Office Coordination: Moving Existing Employee Office
Office Coordination: Moving Existing Employee Office
The Administrative Coordinator is in charge of office coordination, this involves coordinating with existing employees to move workspaces when requested. This article will provide a checklist and instructions.
Step-by-step guide
- The employee or their supervisor will submit a ticket request to move.
FASS Agent Step-by-step guide
- Confirm the following information with the employee and their supervisor in the ticket:
- New office/workstation location
- Date of move
- Index to charge work to
- What furniture/equipment needs to be moved
- Internet Connection: submit an NTS ticket
- provide the jack numbers for NTS to activate
- These will be found in the office/workspace of the new employee)
- Tip: phone jack numbers are odd and data jack numbers are even
- Building 1715 Franklin or 130
- Description: request data activation
- comment on the Jira ticket with the Service Request ID number
- In the linked IT ticket comment when the data jacks will be live so FASS IT can plan accordingly
- provide the jack numbers for NTS to activate
- Create workstation move ticket for FASS IT - link to office move ticket and coordinate with IT so workstation move takes place at the name time phone/data jacks are migrated
- Create work control ticket to move office furniture if applicable
- Coordinate with all parties involved to ensure furniture move happens when workstation and phone/data jacks move happen.
- Cc employee that is moving and their supervisor in the email so they can be kept in the loop.
- If something needs to be mounted on the wall or any holes are drilled into the walls, make sure to include that in the ticket. EH&S will need to conduct an asbestos test before drilling can happen.
- Coordinate with all parties involved to ensure furniture move happens when workstation and phone/data jacks move happen.
- Determine if office furniture is needed with the supervisor, place orders as necessary
- Get a trash can from Stores if there is not one in the office
- Office key - request a new office key or transfer key from the previous office occupant
- Request a new key:
- submit an advanced key order request on behalf of the new employee
- Index: confirm unit index with supervisor
- People: New employee first and last name, 95#, staff
- Once the electronic form is submitted, fill out the same information in the physical request form
- Once the employee starts - have them sign the key form and sign it as the authorized requester
- The key should be ready within 48 hours, go to the key office in the EMU and pick up the key
- Keep the new key and key form until the employee has moved and collect the key for their old office
- Transfer key from the previous office occupant
- Send an email to the key office and inform them of the key ownership change
- Request a new key:
- Office sign: move the existing sign or create a new office sign listing the employee's name and title
- see attached template
Follow up with employee to see if they need assistance with anything else.
- Resolve the ticket when done.
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