- Select Next
- This will open the Invoice Accounting Distribution Page
- Enter the following information from the PO FOPAL report:
- Index, Account Code, and dollar amount
- Select Next
- This will load the Balancing completion page
- Ensure amounts are correct
- Select Complete
- Close Banner
- Return to the PO Invoice page in AiM
- Select the query icon on the Status bar
- Select the Paid line item
- Select Save
- If PO is fully paid, AiM will open a prompt asking if you still want to close the purchase order, select Yes
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