Inventory Reorder Generator/Worksheet

Inventory Reorder Generator/Worksheet

These instructions outline the procedures to use the Inventory Reorder Generator and auto-generate Purchase Orders for the Stores Warehouse. 

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

  1. Log into AiM
  2. From the Aim Work Desk screen select Inventory, then Inventory Reorder Generator new entry link 
  3. Enter into the description box 
    1. the date  
  4. Update the remaining fields in the header (required fields are highlighted red)                                         
    1. Warehouse – this will be Stores 
    2. Update filters you would like to select (Filters are not required but will refine the list) 
      1. Users have the ability to filter part selection by one or a combination class, commodity, item, start & end bins 

  5. Reorder Transaction number- used to look up existing Inventory Reorder worksheets  
  6. Finalize- If set to yes, Reorder will finalize corresponding purchase order associated with reorder generator 
  7. Parts- This is the list of parts from predefined criteria that have on hand quantity below target level 
  8. Calculated Qty- The quantity on hand 
  9. Reorder level- Triggers a reorder when on hand quantity is less than or equal to reorder level  
  10. Target level-Desired Quantity on hand level when reordering  
  11. Order Quantity- Target level- Calculated Qty
  12. Select Save after filters are updated  
  13. Select Generate 
  14. Message will appear asking to proceed, select yes 
  15. View any parts that were not processed select Generation Errors 

Reorder Generator calculates reorder needs based on the ‘Reorder Level’ and ‘Target Level’.