1715 Franklin Admin Services Department Vehicles (22-06 and 24-11) Reservation

1715 Franklin has two department vehicles maintained by Administrative Services: Admin Services Vehicle 22-06 and Admin Services Vehicle 24-11. Each vehicle has a designated calendar that tracks checkouts and offers a centralized view of all activity. Below is the process for booking each vehicle and adding appointments to the calendars.

All vehicles driven on University business must be operated within the standards set forth in all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations, including but not limited to:

  • Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR)
  • Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OROSHA)
  • University of Oregon Policies
  • Oregon Vehicle Code

Failure to comply with these guidelines and any other applicable rules and regulations may result in formal discipline. Each driver is responsible for being familiar with all applicable rules and regulations prior to operating a vehicle.

Step-by-step guide

Reserving Vehicle

Reservation Priority

22-06 and 24-11 is also available to the Infosec team at 1715 Franklin to use. However, Admin Services and SRS reservation requests will take priority if the reservation is at least 2 business days before the desired reservation date. For example, if the vehicle is reserved by an IS department for May 19th but someone from Admin Services or SRS requests the vehicle for May 19th as well, their reservation will take priority as long as they sent in the request on May 17th or earlier. The Office Specialist will inform the bumped party so they may find other transportation options.

  1. Check to make sure the vehicle is available during the desired time. You can save the vehicle calendars for future reference by typing "as-vehicle" in the UO global address list:

  2. Add the appointment to your own calendar. Create a new meeting request and invite the vehicle for the time slot needed.
    1. Admin Services Vehicle 22-06: as-vehicle22-06@uoregon.edu 
    2. Admin Services Vehicle 24-11as-vehicle24-11@uoregon.edu
  3. Mark the time as Free. This will prevent the request from conflicting with your existing appointments.
  4. List your full name and department in the subject line.
    1. Type the vehicle name (Vehicle 22-06 or Vehicle 24-11) in the location line.
    2. If possible, provide the trip details in the body of the invite:
      1. Business purpose of the trip
      2. Event name/details
      3. Trip location
  5. You will receive an email stating the request was received and is pending approval. 

Need to make changes to the reservation?

  1. Go to your own calendar, click on the appointment and make adjustments. 
  2. The calendar is viewable by all UO Exchange users. They are allowed to see the Subject only.

Key Pick Up/Drop Off

Keys can be picked up and dropped off at the Administrative Services Reception Desk (Suite 173 in 1715 Franklin) between 7:30 am - 4:00 pm M-F.

  1. Return the vehicle to the designated parking spot.
  2. Return key to Admin Services reception: *If there is no one present, please wait to return the key until there is someone available to collect it.
    1. Notify reception if the vehicle needs gas.
    2. Hand in fuel receipts if applicable. 

Fueling Off-Campus

The Voyager Card will only be used for gas if traveling in the Admin Services Vehicles (22-06 or 24-11).

  1. The voyager card will be stored in the glove box of the vehicle, please check the glove box before leaving and contact the front desk if it is not there. 
  2. Hand the card to the gas attendant and give them the PIN # 97403.
  3. KEEP THE RECEIPT and note on the receipt the University of Oregon Vehicle Number (22-06 or 24-11).
  4. Return the receipt to the Admin Services reception desk upon returning.
  5. Leave the card in the glove box.

Provide Trip Details for Voyager Card Reconciliation 

Whenever an individual/department uses the Voyager card to refuel, FASS Accounts Payable requires both the receipt and trip details to process the transaction. Send an email to Celsie Smith (celsiesm@uoregon.edu) and include the following information:

  • Full name and department
  • Which vehicle was used
  • Business purpose of the trip
  • Date(s) of use
  • Event name/details
  • Trip location
  • Department Budget Approver
    • Department Index

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