Cash Award Program (IT)

Use this article to process cash rewards for meritorious circumstances for certain IT employee classifications.

See Cash Award Program (IT) Workflow

Step-by-step guide

  1. Supervisor requests they want to request a Cash Reward for completion of a special project, achievement of a higher competency level, or significant events worthy of monetary recognition per the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

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  1. FASS HR works with the supervisor to create a memo that includes justification and reward amount (not to exceed 7.25% of the employee's salary).

  2. Supervisor and AVP of unit signs memo.

  3. FASS HR submits memo to UHR Class & Compensation via

  4. UHR provides a summary of the request and compensation analysis to VP for evaluation.

  5. VP approves request and UHR disseminates that information to FASS HR. If request is denied, FASS HR communicates decision to supervisor.

  6. If approved, FASS HR notifies supervisor, and coordinates with FASS Payroll to process the cash award.
  7. FASS HR saves documentation in employee's personnel file.

Resources and Links

CBA: Collective Bargaining Agreement

UHR: University HR

AVP: Associate Vice President