Employee Cost & Backlog Summary

Employee Cost & Backlog Summary


Purpose:  To show how many weeks of backlog each shop has in non-routine workorders.

Link:  H:\Shared\Reporting\Production\Employee_Cost_and_Backlog_Summary\

End User:  Jeff Butler



Date Created:  12/9/2019

Created By:  Justin Porter

Approved By:  Alex Koleber, 2/7/2020


1.)All work order types/categories should be included except ADMIN type work orders.
2.)Only closed phases should be included in the average hours calculation for non-routine workorders.
3.)Phases are considered OPEN if they are in one of the following statuses: 'NEW','PLANNING','SCHEDULING','ASSIGNED','WORK IN PROGRESS','HOLD','PURCHASING HOLD','SERVICE HOLD'
4.)Any phases currently open, but with more hours than the average, should be considered closed for the purposes of this report.
5.)Current backlog weeks = (Open Phase Projected Hours / Crew Size / Available Hours)
6.)Crew size = shop persons in shop with 'TRADE' or 'COORDINATOR' default labor class
7.)Routine workorder hours are based on FY20 work only, regardless of phase status.


Platform:  Excel

Data Source:  AiM Prod


Change Log

Edit DateEdits Made
2/25/2020Changed definition of open phases to exclude phases that have more hours than the calculated average.
4/8/2020Added Summary tab, changed materials to only include FS GF indexes.