On-Call Guide for SOC

On-Call Guide for SOC


Helps SOC determine what issues they should call FASS IT about after hours. If an issue needs to be reported to FASS IT OUTSIDE OF business hours (8a-5p M-F except holidays) please call 541-583-4917. Please call 6-2455 during normal hours.

FASS IT is on-call for genuine critical emergencies when having a system offline or non-functional greatly impacts the operations of the University or supported departments.

If you are unsure if something is an emergency, call your supervisor first for guidance. 

If the software you are using is having an issue please reboot the workstation before calling us to see if that resolves the issue.

Basic Information

Supported Departments

After hours support agreements are in place for the following specific departments. Other departments must meet the criteria below before the SOC may call the FASS IT emergency hotline.

  • CPFM Utilities & Energy (CPS)

  • UOPD

  • SRS - restricted to requests from Andre LeDuc, Krista Dillon, Ken Kato

Stuff FASS IT is not on-call for

  • General questions

  • Informational notices (i.e. the generator is running)

  • Phones not working on campus

  • Access to fuel pump for refueling vehicles - Call officer or CSO to get access after hours

  • Call Log issue or access to Call Log

  • Campus Wi-Fi issues - NTS

  • Environmental alarms - CPFM Duty Admin

  • Fire alarms (OnyxWorks) - SRS Fire Marshal

  • HVAC systems - CPFM Duty Admin

  • McMorran House Ring cams

  • Network issues for a non-supported department (e.g. Zebrafish/ZIRC, Athletics, Housing, etc) - NTS

  • Printers being down (unless test print from LEDs printer support fails: 503-378-5565)

  • Temperature alarms - CPFM Duty Admin

  • SmartSheet

  • Verifying door schedules

  • Rebooting the EPD 1 Radio due to key fail (call UOPD - any Watch Commander can do this)

Access Control

After Hours Issues

  • AMAG (Symmetry) client software or workstation not working for SOC staff and secondary/backup workstation unavailable.

  • Building/doors found unlocked when it should be locked

    • Before calling: Verify that the AMAG status also shows unlocked.

    • Before calling: Verify there is not a custom schedule set for that day that extended the unlock hours first before calling.

      • If a custom schedule is set, but should not have been, can call FASS IT to adjust/lock accordingly.

  • Deactivation of lost or stolen cards.

  • Door hardware - Call CPFM duty admin. (For example incorrect reader lights, door status not aligned with what’s showing in Symmetry, etc)

  • Elevators - If the issue is not related to a card reader (for example a door won't open, the elevator is stuck), call CPFM Duty Admin or Housing Duty Admin, depending on the impacted building. If reader is showing Granted Access, but selecting a floor isn’t working or the cab is not opening that is likely a hardware issue.

  • No cards working across campus or every card is not working for an entire building.

  • Same day schedule changes for lock/unlock schedules - Dispatch UOPD Officers/CSO's to lock/unlock relevant doors.

    • Emergency example: Threat or safety issue that needs a building locked immediately.

    • Non-emergency example: Building user wants hours extended for event or locked early because event is over.

Non-Emergency Issues

These issues can wait until the next business day. Submit a call log entry or FASS IT help ticket (fassit@uoregon.edu)

  • Card access additions or removals.

  • Keys and Locks - Direct customer to CPFM Work Control.

  • Locknetics/Omnilock devices - Direct customer to Vanessa Abbott for assistance.  NOTE:  UOPD should have a toggle code for Locknetics doors and if that doesn’t work, (UOPD needs to find their toggle code). Call the duty admin to address it. FASS IT cannot assist with these at all.

  • Single user's card not working or just a handful of cards not working on a building. Direct customer to Vanessa Abbott for card access programming and support.

  • Schedule changes that take place in the future (not same day).

Alarm Panels

Fire Panels

  • Fire panel issues go through SRS/EHS to handle. Drop a pin on the call log or follow other SOC procedures.

After Hours Issues

  • Manitou not working.

  • Multiple comm fails from several panels (fire or security).

Non-Emergency Issues

These issues can wait until the next business day. Submit a call log entry or FASS IT help ticket (fassit@uoregon.edu)

  • Add or remove user codes.

  • Inactive accounts.

  • Low battery or AC power failure signals.

  • Missing alarm points.

  • Runaway alarms.

  • Trouble alarms from alarm panels.

  • User code not working.

Security Cameras

After Hours Issues

  • All cameras not working across campus.

  • Cameras down during events (e.g. Autzen cameras not working during football game, MKA cameras not working during basketball game, cameras not working in vicinity of an ongoing protest, etc)

  • Milestone not working and it's creating an emergency that can't wait until business hours.

Non-Emergency Issues

These issues can wait until the next business day. Submit a call log entry or FASS IT help ticket (fassit@uoregon.edu)

  • Cameras not working, not related to any ongoing critical event.

  • Milestone client not working (on one workdesk, or for an officer) and can wait until next business day to resolve. Can see if web client is still working or mobile version on phone.

  • Smart Wall can wait until next business day if another Milestone workstation is working.


After Hours Issues

  • Radio(s) not working - Call FASS IT hotline for assistance with radios.

  • Radio workstations not working (but handheld radios working fine) - Call FASS IT first

  • SOC computer workstation(s) not working - Reboot before calling

  • SOC desk phones not working - Call Telecom

Non-Emergency Issues

These issues can wait until the next business day. Submit a call log entry or FASS IT help ticket (fassit@uoregon.edu)