1715 Franklin Reception Support

Administrative Services provides reception support for all of 1715 Franklin. The support includes greeting and directing visitors, receiving and distributing FedEx and UPS packages, and submitting building maintenance requests for the common areas (bathrooms, hallways, etc.). 

Notify Reception

If you have an upcoming meeting or event in 1715 Franklin and some attendees may not be familiar with the building, please send an email to Celsie Smith (celsiesm@uoregon.edu) at the front desk and include the following information:

  • What the event is
    • Meeting, candidate interviews, new employee orientation, training, etc. 
  • The event attendees
    • If this is a large meeting or training, reception can put up signs directing folks to the meeting/training room
  • When and where the event is happening
    • Conference room, EOC 271 Training Room, office number, etc.
  • How can Celsie help the visitors
    • Instruct them to wait in the lobby and inform the meeting organizer
    • Direct them to the event location
    • Make sure they parked in the visitor spot if one was reserved for them