Position Descriptions: Creating or Updating a Position Description

Position Descriptions: Creating or Updating a Position Description

Use this article to process new position creation or updates to an existing position description.

See Position Description Development Workflow

Step-by-step guide

  1. The supervisor submits a request to edit a position description or to create a new position to the FASS Service Desk.
  2. Required documents:
    1. Position Description w/ Track Changes
    2. Organizational Chart Reflecting Changes (provided by FASS)
    3. Budget authority approval email (if new position)

FASS Agent Step-by-step guide

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  1. FASS HR reviews request and collaborates with supervisor to complete PD.

  2. Once complete, FASS HR will: 
    1. Complete Class&Comp Comparison Chart.
      1. Compare edited PD to original PD and OUS Class Specifications. If the position is new, use comparators in the same classification, as well as comparators from higher and lower classifications.
      2. Highlight differences and similarities between proposed PD and comparators, particularly pertaining to scope and duties performed.
      3. If position is existing, determine if a reclassification or expansion of duties is necessary. If so, FASS HR will continue the request using the Reclassification or Expansion of Duties process. 
  3. If the position is new:
    1. Enter the PD into MyTrack as a new position.
    2. Attach org chart, funding justification/budget approval email.
    3. Submit using the Delegated Recruitment Partner model (DRP) New or Revised Position Approval Process:
      1. Recruitment Partner Level 1: FASS-HR AD 
      2. Recruitment Partner Level 2: FASS Director for budget authority approval
      3. Unit Director/Head: Departmental Director
      4. UHR Class & Comp
      5. UHR Data Team
  4. If the position is existing:
    1. Edit the PD in MyTrack as an edit to a previously approved PD.
    2. Attach org chart if necessary.
    3. Submit using the DRP New or Revised Position Approval Process:
      1. Recruitment Partner Level 1: FASS-HR AD 
      2. Recruitment Partner Level 2: FASS Director for budget authority approval
      3. Unit Director/Head: Departmental Director
      4. Class & Comp: If edits are substantive, PD will go to UHR for approval. If non-substantive, PD will go to FASS-HR AD for final approval.
      5. UHR Data Team
  5. If approved, FASS HR notifies position supervisor by printing two copies of the PD, one for the supervisor's records, and one to be signed by the employee and returned to FASS-HR via Campus Mail.
  6. If existing position, FASS-HR completes New Employee Checklist (NEC) sections if appropriate.


Resources and Links

OUS Class Specs: LINK



UHR Guide to PDs: LINK

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