Please contact the Design and Construction office if you have any questions.
Response Protocol for Signage Requests
CPFM (Work Control) receives frequent and various requests for signage solutions from our campus customers. These requests can be resolved quickly and efficiently through the use of standard protocols which assign appropriate responsibility and funding based on the type of signage being requested.
Outlined below are four different types of signage requests that could be received through the Call Log, Small Project initiation, auxiliary to a nearby construction project, or through direct request from the User. The appropriate response and workflow protocol for each type are defined below the header and examples.
1. Standard Regulatory Interior Building Signage (Types A – J. See enclosed Signage Key.) Examples: Room Numbers
8.5x11 Thumb Slider Bldg Directory
Interior Accessibility or Regulatory Signage
Response Protocol:
For signage requests outside of a capital project, all regulatory and standard building signage is to be directed through the Call Log or Work Control and is procured and installed by Facilities Services.
Please see the CPFM website and click “Service Requests.””
Signage within general fund buildings and spaces is funded by Facilities Services. For non-general funded buildings and spaces, signage will be funded by the requestor.
These types of signs should be selected from the standard types A – J on the enclosed Signage Key, and do not require approval or design by Design and Construction or UO Communications. The Signage Key, along with instructions to the User, will be posted on the CPFM website. For Capital Projects, this activity will be managed through the project by the PM/OR.
2- Specialized Standalone Signs, Interior Wayfinding, Temporary Signage, and Building / Department Directories
3- Interior Departmental Branding and Identity
4- Exterior or Exterior-Facing Signage (all types)
Resources and Links
UO Communications: Contact: 541-346-3134
Initiate Marketing Communications Intake Form:
Applying the Brand: